Creates an instance of PyramidPointMarker3D
The SciChart 3D WebAssembly Context containing native methods and access to our WebGL2 Engine and WebAssembly numerical methods
Optional parameters of type IBasePointMarker3DOptions used to configure the point-marker
Event handler which informs subscribers that a property has changed and the surface needs redrawing
The SciChart 3D WebAssembly Context containing native methods and access to our WebGL2 Engine and WebAssembly numerical methods
Gets or sets the point-marker fill as an HTML Color Code
Gets or sets the point-marker fill as an HTML Color Code
Defines the MarkerType, e.g. pixel point marker, Mesh (3d object) or textured-quad
Gets or sets the size of the point-marker in world coordinates
Gets or sets the size of the point-marker in world coordinates
Notifies listeners to propertyChanged that a property has changed and redraw is required
the property name
Generated using TypeDoc
The PyramidPointMarker3D adds a 3D Pyramid to each XYZ point in a 3D Scatter or Bubble series
See related class ScatterRenderableSeries3D which renders a BasePointMarker3D at each Xyz point in an XyzDataSeries3D Data Series.