Axis3D Gridline and Label Spacing (Interval)
Axis 3D Gridline and Label Spacing obeys the same rules as SciChart 2D. Here are the key principles.
- Each axis has a axisCore.MajorDelta and axisCore.MinorDelta, which specify the interval of major gridlines / labels and minor gridlines respectively. These are normally calculated automatically. They can be set manually along with axis.autoTicks = false to achieve user-defined intervals.
- You can also set hints such as axis.maxAutoTicks or axis.minorsPerMajor to adjust the number of gridlines using the automatic built-in intervals.
- Or, if you want fine-grained control over gridline spacing and to apply custom or dynamic rules, you can create a TickProvider plugin to do it
Background reading: Read the Axis Ticks - Gridline and Label Spacing and the advanced article Axis Ticks - Programmatic Gridline Spacing to learn more about this powerful API.
Simple Example of spacing Gridlines
Here is a code sample that demonstrates the three ways to space gridlines.
Automatic Spacing
Automatic gridline and label spacing (default) can be adjusted by setting the axis.maxAutoTicks and axis.minorsPerMajor properties.
Manual Spacing
To manually specify gridline and label intervals, set axis.autoTicks = false then set axisCore.MajorDelta and axisCore.MinorDelta.
Custom Spacing
Finally, to specify custom spacing or irregular spacing, you can create a class which inherits from NumericTickProvider and attach to the axis like this.
Putting this all together, we've created an example to show you all three spacing methods in one 3D chart.
<div class="wrapper"> <div id="scichart-root" ></div> <div class="titleWrapper"> <p class="title">SciChart.js 3D Chart Example</p> <p class="subTitle">Demonstrating Label, Gridline Spacing</p> <p class="subTitle">Drag the mouse to rotate, use MouseWheel to zoom</p> </div> </div>
body { margin: 0; font-family: Arial; } .wrapper { width: 100%; height: 100vh; position: relative; } #scichart-root { width: 100%; height: 100%; position: relative; } .titleWrapper { position: absolute; width: 100%; top: 35%; text-align: center; pointer-events: none; color: #ffffff77 } .title { font-size: 20px; } .subTitle { font-size: 16px; }
async function gridlineLabelSpacing(divElementId) { const { SciChart3DSurface, NumericAxis3D, Vector3, SciChartJsNavyTheme, NumberRange, MouseWheelZoomModifier3D, OrbitModifier3D, ResetCamera3DModifier, } = SciChart; // or, for npm, import { SciChart3DSurface, ... } from "scichart" // Create a SciChart3DSurface in the host <div id=".." /> const { wasmContext, sciChart3DSurface } = await SciChart3DSurface.create(divElementId, { theme: { SciChartJsNavyTheme(), majorGridLineBrush: "#F48420", minorGridLineBrush: "#882B91" }, worldDimensions: new Vector3(300, 200, 300), cameraOptions: { position: new Vector3(-300, 300,-300), target: new Vector3(0, 50, 0), } }); // #region ExampleA // Define the X Axis with automatic spacing, and optional hint to set the max // number of gridlines, labels and minor gridlines sciChart3DSurface.xAxis = new NumericAxis3D(wasmContext, { axisTitle: "X [Automatic Spacing]", visibleRange: new NumberRange(0, 10), autoTicks: true, // default value is true. Major/Minor Deltas are calculated automatically maxAutoTicks: 5, // Hint: 5 major gridlines and labels minorsPerMajor: 4, // Exact: 4 minor gridlines per major gridline }); // #endregion // #region ExampleB sciChart3DSurface.yAxis = new NumericAxis3D(wasmContext, { axisTitle: "Y [Manual Spacing]", visibleRange: new NumberRange(0, 10), autoTicks: false, // Major/Minor Deltas are specified manually majorDelta: 5, minorDelta: 1, }); // #endregion // #region ExampleC const { NumericTickProvider // or import { NumericTickProvider } from "scichart"; } = SciChart; // Custom TickProvider implementation // class CustomTickProvider extends NumericTickProvider { constructor(wasmContext) { super(wasmContext); } // returns an array of minor gridline positions in data space // Called once per draw. Can be dynamic getMinorTicks(minorDelta, majorDelta, visibleRange) { // Todo here: calculate your tick spacing based on axis minorDelta, majorDelta and visibleRange // Note we do not return major ticks here, so minor ticks exclude the majors return [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 3.0, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.8, 4.2, 4.4, 4.6, 4.8, 5.0, 5.2, 5.4, 5.6, 5.8, 6.0, 6.2, 6.4, 6.6, 6.8, 7.0, 7.2, 7.4, 7.6, 7.8, 8.2, 8.4, 8.6, 8.8, 9.0, 9.2, 9.4, 9.6, 9.8]; } // returns an array of major gridline positions in data space // Called once per draw. Can be dynamic getMajorTicks(minorDelta, majorDelta, visibleRange) { // Todo here: calculate your tick spacing based on axis minorDelta, majorDelta and visibleRange // Note we return the major tick intervals and label intervals here return [0,1,2,4,8]; } } // Create the X-Axis sciChart3DSurface.zAxis = new NumericAxis3D(wasmContext, { axisTitle: "Z [Custom Spacing]", visibleRange: new NumberRange(0, 10), }); // Apply the tick provider sciChart3DSurface.zAxis.tickProvider = new CustomTickProvider(wasmContext) // #endregion // Optional: add zooming, panning for the example sciChart3DSurface.chartModifiers.add( new MouseWheelZoomModifier3D(), // provides camera zoom on mouse wheel new OrbitModifier3D(), // provides 3d rotation on left mouse drag new ResetCamera3DModifier()); // resets camera position on double-click }; gridlineLabelSpacing("scichart-root");