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Optional parameters passed to AxisBase3D constructor to set defaults at construction time




Optional allowFastMath

allowFastMath: boolean

When true, 32-bit faster paths for coordinate calculation maths are used. This improves performance in edge-cases where every CPU cycle counts.

Optional autoRange

autoRange: EAutoRange

Sets the AxisCore.autoRange mode. For a list of values, see EAutoRange

Optional autoTicks

autoTicks: boolean

When true, the AxisCore.majorDelta and AxisCore.minorDelta values will be computed automatically. Else, the user may specify these values by setting the properties.

Optional axisBandsFill

axisBandsFill: string

Gets or sets the Axis Bands fill as an HTML Color code


See AxisCore.drawMajorBands to switch band drawing on and off

Optional axisTitle

axisTitle: string | string[]

Set the Axis Title string to display on this axis Use an Array to create a multiline title

Optional axisTitleStyle

axisTitleStyle: TTextStyleBase3D

Style for axis title

Optional cursorLabelFormat

cursorLabelFormat: ENumericFormat

Optional cursorLabelPrecision

cursorLabelPrecision: number

Optional drawLabels

drawLabels: boolean

When true, draw labels on the chart, else labels are hidden


Default value when undefined is true

Optional drawMajorBands

drawMajorBands: boolean

When true, draws bands, a solid color fill between alternative major gridlines, else they are not drawn


See also the AxisCore.axisBandsFill property to style this element

Optional drawMajorGridLines

drawMajorGridLines: boolean

When true, draw major gridlines on the chart, else major grid lines are hidden


Default value when undefined is true

Optional drawMajorTickLines

drawMajorTickLines: boolean

When true, draw major ticklines on the chart, else major ticks are hidden


Default value when undefined is true

Optional drawMinorGridLines

drawMinorGridLines: boolean

When true, draw minor gridlines on the chart, else minor grid lines are hidden


Default value when undefined is true

Optional drawMinorTickLines

drawMinorTickLines: boolean

When true, draw minor ticklines on the chart, else minor ticks are hidden


Default value when undefined is true

Optional flippedCoordinates

flippedCoordinates: boolean

When true, axis coordinates are flipped, e.g. a NumericAxis with VisibleRange 0..10 will render from 10 to 0

Optional growBy

growBy: NumberRange

Sets GrowBy: a padding factor on the axis


Growby factor is a padding factor set on the axis. For example if you want to have a constant padding above and below the axis, the following code will result in a 10% (min) and 20% (max) padding outside of the datarange.

axis.growBy = new NumberRange(0.1, 0.2);

Optional id

id: string

The Axis Id - a unique string ID for this axis


By default all axis in SciChart have Id=AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID. Also, all RenderableSeries have an xAxisId and yAxisId property set to AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID. Annotations also have an xAxisId and yAxisId also set to AxisCore.DEFAULT_AXIS_ID. Some Chart Modifiers have an x,yAxisId property to filter their operations to an axis.

In multi-axis scenarios you will need to set the xAxisId/yAxisId properties of series, annotations, modifiers to match that of the axis you want them to be registered on.

Optional isVisible

isVisible: boolean

When true, the axis is visible. Default value is also true for the axis


An invisible axis can be used to scale series to the viewport. For example:

  • have a chart with two-YAxis

  • have one series on the first axis and another series on the second axis

  • set second AxisCore.isVisible = false, and AxisCore.autoRange = EAutoRange.Always

    This will scale the series on the second axis to the viewport, on an invisible, auto-ranged axis

Optional labelFormat

labelFormat: ENumericFormat

The formating mode to apply to the value.

Optional labelPostfix

labelPostfix: string

Optional labelPrecision

labelPrecision: number

Optional labelPrefix

labelPrefix: string

Optional labelProvider

Sets a LabelProvider - a class which is responsible for formatting axis labels and cursor labels from numeric values

Optional labelStyle

labelStyle: TTextStyleBase3D

Style for axis labels

Optional majorDelta

majorDelta: number

The MajorDelta is the spacing between major gridlines and axis labels. Available when AxisCore.autoTicks is false

Optional majorGridLineStyle

majorGridLineStyle: TGridLineStyle

Sets the Major gridlines style


See TGridLineStyle for the type which contains style options

Optional majorTickLineStyle

majorTickLineStyle: TTickLineStyle

Sets the Major tick lines style


See TTickLineStyle for the type which contains style options

Optional maxAutoTicks

maxAutoTicks: number

The maximum number of ticks on the axis when SciChart's Axis is in AxisCore.autoTicks mode


The number of ticks on the axis will never exceed this number, but may be smaller than this number when zooming or panning.

Optional minorDelta

minorDelta: number

The MinorDelta is the spacing between major gridlines and axis labels. Available when AxisCore.autoTicks is false

Optional minorGridLineStyle

minorGridLineStyle: TGridLineStyle

Sets the Minor gridlines style


See TGridLineStyle for the type which contains style options

Optional minorTickLineStyle

minorTickLineStyle: TTickLineStyle

Sets the Minor tick lines style


See TTickLineStyle for the type which contains style options

Optional minorsPerMajor

minorsPerMajor: number

When AxisCore.autoTicks is true, minorsPerMajor is a hint of how many minor gridlines should be drawn between each major gridline

Optional planeBackgroundFill

planeBackgroundFill: string

Sets the plane background color as an HTML Color string

Optional planeBorderColor

planeBorderColor: string

Sets the Plane border color as an HTML Color string

Optional planeBorderThickness

planeBorderThickness: number

Sets the plane border thickness in world units

Optional tickLabelsOffset

tickLabelsOffset: number

Gets or sets tick labels offset from the axis plane

Optional titleOffset

titleOffset: number

Gets or sets title text offset from the axis plane

Optional visibleRange

visibleRange: NumberRange

The VisibleRange is the range of the Axis (min to max).


For example, if you have data-values from 0 to 100 in your DataSeries, but you only want to show values from 15-25 on the axis, then set the visibleRange as follows:

axis.visibleRange = new NumberRange(15, 25);

The visibleRange is a data-value for NumericAxis, NumericAxis3D but refers to an index to the data for CategoryAxis types.

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