The color of the segment as an HTML color code
An optional color gradient
An optional color gradient
The amount to shift the segment when it is selected. Default 15 px
The amount to shift the segment when it is selected. Default 15 px
Whether the segment is selected. Selected segments are shifted outwards by the delta
Whether the segment is selected. Selected segments are shifted outwards by the delta
Optional class that can override the default label formatting for this segment only. Must be or inherit from PieLabelProvider
Optional class that can override the default label formatting for this segment only. Must be or inherit from PieLabelProvider
Gets or sets a TTextStyle object for styling labels for this segment only
Gets or sets a TTextStyle object for styling labels for this segment only
The previous value of the segment, if it has been updated. Used for animations
A relative adjustment of the radius for this segment. eg 1.5 will be 50% larger than normal
A relative adjustment of the radius for this segment. eg 1.5 will be 50% larger than normal
The amount the segment is shifted radially outwards. Automatically set during selected/deselection animations Do not set this directly. Use delta and isSelected instead
The amount the segment is shifted radially outwards. Automatically set during selected/deselection animations
When true, show the label on this pie segment, else false
When true, show the label on this pie segment, else false
A text value for the segment which will be displayed in the legend
A text value for the segment which will be displayed in the legend
The numerical value of the segment
The numerical value of the segment
Generated using TypeDoc
The color of the segment as an HTML color code