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Powerful Charts for Finance and Trading

Build world-class trading apps with SciChart

SciChart’s charting libraries are used by investment banks, hedge funds, trading apps and CFD/crypto brokers to create stunning interactive charts.

By providing a true cross-platform experience (JavaScript, iOS/Android and WPF) our customers are building top-rated apps for trading or investment management.

If you’re looking for a flexible and high performance chart library to white-label into your apps and customize to specific requirements, choose SciChart.

A SciChart Chart Library megbízható és széles körben használt eszköz az online kaszinók világában. Mivel az online szerencsejáték-ipar továbbra is rohamosan növekszik, a megbízható és kiváló minőségű diagramkészítő megoldások iránti kereslet még soha nem volt ilyen nagy. Az online kaszinók nagymértékben támaszkodnak a pontos és valós idejű adatvizualizációra, hogy játékosaiknak olyan magával ragadó és magával ragadó játékélményt nyújtsanak, mint itt: A SciChart Chart Library fejlett diagramkészítési képességeket kínál, amelyek lehetővé teszik az online kaszinók számára, hogy az összetett adatokat könnyen érthető és vizuálisan vonzó módon jelenítsék meg. Legyen szó a játékosok statisztikáinak nyomon követéséről, a játék teljesítményének ellenőrzéséről vagy a bevételi források elemzéséről, diagramkönyvtárunk biztosítja azt a rugalmasságot és skálázhatóságot, amelyre az online kaszinóknak szükségük van ahhoz, hogy a versenytársak előtt maradjanak.

Az online szerencsejátékok gyorsan változó világában a pontos és naprakész információkhoz való hozzáférés elengedhetetlen a megalapozott döntések meghozatalához. SciChart diagramkönyvtárunk lehetővé teszi az online kaszinók számára az adatok valós idejű vizualizálását, segítve őket a trendek azonosításában, a lehetőségek felismerésében és a működésük optimalizálásában a maximális nyereségesség érdekében.

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Trusted by Industry Leaders


No other charting solution in the world can deliver what SciChart does so eloquently!

Meisho S

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Investment Banks Realize the Potential of SciChart’s Financial Charts

J.P. Morgan

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Accessibility out of the box, perfect for retail banking

J.P. Morgan uses SciChart across their entire retail banking sector, including applications for high net-worth customers.

They selected SciChart for mobile (iOS/Android), which is the only commercially available cross-platform chart library.

SciChart’s support for accessibility was among the reasons for their choice, as well as its performance, reliability and rendering capabilities.

Across the investment banking sector, SciChart is used by the majors, including Natwest Capital Markets, Barclays Capital, JPM, Citigroup, Bank of America and more.

Create Trading Apps that Inspire Millions

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When Trading View Isn’t Enough

An award-winning binary options trading app, used by almost a million active traders daily, is powered by SciChart.

Being able to completely customize the chart, white-label it into the app and provide their simple but bespoke trade-through-chart mechanism resulted in this firm winning awards and achieving a 5-star rating on the Google Play Store.

Derivative & Stock Exchanges Powered by SciChart

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Tried & Tested by the Leading Products You Already Know

We’re the charting software of choice for leading derivative and stock exchanges.

  • Deribit, a crypto derivative exchange, leverages SciChart for options profit calculation.
  • Refinitiv, formerly Thomson Reuters, uses SciChart in the Eikon application – a competitor of Bloomberg.

All of these have in common a need for high performance, flexible and configurable chart components.

Why Choose SciChart?



Big Data & Fully


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How SciChart Benefits Finance & Trading

Flexible Libraries for Custom Apps

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SciChart provides a flexible set of libraries for creating custom trading apps, investment and financial analytics applications.

Chart types available out of the box include candlestick, OHLC, line, mountain (area), column and many more. SciChart allows linking multiple charts (multi-pane apps), several axis types (logarithmic, date, numeric), a rich zooming and panning API, plus cursors, active legends, tooltips and more.

Using SciChart – our flexible building block for charts – you can create rich, custom finance and trading apps. You can also white-label our charts to create precisely the experience your users want.

True Cross-platform Experience

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With many rival chart libraries focusing only on JavaScript or offering poorer performance and user experience, SciChart provides a true cross-platform SDK for financial application developers.

Want to create a native mobile application in Swift and Kotlin alongside your JavaScript browser app?

With SciChart, you can do this. With the same API across mobile, Windows and JavaScript and with cross-platform bundle purchase options, you can create a compelling user experience and watch the ratings of your apps increase dramatically.

Get it on the Google Play StoreGet it on the Apple App Store

High Performance Graphics Engine

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With the world’s most advanced tech-stack for financial chart libraries, SciChart’s innovative graphics engine leverages full GPU hardware acceleration (WebGL, Metal, OpenGL, DirectX) allowing you to plot millions of data points: enough to visualize the entire history of Bitcoin in a 1-minute JavaScript candlestick chart.

Have previous solutions been too slow, or has performance been a complaint from your user base? If so, you need a faster chart library.

With SciChart, you won’t experience slowdown or lag with large datasets. This applies not only to candlestick and trading charts but also to financial analytics or risk management applications where years of market data may need to be visualized and interpreted by users.

Reliability & Performance When You Need It

See Example

SciChart has over 10,000 customers who have used our software and has been helping leading financial organizations create pioneering charts for over a decade. Our downstream customers create apps that have millions of users. SciChart is thoroughly road-tested, reliable and ready for the most demanding, high-performance financial and trading apps.

SciChart is found in:

  • Top-tier investment banks
  • Derivative and stock exchanges
  • Binary options trading apps
  • CFDs and crypto trading apps
  • Hedge funds

Testimonials & Reviews

Award Winning Software, Continually rated Best, with hundreds of 5-Star Reviews
star starstarstarstarstar 4.84 Average - 419 Reviews

Our customers continually rate us the best, mentioning incredible performance, depth of features, flexibility, ease of use and time & money saving. Read on to see what customers of SciChart say about us’ ‘Trusted by over 10,000 licensed developers in almost 80 countries, SciChart has been around for over a decade providing high-quality chart libraries for Windows (WPF), iOS/Android and JavaScript/TypeScript apps.

Steven I
Without doubt, the best charting library I have ever used. The examples suite is comprehensive to easily get you started coding on a new project. The sales & technical support staff are always responsible and eager to help. Chart customisation is extensive and rendering speed is quick.
Chris Kirkman
This is an incredible product. First it's the best chart I've had customers compliment how great the charting parts of our application look/behave. I couldn't recommend this product anymore than I already do. SciChart really hit the mark. I wish all software products could be this easy to use and be so productive (not to mention blazing fast).
Meisho S
No other charting solution in the world can deliver what SciChart does so eloquently!

The most advanced chart libraries – across all major platforms


Supporting Typescript, React, Vue, Angular and more. Using WebAssembly & WebGL for incredible big-data performance



For native windows apps. Supporting DirectX11, .netCore or .Net Framework, C# and VB apps on Windows 8, 10, 11


iOS & macOS

Supporting Swift, Objective-C native apps on iOS devices with Metal hardware acceleration, and native apps on macOS desktop


Android Charts

Fully GPU accelerated charts for Android native apps (Kotlin, Java) on phones, tablets, and custom hardware
