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Optional backgroundColor

backgroundColor: string

Sets the legend background color. Defaults to theme.legendBackgroundBrush

Optional margin

margin: number

Sets the margin for the legend control

Optional orientation

orientation: ELegendOrientation

Sets the initial orientation of the legend. See ELegendOrientation for a list of values

Optional placement

placement: ELegendPlacement

Sets the initial legend placement in the parent chart surface. See ELegendPlacement for a list of values

Optional placementDivId

placementDivId: string | HTMLDivElement

The parent div element Id or reference, the Legend will be appended to this element

Optional showCheckboxes

showCheckboxes: boolean

Sets whether the legend has visibility checkboxes in it or not

Optional showLegend

showLegend: boolean

Sets whether the legend is initially visible or not

Optional showSeriesMarkers

showSeriesMarkers: boolean

Sets whether Series markers are visible or not

Optional textColor

textColor: string

Sets the legend text color. Defaults to theme.labelForegroundBrush

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