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Options to pass to the StackedMountainRenderableSeries constructor




Optional animation

An animation that runs on the start, child class to SeriesAnimation

Optional curvature

curvature: number

A scale factor for the tightness of the curves. Valid values 0 to 1. Lower = tighter curves

Optional dataLabelProvider

A DataLabelProvider used for creating and drawing per-point text.

Optional dataSeries

dataSeries: IDataSeries

The DataSeries which provides a datasource for this IRenderableSeries to draw

Optional fill

fill: string

The column fill as an HTML color code

Optional id

id: string

A unique Id for the IRenderableSeries

Optional interpolationPoints

interpolationPoints: number

The number of points to add between each data point. Default 20 These are Not uniformly distributed, but clutered around the data points to give smoother curves

Optional onHoveredChanged

onHoveredChanged: TSeriesHoverChangedCallback | string

Optional callback function when hovered changed. Also see IRenderableSeries.hovered event handler

Optional onIsVisibleChanged

onIsVisibleChanged: TSeriesVisibleChangedCallback | string

Optional callback function when isVisible changed. Also see IRenderableSeries.isVisibleChanged event handler

Optional onSelectedChanged

onSelectedChanged: TSeriesSelectionChangedCallback | string

Optional callback function when selected changed. Also see IRenderableSeries.selected event handler

Optional opacity

opacity: number

An Opacity factor of the Series that controls its semi-transparency level, where value 1 means the Series is opaque; 0 - transparent.

Optional paletteProvider

An optional IPaletteProvider which is used to provide per data-point coloring or paletting.


See IStrokePaletteProvider for per data-point coloring of lines or strokes, IFillPaletteProvider for per data-point coloring of fills or series bodies, and IPointMarkerPaletteProvider for per data-point coloring of point-markers

Optional stroke

stroke: string

The column stroke as an HTML color code

Optional strokeDashArray

strokeDashArray: number[]

The StrokeDashArray defines the stroke or dash pattern for the Y0 line. Accepts an array of values, e.g. [2,2] will have a line of length 2 and a gap of length 2.

Optional strokeThickness

strokeThickness: number

The column strokeThickness

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