An optional legend of type SciChartPieLegend which may be added to the Pie chart
An event handler which notifies its subscribers when a render operation has finished. Use this to time render performance, or to update elements of the chart or your UI on redraw.
Gets or sets canvas border
Gets or sets canvas border
Gets or sets the hole radius, which allows you to create Donut charts instead of Pie.
Gets or sets the hole radius, which allows you to create Donut charts instead of Pie.
Gets or sets the hole radius size mode for Donut charts. See ESizingMode for a list of values
Gets or sets the hole radius size mode for Donut charts. See ESizingMode for a list of values
Gets or sets a LabelProvider - a class which is responsible for formatting axis labels and cursor labels from numeric values
Gets or sets a LabelProvider - a class which is responsible for formatting axis labels and cursor labels from numeric values
Use this to adjust the position of the labels. 1 is the default. Larger values will shift the labels outwards. For Pie charts, 1.7 will place the labels outside the pie If you want more detailed control you can override calcTitlePosition.
Use this to adjust the position of the labels. 1 is the default. Larger values will shift the labels outwards. If you want more detailed control you can override calcTitlePosition.
Gets or sets a TTextStyle object for styling labels
Gets or sets a TTextStyle object for styling labels
Used internally - gets the previous IThemeProvider
Used internally - gets the previous IThemeProvider
Whether to show labels as percentages, or raw values. Default to percentages
Whether to show labels as percentages, or raw values. Default to percentages
Add an IDeleteable object to the surface which will have its delete method called when the surface is deleted
Applies a theme (defined by IThemeProvider) to the current element
The theme data to apply
The method used to calculate the label position for each segment
Changes the size of the DOM element where the SciChartSurfaceBase resides.
Changes the Viewport Size of the SciChartSurfaceBase
Deletes native (WebAssembly) memory used by this type, after which it cannot be used.
Used Internally. Cleans up the chart internal parts, subscriptions, etc.
Call invalidateElement() to trigger a redraw of the SciChartPieSurface. SciChart's rendering engine will schedule a redraw a the next time the renderer is free.
Convert the surface to a TSurfaceDefinition
If false, segments will be included in the json
Called internally - Updates and draws the Pie Chart
Creates a SciChartPieSurface to occupy the div by element ID in your DOM.
Generated using TypeDoc
The SciChartPieSurface is the root Pie and Donut Chart control in SciChart's High Performance Real-time JavaScript Chart Library
To create a Pie chart using SciChart, declare a SciChartPieSurface using SciChartPieSurface.create,
Next, add a pie segments by adding a PieSegment to the SciChartPieSurface.pieSegments collection.
You can create a donut chart by setting the SciChartPieSurface.holeRadius property.
You can add and configure a legend by setting the SciChartPieSurface.legend property.
It is possible to have more than one SciChartPieSurface on screen at the same time. SciChartPieSurfaces scale to fit the parent DIV where they are hosted. Use CSS to position the DIV.