  • Public
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Options passed to the constructor of an AnnotationBase, used to configure it at instantiation time




Optional annotationLayer

annotationLayer: EAnnotationLayer

The layer to place the annotation on. See EAnnotationLayer for a list of values


applicable only to WebGL annotations

Optional annotationsGripsFill

annotationsGripsFill: string

The fill color for the adorner drag handle

Optional annotationsGripsRadius

annotationsGripsRadius: number

The radius of the adorner drag handle

Optional annotationsGripsStroke

annotationsGripsStroke: string

The stroke color for the adorner drag handle

Optional dragPoints

dragPoints: keyof EDraggingGripPoint[]

The dragPoints that should be enabled for this annotation

Optional id

id: string

A unique Id for the IAnnotation

Optional isEditable

isEditable: boolean

if true, the annotation is editable (can be dragged and manipulated by the user)

Optional isHidden

isHidden: boolean

if true, the annotation is hidden

Optional isSelected

isSelected: boolean

When true, the annotation is in the selected state

Optional onClick

onClick: ((args: AnnotationClickEventArgs) => void) | string

Callback function called when the annotation is clicked. Fires even for non Editable annotations

Optional onDrag

onDrag: ((args: AnnotationDragDeltaEventArgs) => void) | string

Callback function called when drag operation is in progress. Only applicable if isEditable is true

Optional onDragEnded

onDragEnded: (() => void) | string

Callback function called when drag has ended. Only applicable if isEditable is true

Optional onDragStarted

onDragStarted: (() => void) | string

Callback function called when drag has started. Only applicable if isEditable is true

Optional onHover

onHover: ((args: AnnotationHoverEventArgs) => void) | string

Callback function called when the annotation is hovered. Fires even for non Editable annotations

Optional opacity

opacity: number

Sets an opacity override for the entire annotation, from 0..1

Optional resizeDirections

resizeDirections: EXyDirection

set annotation resize direction

Optional selectionBoxDelta

selectionBoxDelta: number

How much bigger the selection box is than the bounding box of the annotation, in pixels

Optional selectionBoxStroke

selectionBoxStroke: string

The stroke color for the adorner selection box

Optional selectionBoxThickness

selectionBoxThickness: number

The thickness of the selection box line

Optional x1

x1: number

the X1 coordinate of the annotation


The X1 coordinate obeys xCoordinateMode which defines whether the X1 coordinate is a pixel, data-value or relative coordinate

Optional x2

x2: number

the X2 coordinate of the annotation


The X1 coordinate obeys xCoordinateMode which defines whether the X2 coordinate is a pixel, data-value or relative coordinate

Optional xAxisId

xAxisId: string

The current XAxis Id that this IAnnotation is bound to


By default all Annotations will draw on the first X,Y axis pair in SciChart. If you want this to change, you must add a second axis to your SciChartSurface and link the IAnnotation by Axis Id.

For example:

const sciChartSurface: SciChartSurface;
const primaryXAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext); // Has Id = AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID
const primaryYAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext); // Has Id = AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID

const secondaryXAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext); // For subsequent X,Y axis set an Id
secondaryXAxis.id = "SecondaryXAxis";
const secondaryYAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext);
secondaryYAxis.id = "SecondaryYAxis";

// Add all Axis to the chart

// Add an Annotation on the default axis
const annotation = new LineAnnotation(wasmContext); // xAxisId, yAxisId Defaults to AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID

// Add an Annotation on the specific axis
const annotation2 = new LineAnnotation(wasmContext);
annotation2.xAxisId = "SecondaryXAxis";
annotation2.yAxisId = "SecondaryYAxis";

The default value is set to AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID.

Optional xCoordinateMode

xCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode

The X-Coordinate mode. See ECoordinateMode for a list of values


Want to display an annotation stretching across the entire width (or height) or the SciChartSurface? The ECoordinateMode enum has options which allow for relative, absolute or pixel coordinates which define annotation placement.

Optional y1

y1: number

the Y1 coordinate of the annotation


The Y1 coordinate obeys xCoordinateMode which defines whether the Y1 coordinate is a pixel, data-value or relative coordinate

Optional y2

y2: number

the Y2 coordinate of the annotation


The Y2 coordinate obeys xCoordinateMode which defines whether the Y2 coordinate is a pixel, data-value or relative coordinate

Optional yAxisId

yAxisId: string

The current YAxis Id that this IAnnotation is bound to


By default all Annotations will draw on the first X,Y axis pair in SciChart. If you want this to change, you must add a second axis to your SciChartSurface and link the IAnnotation by Axis Id.

For example:

const sciChartSurface: SciChartSurface;
const primaryXAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext); // Has Id = AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID
const primaryYAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext); // Has Id = AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID

const secondaryXAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext); // For subsequent X,Y axis set an Id
secondaryXAxis.id = "SecondaryXAxis";
const secondaryYAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext);
secondaryYAxis.id = "SecondaryYAxis";

// Add all Axis to the chart

// Add an Annotation on the default axis
const annotation = new LineAnnotation(wasmContext); // xAxisId, yAxisId Defaults to AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID

// Add an Annotation on the specific axis
const annotation2 = new LineAnnotation(wasmContext);
annotation2.xAxisId = "SecondaryXAxis";
annotation2.yAxisId = "SecondaryYAxis";

The default value is set to AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID.

Optional yCoordinateMode

yCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode

The Y-Coordinate mode. See ECoordinateMode for a list of values


Want to display an annotation stretching across the entire width (or height) or the SciChartSurface? The ECoordinateMode enum has options which allow for relative, absolute or pixel coordinates which define annotation placement.

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