SciChart.Charting3D Assembly : SciChart.Charting3D Namespace
SciChart.Charting3D Namespace
ClassWraps pre-packaged assets such as Texture2D and IndexedMesh3D used as point-markers

Defines a FrameworkElement-based implementation of ICameraController, which may be constructed in XAML and properties may be bound to as they are DependencyProperties

You can set Position, Target as Vectors in world coordinates, Field of View, Aspect ratio etc...

A camera can be switched from prespective to orthogonal, or rotated around it's target.

Cameras may be attached to the SciChart3DSurface.Camera property and there are several implementations for MVVM or XAML based construction


Defines a simple bindable (non FrameworkElement) implementation of ICameraController

You can set Position, Target as Vectors in world coordinates, Field of View, Aspect ratio etc...

A camera can be switched from prespective to orthogonal, or rotated around it's target.

Cameras may be attached to the SciChart3DSurface.Camera property and there are several implementations for MVVM or XAML based construction


Defines the default implementation of a Viewportmanager, assigned to SciChart3DSurface.ViewportManager property.

The ViewportManager allows control over the SciChart3DSurface and allows you to override X,Y,Z AutoRanging algorithms

See derived types and for concrete implementations

Class Helper class to expose certain 3D math functions
ClassDefines a three-component Vector with 32-bit floating point precision
Class Plane data type declaration represents a plane in 3d and has various different functions.
ClassDefines a default implementation of the ISceneLightingController
Class Applies a runtime license key and initialize 2D & and 3D native libraries asynchronously. Do not create an instance of a SciChartSurface or SciChart3DSurface until the Task has returned and completed. If the task faults, inspect the result and contact tech support.
ClassHandles the render pass on the SciChart3DSurface
ClassProvides a SciChart.Drawing.Common.RenderSurfaceBase implementation that uses a DirectX engine, capable of 3D rendering This requires DirectX10 hardware or later to run. Newer GPUs will have superior performance.

A BaseSceneEntity which is at the root of a SciChart3DSurface 3D Scene.

Contains an SciChart.Charting3D.Axis.AxisCubeEntity, RenderableSeries3DEntity which is the parent for SciChart.Charting3D.RenderableSeries.BaseRenderableSeries3D


Provides a high performance DirectX powered 3D chart surface.

Multiple multiple Renderable Series are drawn over an Axis Cube, which contains the visual representation of X,Y and Z SciChart.Charting3D.Axis.IAxis3D instances.

Each Renderable Series has a Data Series, which provides the data-source either in code or via MVVM bindings.

The SciChart3DSurface supports one or more SciChart.Charting3D.Modifiers.ChartModifierBase3D derived types via the ChartModifier property. These are used to affect behaviour such as zooming, panning and tooltips.

Finally, a ICameraController instance is applied to the SciChart3DSurface to define the view into the 3D scene

Class Loads unmanaged DLLs, dynamically choosing 32 or 64 bit depending on the current platform architecture
ClassTypeConverter to allow conversion of a string value to Vector3. Used to allow succinct Markup syntax e.g. <SciChart3DSurface WorldDimensions="10, 20, 30"/>
Class The Texture2D represents a Texture in the 3D engine stored in GPU memory
ClassDefines a three-component Vector with 32-bit floating point precision
ClassA System.Windows.Data.IValueConverter which accepts a Vector3 then depending on ConverterParameter = 'X', 'Y', 'Z' returns the component for the vector
ClassA System.Windows.Data.IValueConverter which accepts a Vector3 then depending on StringFormat formats the string
ClassProvides a Templatable WPF Control which allows you to view, and edit Vector3 X,Y,Z components
Class Defines a 3D Viewport, which wraps a C++/DirectX Engine and allows presentation of the 3D Scene in WPF

Defines the base implementation of a Viewportmanager, assigned to SciChart3DSurface.ViewportManager property.

The ViewportManager allows control over the SciChart3DSurface and allows you to override X,Y,Z AutoRanging algorithms

See derived types and for concrete implementations


Defines the interface to a Camera in the SciChart3DSurface scene

You can set Position, Target as Vectors in world coordinates, Field of View, Aspect ratio etc...

A camera can be switched from prespective to orthogonal, or rotated around it's target.

Cameras may be attached to the SciChart3DSurface.Camera property and there are several implementations for MVVM or XAML based construction


Defines the interface to a BaseSceneEntity which is at the root of a SciChart3DSurface 3D Scene.

Interface Defines the interface for controlling the lighting settings in the 3D Scene
InterfaceDefines the interface to the SciChart3DRenderer, which handles the render pass on the SciChart3DSurface
InterfaceDefines the interface to a SciChart3DRenderSurface, which hosts a DirectX enabled viewport which is used to render a 3D scene

Defines the interface to a SciChart3DSurface: a high performance DirectX powered 3D chart surface.

Multiple multiple Renderable Series are drawn over an Axis Cube, which contains the visual representation of X,Y and Z SciChart.Charting3D.Axis.IAxis3D instances.

Each Renderable Series has a Data Series, which provides the data-source either in code or via MVVM bindings.

The SciChart3DSurface supports one or more SciChart.Charting3D.Modifiers.ChartModifierBase3D derived types via the ChartModifier property. These are used to affect behaviour such as zooming, panning and tooltips.

Finally, a ICameraController instance is applied to the SciChart3DSurface to define the view into the 3D scene

InterfaceAn interface to a subset of methods on the SciChart3DSurface.
Interface Defines the interface to a 3D Viewport, which wraps a C++/DirectX Engine and allows presentation of the 3D Scene in WPF
InterfaceDefines the interface to a Viewportmanager, assigned to SciChart3DSurface.ViewportManager property. The ViewportManager allows control over the SciChart3DSurface and allows you to override X,Y,Z AutoRanging algorithms. See derived types and for concrete implementations.
Structure Defines a Bounding Box in 3D space
EnumerationDefines the ICameraController.ProjectionMode enum values
EnumerationEnumeration constants to define the Coordinate System (e.g. LHS, RHS) on the SciChart3DSurface
EnumerationEnumeration constants to define the Full Screen AntiAliasing mode on the SciChart3DSurface
Enumeration Keys for pre-packaged 3D meshes
Enumeration Keys for pre-packaged Textures
Enumeration Enumeration constants to define the DirectX Texture format passed between WPF and the 3D Engine
Enumeration Defines available options for Viewport3D Orientation
See Also