Creates an instance of SurfaceMeshSceneEntity
The SciChart 3D WebAssembly Context containing native methods and access to our WebGL2 Engine and WebAssembly numerical methods
The parent BaseRenderableSeries3D which this entity maps to
The RenderPassInfo3D containing data about the current rendering pass
A unique Id for the IBaseSceneEntity
When true, the entity and all its children are visible
Gets the parent Entity
Gets the type of Scene Entity. See ESceneEntityType for a list of values
The SciChart 3D WebAssembly Context containing native methods and access to our WebGL2 Engine and WebAssembly numerical methods
Gets or sets a unique Id for the IBaseSceneEntity. The SciChart3D engine requires Ids fit into UInt32 (4 billion)
Gets or sets a unique Id for the IBaseSceneEntity. The SciChart3D engine requires Ids fit into UInt32 (4 billion)
Gets or sets the IEntityIdProvider which generates unique mesh Ids for {@link IBaseSceneEntity
Gets or sets the IEntityIdProvider which generates unique mesh Ids for {@link IBaseSceneEntity
Gets the native SCRTSceneEntity - a WebAssembly 3D Scene Entity type which is passed to our WebGL WebAssembly 3D Engine
Called internally - gets the world entity
Update method called from WebAssembly engine. Use this to update meshes, properties, geometry before draw. When overriding, you must call super.Update() for the object to draw in the scene
Called internally - Attach a child to the current entity
Deletes native (WebAssembly) memory used by this type, after which it cannot be used.
Called internally - detach a child from the current entity
Gets the first child IBaseSceneEntity of type specified by ESceneEntityType
Gets the root entity in the 3D Scene
Call this to inform SciChart that data or properties have changed and the 3D Scene must be redrawn
Notifies a property has changed, causing the 3D Scene to redraw
the property name
Called when the IBaseSceneEntity is attached to the parent scene
Called when the IBaseSceneEntity is detached from the parent scene
Called when the Dpi changes in the browser. This could be due to user zooming the browser, or changing DPI settings in Windows, or moving the browser containing SciChart to another monitor
The TDpiChangedEventArgs containing info about the Dpi Changed event
Called when the WebGL 3D Engine restarts. Use this to perform clean-up operations
Called internally - sets the native entity
Sets the RenderPassInfo3D - render pass info, properties and data for the current rendering pass
Generated using TypeDoc
BaseSceneEntity3D type for drawing 3D Surface Plot or Surface Mesh with optional Contours in SciChart's High Performance JavaScript 3D Charts
See related type SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D which should be added to SciChart3DSurface.renderableSeries along with data from an UniformGridDataSeries3D to create a 3D Surface Mesh or Surface Plot