All the ChartModifiers provided by SciChart.js implement the IChartModifierBase interface and derive from the ChartModifierBase class. These provide a powerful API which gives the full access to internals of a chart, axes, series, annotations, mouse, touch events and more.
Please refer to the What is a ChartModifier article for the complete list of all the Chart Modifiers available out of the box in SciChart.
Common Features of Chart Modifiers
ChartModifierBase type
The ChartModifierBase type has the following public API.
Feature | Description |
.parentSurface | A property to get the parent SciChartSurface when the modifier is attached. |
.isEnabled | A property which determines if the current modifier is enabled or not |
.isAttached | When true, the modifier is attached to a parent SciChartSurface |
.receiveHandledEvents | When true, the modifier will receive all events even if that event is marked as handled by a previous modifier. When false (default), the modifier will not receive events if they are handled. |
onAttach() | A function (which may be overridden) which is called when the modifier is attached to a SciChartSurface. |
onParentSurfaceRendered() | A function (which may be overridden) which is called when the parent SciChartSurfaceis rendered. |
modifierMouseDown() | A function (which may be overridden) which is called when a mouse or touch-down event occurs on the parent SciChartSurface. |
modifierMouseMove() | A function (which may be overridden) which is called when a mouse or touch-move event occurs on the parent SciChartSurface. |
modifierMouseUp() | A function (which may be overridden) which is called when a mouse or touch-up event occurs on the parent SciChartSurface. |
modifierMouseWheel() | A function (which may be overridden) which is called when a mouse wheel event occurs on the parent SciChartSurface. |
modifierDoubleClick() | A function (which may be overridden) which is called when a mouse or touch double-click event occurs on the parent SciChartSurface. |
modifierMouseEnter() | A function (which may be overridden) which is called when a mouse-enter event occurs on the parent SciChartSurface. |
modifierMouseLeave() | A function (which may be overridden) which is called when a mouse-leave event occurs on the parent SciChartSurface. |
ChartModifierBase2D Type
The ChartModifierBase2D type provides a base class for all modifiers on 2D SciChartSurfaces. Use this type when creating custom modifiers for 2D Charts.
ChartModifierBase3D Type
The ChartModifierBase3D type provides a base class for all modifiers on SciChart3DSurfaces. Use this type when creating custom modifiers for 3D Charts.