The fill color for the adorner drag handle
The radius of the adorner drag handle
The stroke color for the adorner drag handle
The dragPoints that should be enabled for this annotation
The fontFamily for the NativeTextAnnotation
The fontSize for the NativeTextAnnotation
Sets horizontal anchor point
A unique Id for the IAnnotation
When true, the annotation is in the selected state
The spacing between lines. Default 3 If a whole number then treated as pixels. If between 0 and 1 then treated as a fraction of line height
Sets the horizontal alignment mode for multiline text
Callback function called when the annotation is clicked. Fires even for non Editable annotations
Callback function called when drag operation is in progress. Only applicable if isEditable is true
Callback function called when drag has ended. Only applicable if isEditable is true
Callback function called when drag has started. Only applicable if isEditable is true
Callback function called when the annotation is hovered. Fires even for non Editable annotations
Sets an opacity override for the entire annotation, from 0..1
The rotation for the NativeTextAnnotation in degrees
The scale factor for the font. Default 1 This changes the size of the text without needing to create a new font with a different size
Set true to make the font scale when the annotation is resized. Must set x2 as well. Cannot be used with wrapTo
How much bigger the selection box is than the bounding box of the annotation, in pixels
The stroke color for the adorner selection box
The thickness of the selection box line
The text for the NativeTextAnnotation
The color for the NativeTextAnnotation
Sets vertical anchor point
Sets the text wrapping mode. A pure number will be treated as a pixel width. Default is undefined meaning no wrap
The X-Coordinate mode. See ECoordinateMode for a list of values
The Y-Coordinate mode. See ECoordinateMode for a list of values
Generated using TypeDoc
Options passed to the constructor of a NativeTextAnnotation, used to configure it at instantiation time