Creates an instance of a NumericAxis3D
The SciChart 3D WebAssembly Context containing native methods and access to our WebGL2 Engine and WebAssembly numerical methods
optional parameters of type INumericAxis3dOptions to configure the axis
If the diff of the visibleRange is 0, this growby fraction will be applied
Internal backing property for AxisCore.autoRange. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.autoTicks. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.axisBandsFill. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.axisTitle. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.getCurrentCoordinateCalculator, a method which returns the latest valid CoordinateCalculatorBase instance for calculating pixel coordinates from data-values and vice versa.
Internal backing property for AxisCore.cursorTextFormatting. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.deltaCalculator. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.drawLabels. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.drawMajorBands. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.drawMajorGridLines. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.drawMajorTickLines. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.drawMinorGridLines. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.drawMinorTickLines. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.flippedCoordinates. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.growBy. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
If false, autoRange Once will run on this axis. Set true when there is any change to the visibleRange.
Internal backing property for To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Callback to invalidate the parent 2D SciChartSurface or 3D SciChart3DSurface
A flag to indicate if measure has been called this frame. Properties updated after measure must trigger a redraw
Internal backing property for AxisCore.isVisible. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for {@link AxisCore.isAxis}. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.labelProvider. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.majorDelta. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.maxAutoTicks. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.minorDelta. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.minorsPerMajor. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Gets the parent SciChart3DSurface that this axis is attached to
Internal backing property for AxisCore.textFormatting. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.tickCoordinatesProvider. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.tickProvider. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for {@link AxisCore.tickTextBrush}. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
An EventHandler which fires a callback when the AxisCore.visibleRange property changes.
Internal backing property for AxisCore.visibleRange. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
The SciChart 3D WebAssembly Context containing native methods and access to our WebGL2 Engine and WebAssembly numerical methods
The Default
When true, 32-bit faster paths for coordinate calculation maths are used. This improves performance in edge-cases where every CPU cycle counts.
When true, 32-bit faster paths for coordinate calculation maths are used. This improves performance in edge-cases where every CPU cycle counts.
gets or sets the Auto-Ranging behaviour on the axis. See EAutoRange for a list of values. The default value is EAutoRange.Once
gets or sets the Auto-Ranging behaviour on the axis. See EAutoRange for a list of values. The default value is EAutoRange.Once
A boolean flag, when true, the axis will automatically calculate its Major and Minor delta. When false, the user can specify or set these properties for overriding axis gridline spacing
A boolean flag, when true, the axis will automatically calculate its Major and Minor delta. When false, the user can specify or set these properties for overriding axis gridline spacing
Gets or sets the Axis Bands fill as an HTML Color code
Gets or sets the Axis Bands fill as an HTML Color code
Gets or sets the fill of the Axis Plane background as an HTML Color code. Defaults to transparent
Gets or sets the fill of the Axis Plane background as an HTML Color code. Defaults to transparent
Gets or sets the Axis title string Use an array to create a multiLine title
Gets or sets the Axis title string Use an array to create a multiLine title
Gets or sets the color of the background of the axis plane as an HTML Color code
Gets or sets the color of the background of the axis plane as an HTML Color code
Gets or sets a DeltaCalculator - a class which is responsible for calculating the Major and Minor delta, which are used for gridline spacing
Gets or sets a DeltaCalculator - a class which is responsible for calculating the Major and Minor delta, which are used for gridline spacing
Gets the axisTitleStyle adjusted for current DPI / Browser zoom level
When true, draws labels on the axis, else they are not drawn
When true, draws labels on the axis, else they are not drawn
When true, draws bands, a solid color fill between alternative major gridlines, else they are not drawn
When true, draws bands, a solid color fill between alternative major gridlines, else they are not drawn
When true, major gridlines (lines inside the chart viewport area) are drawn, else they are not drawn
When true, major gridlines (lines inside the chart viewport area) are drawn, else they are not drawn
When true, major gridlines (small lines outside the chart viewport area) are drawn, else they are not drawn
When true, major gridlines (small lines outside the chart viewport area) are drawn, else they are not drawn
When true, minor gridlines (lines inside the chart viewport area) are drawn, else they are not drawn
When true, minor gridlines (lines inside the chart viewport area) are drawn, else they are not drawn
When true, minor gridlines (small lines outside the chart viewport area) are drawn, else they are not drawn
When true, minor gridlines (small lines outside the chart viewport area) are drawn, else they are not drawn
When true, axis coordinates are flipped, e.g. a NumericAxis with VisibleRange 0..10 will render from 10 to 0
When true, axis coordinates are flipped, e.g. a NumericAxis with VisibleRange 0..10 will render from 10 to 0
Gets or sets the GrowBy: a padding factor on the axis
Gets or sets the GrowBy: a padding factor on the axis
Gets or sets the unique Axis Id
Gets or sets the unique Axis Id
Gets if the Axis is Category
When true, the axis is visible. Default value is also true for the axis
When true, the axis is visible. Default value is also true for the axis
SET INTERNALLY. Gets whether this axis is an XAxis or not
Used internally - gets whether this axis is a Y Axis
Used internally - gets whether this axis is a Z Axis
Gets or sets if Label Depth test is enabled
Gets or sets if Label Depth test is enabled
Gets or sets a LabelProvider - a class which is responsible for formatting axis labels and cursor labels from numeric values
Gets or sets a LabelProvider - a class which is responsible for formatting axis labels and cursor labels from numeric values
The MajorDelta is the spacing between major gridlines and axis labels.
