Official release for SciChart iOS v4.5. Adds XCode 15 compatibility. Updated examples app finally published to the App store!
Deployment issues resolved, iOS Library and Examples published to App Store
Solve tap gesture not recognised issue
SCIOS-149 New Example - Change Column Series color on touch / tap
Made iOS Package compatible with XCode 15
Remove debug symbol for bitcode as bitcode is not supported in XCode 15
Official release for SciChart Android v4.5. Examples app finally published to the play store!
Deployment issues resolved, AndroidLibrary and Examples published to Play Store
Updated multiple examples to match style & functionality guidelines from JS
Fixed multipane stock chart demo volume bars colour on zoom out
Fixed a crash on 3D series which occurred in the simulator
In preparation for 4.5 release, updating styling & other properties
added light & dark theme versions of trial logo
added isDarkTheme property to IThemeProvider
Updated the trial watermark logo to match new branding theme
Fixed an issue where labels with zero showed minus (-0)
Updated examples app to target Android
This release is in our queue, and will be published shortly!
Added a new feature: IndexDateAxis - which combines the flexiblity of Date axis with collapsing gaps for stock market data of Category Axis
Added a new IndexDateAxis Example in SciChart.iOS.Examples
Added support for Gradient fill in SCIChartSurface background
Added a new Market Depth Chart example/demo
Fixed a bug in Realtime Waterfall 3D Chart
Fixed a bug in Realtime Uniform Surface Mesh 3D Chart
Fixed a bug in Realtime Point cloud 3D example
Fixed multiple bugs in Realtime 3D Geoid example
Multiple bug fixes in Objective-C examples/demos
Fixed SCIRadialGradientBrushStyle based on radius value
Updated the style/theme of iOS Examples App throughout to match new branding style
Re-enable automatic licensing for SciChart.iOS.Examples demo app
Support for watermark images with light & dark theme
Minor rounding issue in
Updated examples app to target Android 13
Tooltip issue fix when touch location moves out of view
Added a new Simple Date Axis example
SC_DROID-877 Fixed occasional ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in XySeriesInfo
Added clear in if/else block and moved null check of labelformatter
Sweep animation fix when any value is NaN
Fixed Animate using X only if Y is NaN
Option added for Sweep animation to animate only in the X-direction
SCIOS-1145 Spark Lines chart example styling
SCIOS-1140 All heatmaps, iOS, Android now display the same data as JavaScript
Updated styling throughout the iOS Examples app
Re-ordering iOS App examples and categories
Fixed compilation errors on SciChartDemo.Mac
Added a Population Pyramid example to the Examples app