Sets the AxisCore.autoRange mode. For a list of values, see EAutoRange
Options to configure if and how the axis should animate when autoRanging
When true, the AxisCore.majorDelta and AxisCore.minorDelta values will be computed automatically. Else, the user may specify these values by setting the properties.
Sets the Axis Alignment. See EAxisAlignment for a list of values
Gets or sets the Axis Bands fill as an HTML Color code
Sets the Axis Border properties
Sets axis label area thickness, by default the value is calculated to have enough space for labels. However, this property allows to set minimal width/height for vertical/horizontal axes. Useful to align seriesViewRects for different charts
Set the Axis Title string to display on this axis Use an Array to create a multiline title
For an X Axis only - Determines whether the series will be clipped to the visibleRange. Defaults true. You may want to set this false if you have stacked horizontal axes, or are using {@link offsetOverride}.
When true, draw labels on the chart, else labels are hidden
When true, draws bands, a solid color fill between alternative major gridlines, else they are not drawn
When true, draw major gridlines on the chart, else major grid lines are hidden
When true, draw major ticklines on the chart, else major ticks are hidden
When true, draw minor gridlines on the chart, else minor grid lines are hidden
When true, draw minor ticklines on the chart, else minor ticks are hidden
When true, axis coordinates are flipped, e.g. a NumericAxis with VisibleRange 0..10 will render from 10 to 0
Sets GrowBy: a padding factor on the axis
Default (true) is to not show labels that would overlap. When using rotation you may want to set this false, as the bounding box of rotated text may overlap even if the text itself does not.
The Axis Id - a unique string ID for this axis
Sets whether this axis is placed inside the chart viewport
Sets whether the gridlines and axis labels keep their initial position when the visible range changes.
When true, the axis is visible. Default value is also true for the axis
When true (default), first and last labels will be shifted to stay within axis bounds. If set to false, these labels will stay aligned to their ticks
Sets a LabelProvider - a class which is responsible for formatting axis labels and cursor labels from numeric values
Sets a TTextStyle object for styling axis labels
The MajorDelta is the spacing between major gridlines and axis labels. Available when AxisCore.autoTicks is false
The maximum number of ticks on the axis when SciChart's Axis is in AxisCore.autoTicks mode
The MinorDelta is the spacing between major gridlines and axis labels. Available when AxisCore.autoTicks is false
When AxisCore.autoTicks is true, minorsPerMajor is a hint of how many minor gridlines should be drawn between each major gridline
Sets the offset from the seriesViewRect in the direction of the axis. This overrides the value set internally during layout, which is 0 for normal axes, but is used to position stacked axes.
Gets or sets the length of a stacked axis as an absolute number or percentage, e.g. 100, or "30%". A plain number will be interpreted as a number of pixels. A number with % will take that percentage of the total length. Stacked axes without a defined length will have the remaining unreserved spaced split between them.
The VisibleRange is the range of the Axis (min to max).
Limits AxisCore.visibleRange, meaning the chart cannot autorange outside that range
Limits the min and max size of the AxisCore.visibleRange, meaning that the inequality must hold visibleRangeSizeLimit.min <= visibleRange.max - visiblerRange.min <= visibleRangeSizeLimit.max
If this is set, it will be used as the range when zooming extents, rather than the data max range
If true, zoomExtentsRange will be set to the visibleRange passed on the options, so that zoomExtents returns to the initially defined range
Generated using TypeDoc
When true, 32-bit faster paths for coordinate calculation maths are used. This improves performance in edge-cases where every CPU cycle counts.