The MajorDelta is the spacing between major gridlines and axis labels.
Gets or sets the max-auto-ticks. A hint which limits the number of major gridlines and labels (aka major ticks) on the axis at any one time. This value is a hint, and actual value of ticks may be lower than this
Gets or sets the max-auto-ticks. A hint which limits the number of major gridlines and labels (aka major ticks) on the axis at any one time. This value is a hint, and actual value of ticks may be lower than this
The MinorDelta is the spacing between minor gridlines.
The MinorDelta is the spacing between minor gridlines.
When AxisCore.autoTicks is true, minorsPerMajor is a hint of how many minor gridlines should be drawn between each major gridline
When AxisCore.autoTicks is true, minorsPerMajor is a hint of how many minor gridlines should be drawn between each major gridline
Gets or sets a value determining how 3D RenderableSeries are clipped by axis on the negative side
Gets or sets a value determining how 3D RenderableSeries are clipped by axis on the negative side
Gets or sets the color of the axis plane border as an HTML Color code
Gets or sets the color of the axis plane border as an HTML Color code
Gets or sets a thickness of the axis plane border.
Gets or sets a thickness of the axis plane border.
Gets or sets a value determining how 3D RenderableSeries are clipped by axis on the positive side
Gets or sets a value determining how 3D RenderableSeries are clipped by axis on the positive side
Gets or sets a TickCoordinatesProvider - a class which is responsible for converting tick values to pixel coordinates
Gets or sets a TickCoordinatesProvider - a class which is responsible for converting tick values to pixel coordinates
Gets or sets the Axis Label Alignment. See ETextAlignment3D for a list of values
Gets or sets the Axis Label Alignment. See ETextAlignment3D for a list of values
Gets or sets tick labels offset from the axis plane
Gets or sets tick labels offset from the axis plane
Gets or sets a TickProvider - a class which calculates ticks (interval between major and minor gridlines, ticks and labels)
Gets or sets a TickProvider - a class which calculates ticks (interval between major and minor gridlines, ticks and labels)
Gets or sets title text offset from the axis plane
Gets or sets title text offset from the axis plane
The VisibleRange is the range of the Axis (min to max).
The VisibleRange is the range of the Axis (min to max).
Applies a theme (defined by IThemeProvider) to the current element
The theme data to apply
Force the recreation of the coordinate calculator the next time it is requested Required if the dataSeries has changed on a category axis
Deletes native (WebAssembly) memory used by this type, after which it cannot be used.
gets the axis size from the WorldDimensions, depending on whether it is an X,Y or ZAxis
Gets the current CoordinateCalculatorBase instance. Recreates the coordinate-calculator if it does not match the axis values The coordinate-calculator allows you to transform between pixel and data coordinates (and vice versa)
Given an array of numeric values for axis labels, returns a list of strings. Uses labelProvider property to format labels
The major tick values as numbers to be converted to labels
The series to use for calculations
Which axis we should calculate as. See EWhichAxis for a list of values
When true, the axis has the default AxisCore.visibleRange.
When true, the axis has a valid AxisCore.visibleRange which can be drawn
Tests whether the range passed in is valid
The range
Notifies listeners to AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback that a property has changed and the parent chart needs to be redrawn.
The property name which has changed.
SET INTERNALLY. Sets whether this axis is an XAxis or not
Used internally - sets whether this axis is a Y Axis
Used internally - sets whether this axis is a Z Axis
Called internally - returns an IAxisDescriptor which contains parameters, property and data to pass to the WebAssembly 3D Engine for drawing this axis
Internal backing property for AxisCore.axisTitleStyle. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.majorGridLineStyle. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.majorTickLineStyle. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.minorGridLineStyle. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Internal backing property for AxisCore.minorTickLineStyle. To fire AxisCore.invalidateParentCallback, set the public property
Generated using TypeDoc
A 3D Chart Numeric / Value Axis type
A Numeric axis uses the X-value to measure data-points on the XAxis. The axis can represent both numbers and dates using text-formatting
Set a NumericAxis3D on the SciChart3DSurface.xAxis, SciChart3DSurface.yAxis or SciChart3DSurface.zAxis property.