The SciChart WebAssembly Context containing native methods and access to our WebGL2 Engine
The Viewport Size
The id of the canvas of the calling surface. Used to allow this to call a redraw
Gets the current viewport Size
Should store references to all cached WebGlResources ICacheable Is used to invalidate the resources when the WebGL context is lost.
in hex format e.g. #FF6600 or CSS rgba format rgb(255,70,30,0.8)
in pixels
true if the pen draws an Anti-Aliased linez
color in hex format, e.g. #FF6600 or CSS rgba format rgb(255,70,30,0.8)
from 0.0 to 1.0
Deletes native (WebAssembly) memory used by this type, after which it cannot be used.
An array of x,y points arranged as x0y0 x1y1 ... xnyn
the pen to draw with
the series viewRect, used for translate and clipping
whether to draw lines as a polyline, or disconnected lines
Draw lines: grid lines, etc.
offset in pixels from left, typically used for axes
offset in pixels from top, typically used for axes
Draw rectangles: grid bands, etc.
offset in pixels from left, typically used for axes
offset in pixels from top, typically used for axes
Enqueues a draw operation to the specified layer. Use in combination with drawLayers to flush layered draws
the Draw Function to enqueue
the Layer to draw to
Get a native font. Fonts are cached and shared within webassembly so there is no need to cache them in JS. Set advanced: true if you are planning to rotate or scale the text. Set drawEarly: true if you are planning to call font.End() early. Otherwise all native text will be drawn at the end of the render cycle.
Get the native {@link SCRTRenderContext} for direct access to SciChart's WebAssembly Visual Xccelerator engine
Pops a ShaderEffect from the rendering pipeline. Call {@link WebGL2RenderingContext.pushShaderEffect} to apply an effect
Applies a ShaderEffect to the rendering pipeline. Calling {@link WebGL2RenderingContext.popShaderEffect} pops the effect from the stack reverting to normal drawing
the ShaderEffect to apply to subsequent draw operations
Generated using TypeDoc
Creates an instance of the WebGlRenderContext2D