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Options passed to a SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D constructor




Optional cellHardnessFactor

cellHardnessFactor: number

Gets or sets the cell hardness factor, a number used to calculate lighting effects.


Defaults to 1

Optional colorMapTextureSize

colorMapTextureSize: Size

Gets or sets the Colormap texture size.


This defaults to [1024,1] and simply sets the resolution of color mapping. Leave default in normal operation

Optional contourInterval

contourInterval: number

Gets or sets the contour interval, a value for the spacing between contour lines.


For example, if you have data in the SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D.dataSeries ranging from 0-100.0, and you want to display contour lines every 1/10th then set SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D.contourInterval = 10


Defaults to 20, but must be set according to your data in the SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D.dataSeries

Optional contourOffset

contourOffset: number

Gets or sets the contour offset, a value for the offsetting contour lines


For example, if you have data in the SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D.dataSeries ranging from 0-100.0, and you want to display the first contour line at value = 5, then set SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D.contourOffset = 5


Defaults to 0.1, but must be set according to your data in the SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D.dataSeries

Optional contourStroke

contourStroke: string

Gets or sets the contour stroke as an HTML Color Code

Optional contourStrokeThickness

contourStrokeThickness: number

Gets or sets the stroke thickness of contour lines on the SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D

Optional dataSeries

dataSeries: BaseDataSeries3D

The DataSeries which provides a datasource for this IRenderableSeries3D to draw

Optional drawMeshAs

drawMeshAs: EDrawMeshAs

Gets or sets the EDrawMeshAs, whether the mesh is drawn as wireframe, solid, with or without contours etc...


Default value is SOLID_WIREFRAME. For contours, choose SOLID_WITH_CONTOURS

Optional drawSkirt

drawSkirt: boolean

When true, draws a skirt from the edge of the mesh to zero (solid walls on the left, right, top, bottom side)

Optional heightScaleFactor

heightScaleFactor: number

Gets or sets the height scale factor for the SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D.


Default value is 1. A height scale factor of 0 makes the mesh flat, and 0.5 means all heights are multiplied by 0.5 etc...

Optional highlight

highlight: number

Gets or sets the highlight factor, a number used to calculate lighting effects.


Defaults to 0.05

Optional Readonly id

id: string

A unique Id for the IRenderableSeries3D

Optional isVisible

isVisible: boolean

Gets or sets whether the IRenderableSeries3D is visible or not

Optional lightingFactor

lightingFactor: number

Gets or sets the lighting factor, a number used to calculate lighting effects.


Defaults to 0.8

Optional maximum

maximum: number

Gets or sets the maximum value in the SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D.dataSeries that we want to map to colours in the SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D.meshColorPalette


For example, if data contains values 0..100, and the meshColorPalette is a GradientColorPalette from red to blue, and you want 0=red and blue=100 then you should set SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D.minimum = 0 and SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D.maximum = 1

Optional meshColorPalette

meshColorPalette: MeshColorPalette

Gets or sets the MeshColorPalette, which defines how values in the SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D.dataSeries map to colours


See concrete types SolidColorBrushPalette and GradientColorPalette plus our examples for more information.

Optional meshPaletteMode

meshPaletteMode: EMeshPaletteMode

Gets or sets the EMeshPaletteMode, which defines how heightmaps are treated.



Optional meshResolution

meshResolution: EMeshResolution

Gets or sets the EMeshResolution, the amount of oversampling when creating a mesh.


Defaults to 1x.

Optional minimum

minimum: number

Gets or sets the minimum value in the SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D.dataSeries that we want to map to colours in the SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D.meshColorPalette


For example, if data contains values 0..100, and the meshColorPalette is a GradientColorPalette from red to blue, and you want 0=red and blue=100 then you should set SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D.minimum = 0 and SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D.maximum = 1

Optional opacity

opacity: number

Gets or sets the opacity of the IRenderableSeries3D


Value range 0.0 to 1.0. Default = 1.

Optional pointMarker

pointMarker: BasePointMarker3D

A 3D Point Marker which is used to draw an optional 3D point-marker at each Xyz data-point. Applicable to some series types only

Optional shininess

shininess: number

Gets or sets an optional Shininess factor, passed to 3D rendering shaders to make shiny objects

Optional stroke

stroke: string

Gets or sets the stroke color as an HTML Color code

Optional strokeThickness

strokeThickness: number

Gets or sets the stroke thickness of mesh wireframe lines on the SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D

Optional yOffset

yOffset: number

Gets or sets a Y-offset or height-offset in world coordinates.


Defaults to 0. When setting to a value such as 10, the entire SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D will be offset to height=10

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