in hex format e.g. #FF6600 or CSS rgba format rgb(255,70,30,0.8)
in pixels
true if the pen draws an Anti-Aliased linez
color in hex format, e.g. #FF6600 or CSS rgba format rgb(255,70,30,0.8)
from 0.0 to 1.0
Deletes native (WebAssembly) memory used by this type, after which it cannot be used.
An array of x,y points arranged as x0y0 x1y1 ... xnyn
the pen to draw with
the series viewRect, used for translate and clipping
whether to draw lines as a polyline, or disconnected lines
Generated using TypeDoc
The RenderContext provides methods for drawing to a WebGL WebAssembly Canvas or standard HTML5 Canvas. This interface is used in SciChart's High Performance Realtime JavaScript Charts to draw shapes, lines, fills, images and more