Creates an instance of the BaseStackedCollection
The SciChart WebAssembly Context containing native methods and access to our WebGL2 WebAssembly Drawing Engine
Optional parameters of type IBaseStackedCollectionOptions to configure the series
the accumulated values which are used to draw each column/band for BaseStackedRenderableSeries
Event handler which fires when the collection changes. See ObservableArrayChangedArgs for args
Readonly. When true, resampling modes are enabled for faster drawing performance.
A unique Id for the IRenderableSeries
A callback which tells the parent SciChartSurface that it must be redrawn, e.g. when a property changes
Returns true if the series uses spline interpolation
Returns true if the series is a stacked series or not
The parent SciChartSurface that this RenderableSeries is attached to
Returns true if the series supports resampling
Returns the type of the series. See ESeriesType for a list of values
The SciChart WebAssembly Context containing native methods and access to our WebGL2 WebAssembly Drawing Engine
Sets a start up animation class, a child class for {@link BaseAnimation}
Gets or sets the BaseDataLabelProvider used for creating and drawing per-point text
Gets or sets the BaseDataLabelProvider used for creating and drawing per-point text
dataSeries property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
dataSeries property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
drawNaNAs property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
drawNaNAs property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
drawingProviders property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
drawingProviders property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
effect property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
effect property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
hitTestProvider property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
hitTestProvider property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
A hovered EventHandler. This event fires whenever the Series is hovered or unhovered by a mouse or pointer.
When true, if this series draws a line, the line will be a digital (step) line
When true, if this series draws a line, the line will be a digital (step) line
Gets or sets whether the Series is hovered by a mouse or pointer device. Setting programmatically will trigger hovered logic
Gets or sets whether the Series is hovered by a mouse or pointer device. Setting programmatically will trigger hovered logic
Gets or sets 100% mode. When true, the stacked group becomes a 100% stacked chart
Gets or sets 100% mode. When true, the stacked group becomes a 100% stacked chart
gets if the animation is currently running
Gets or sets whether the Series is selected. Setting programmatically will trigger selection logic
Gets or sets whether the Series is selected. Setting programmatically will trigger selection logic
When true, the series is visible and drawn
When true, the series is visible and drawn
An isVisible changed EventHandler. This event fires whenever the Series isVisible changes.
opacity property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
opacity property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
paletteProvider property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
paletteProvider property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
pointMarker property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
pointMarker property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
resamplingMode property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
resamplingMode property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
resamplingPrecision property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
resamplingPrecision property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
rolloverModifierProps property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
rolloverModifierProps property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
rolloverModifierProps1() is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
rolloverModifierProps1() is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
A selected EventHandler. This event fires whenever the Series is selected or deselected.
stroke property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
stroke property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
strokeThickness property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
strokeThickness property is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
Gets the bound XAxis for this BaseRenderableSeries.
Gets the bound YAxis for this BaseRenderableSeries.
Determines whether the y range for this series should consider only the visible data (the default), or include the drawn points just outside the visible range
Determines whether the y range for this series should consider only the visible data (the default), or include the drawn points just outside the visible range
Adds items to the array, and raises the collectionChanged event to subscribers
Replace this to do custom adjustments to the auto color for a particular property
Runs after the animation is complete
Returns the backing array. Do not modify this collection. Use add or remove instead.
Runs before the animation starts
checkIsOutOfDataRange() is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
Clears the array. Raises the collectionChanged event to subscribers
When true, if the items in the array implement the IDeletable interface, the delete() function will be called. Defaults to false for backward compatibility
Returns true if the array contains an item
Deletes native (WebAssembly) memory used by this type, after which it cannot be used.
Called when the BaseRenderableSeries must be drawn
The {@link WebGL2RenderingContext} with methods for drawing on the WebGL Canvas via our WebAssembly Rendering Engine
The RenderPassData containing data about the current rendering pass
Add the animation into the queue
Gets an item at index
Gets an item by Id
getCurrentRenderPassData method is not supported for BaseStackedCollection
Returns the associated IDataSeries.dataSeriesName
Returns IDataSeries.count for the linked dataSeries
Gets the first series in the collection, else undefined
Returns the IDataSeries.getNativeXValues for the associated dataSeries
Gets the parent SciChartSurface
Gets the ResamplingParams for this render. This will be undefined until needsResampling is called.
Get a SeiesInfo object for this series based on the given hitTest
Gets visible renderable series array
Gets the X-Range of the series. Override in derived classes to provide series specific implementations
Gets the Y-Range of the series for the current X-Range. Override in derived classes to provide series specific implementations
The AxisCore.visibleRange for the current bound XAxis
Whether the current bound XAxis is a Category axis
Returns true if the BaseRenderableSeries has a dataSeries
Returns true if the BaseRenderableSeries has a dataSeries and IDataSeries.hasValues is true
Returns true if the BaseRenderableSeries has an
Returns true if the BaseRenderableSeries has an IPointMarkerPaletteProvider
Returns true if the BaseRenderableSeries has an IStrokePaletteProvider
Inserts items at the specified index. Raises the collectionChanged event to subscribers
notifies listeners to invalidateParentCallback and redraws the SciChartSurface
Is called for each render
Called when the BaseRenderableSeries is attached to a parent SciChartSurface
the SciChartSurface that this series has been attached to
Called when the BaseRenderableSeries is detached from a SciChartSurface
Called when the Dpi changes in the browser. This could be due to user zooming the browser, or changing DPI settings in Windows, or moving the browser containing SciChart to another monitor
The TDpiChangedEventArgs containing info about the Dpi Changed event
The color for palette
Removes an item by value. Raises the collectionChanged event to subscribers
The item to remove
When true, if the items in the array implement the IDeletable interface, the delete() function will be called. Defaults to false for backward compatibility
Removes an item at the specified index. Raises the collectionChanged event to subscribers
The item to remove
When true, if the items in the array implement the IDeletable interface, the delete() function will be called. Defaults to false for backward compatibility
Resolve colors marked AUTO_COLOR using the theme's strokePalette and fillPalette To do custom adjustments to the resolved colors, override the adjustAutoColor method
Cancel all previous animations and run the current one
Sets an item at index. Raises the collectionChanged event to subscribers
Notify the collection that the accumulated values need to be recalculated
Sets the RenderPassData instance used for this render pass
gets the number of elements in the array
Convert the object to a definition that can be serialized to JSON, or used directly with the builder api
if set true, data values will not be included in the json.
Returns a dataset for drawing on the viewport
The resampling parameters
Updates accumulated vectors which are used to draw BaseStackedRenderableSeries
Internal method that runs on each animation tick
The current animation progress, a value from 0 to 1
The animation finite state machine
Generated using TypeDoc
A base class for stacked collections, which are used to create stacked mountain or column chart types. Concrete types are StackedColumnCollection and StackedMountainCollection