Sets the legend background color. Defaults to theme.legendBackgroundBrush
Defines the operation that modifier should respond to
A unique Id for the ChartModifierBase2D
Callback when a legend item checkbox is checked or unchecked (by default, this corresponds to IRenderableSeries.isVisible
Set this only if you need to pass in a custom legend instance. showCheckboxes, showSeriesMarkers and isCheckedChangedCallback will be set on the instance you pass if specified in the options.
Sets the margin for the legend control
Defines the Modifier Group string - a grouping by ID for sharing mouse events across charts
Sets the initial orientation of the legend. See ELegendOrientation for a list of values
Sets the initial legend placement in the parent chart surface. See ELegendPlacement for a list of values
The parent div element Id or reference, the Legend will be appended to this element
Sets whether the legend has visibility checkboxes in it or not
Sets whether the legend is initially visible or not
Sets whether Series markers are visible or not
Sets the legend text color. Defaults to theme.labelForegroundBrush
The XAxis Id to be used by annotations internal to the modifier. Set if you have multiple x axes and need to distinguish between horizontal/vertical, or stacked axes
Defines the Xy Direction - whether the modifier works in X, Y or XY or neither direction, for vertical charts the behaviour could be inverted, for example for vertical chart with RubberBandXyZoomModifier and EXyDirection.XDirection the modifier works on Y axis
The YAxis Id to be used by annotations internal to the modifier. Set if you have multiple y axes and need the modifier to use something other than the first one.
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Optional parameters used to configure a LegendModifier at construct time