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0 votes
0 answers


I was trying to create a line chart with lots of gaps in it. All lines need to be two points only, with the same y values and x values representing time, with the next value as a NaN to divide the lines. When i did this, the chart started to respond in a weird way where points would disappear when zooming and not even show anything at certain parts.

I modified the example from the documentation in the section titled “Drawing Null points with NaN” as a FastLineRenderableSeries with my input and sharing it below.
The docs I looked at:
My Example:

Is this the optimal way to achieve what I am trying to do here or should i be looking at an alternative solution? I would be trying to draw close to 1 million lines at least, with text annotations.

Thank you for your help.

0 votes

Hi, when I was using the RolloverModifier all the points that were displayed in the tooltip were highlighted by slightly increasing the size of the marks in the chart area. Ultimately, I wanted to have some sort of crosshair in my chart and I ended up using the CursorModifier instead of the RolloverModifier to achieve my goal. This worked fine, but the only thing I have lost from changing the modifier is this “highlighting” of the markers displayed in the tooltip. Is there any way to have this “highlighting” also with the CursorModifier ?

I have provided 2 images showing the 2 modifiers.

0 votes

Hi, I would like to update the theme at the runtime of the chart. In JS I have made a dropdown component from which I can change the theme of the chart. When this “select” component changes it calls in the following code:

function ChartThemeChanged() {
        var x = document.getElementById("ChatTheme").value;
        switch (x){
            case "dark":
                theme = new SciChart.SciChartJsNavyTheme();
            case "light":
                theme = new SciChart.SciChartJSLightTheme();


This works fine for the main chart area. I also have a LegendModifier which I placed on a different div with “placementDivId”. When I change the theme, as I said the main area of the chart changes but the legend does not change. How can I fix this? Is there any function I can call on the chart surface to trigger to reevaluate and redraw the legend with the correct new theme?

I have observed that if I add a new series to the chart with “emissionSmallSciChartSurface.renderableSeries.add(lineSeries);” the theme of the legend is applied. I guess it is applied because the legend is redrawn with the extra series but this is not really practical.
How can I fix this cleanly?
Thank you!

0 votes

We are creating a stock chart and are currently at the stage of adding various formations. So far, we have added: trend line (LineAnnotation), vertical and horizontal lines, and a horizontal ray (HorizontalLineAnnotation with x1). We still need the most popular and commonly used formation: the extended line – which is simply a straight line that extends across the entire chart, and its position and angles can be adjusted.

Here’s a link with an example of how it works:
Is it possible to create such a line, or is it currently not supported?

Additionally, the ability to add labels only works in HorizontalLineAnnotation and VerticalLineAnnotation. Will the ability to add labels in LineAnnotation be added?

Best regards,

0 votes

I have a realtime app that will work with 5 to 8 million datapoints of timedataseries. If I have to dynamically scale multiple charts on a surface, it can be ranging from 1 to 20. upon reading the documentation I see that Subcharts and SciChartVerticalGroup are 2 possible solutions. I would have to dynamically add and remove those sub charts just like what you have shown in one of the these examples.

What would be a better choice for performance ?

0 votes
0 answers

I created 3 candle sticks and they all have different width even tho I give them the same dataPointWidth?

See image below for reference,

Code sandbox link:

Thank you.

0 votes

Hi, I see that there is Box Plot chart on WPF sciChart, but it doesn’t seem to exist for javascript version.
Is there a plan for it anytime soon or is there any way I can create a box plot chart with the current javascript version?

My current idea to create one with what is available is using StackedColumnSeries and box annotations and line annotations. The reason I want to use StackedColumnSeries is for the xAxis. The idea is to create xAxis with, Plot1, Plot2 and Plot3.

See the image below.

0 votes

I’m using a DateTimeNumericAxis as my xAxis.
As an example, 1 of my records date time is set to: 2024-08-02T15:00:00+10:00

They are converted to a timestamp value of 1722574800 and add it to the series.xValues, because it’s the format that SciChart reads. However, the xAxis label is being translated as August 2, 2024 5:00:00 AM instead of August 2, 2024 3:00:00 PM.

My current workaround is to create custom labels by updating the xAxis.labelProvider.formatLabel and labelProvider.formatCursorLabel of the xAxis. So now, I can convert it to toLocaleDateString with options: month: ‘short’, day: ‘numeric’ . But it’s not as compact as the default labels.

Default Axis Labels: Jul 27 28 29 30 31 Aug 02
Custom Axis Labels: 26 Jul 27 Jul 28 Jul 29 Jul 30 Jul 31 Jul 01 Aug 02Aug

See attached images with default vs custom labels

Question: How do I go about making sure that the Axis Labels and Axis Cursor labels follows the actual DateTime (2024-08-02T15:00:00+10:00) without making any custom axis labels?

0 votes


I’ve observed that SciChart JavaScript does not currently support point selection or hit testing for 3D charts. Is there a method or workaround to implement point selection in 3D charts?

It would be helpful to obtain the coordinates of the selected point if such functionality is available.

Thank you for your assistance.

I attempted to use the Custom Modifier to capture point selection in a 3D chart, but I only received the screen coordinates of the mouse click, not the 3D coordinates of the point.

Is there a way to obtain the 3D coordinates of a selected point in Sci Chart JavaScript, or is there an alternative approach that can be used to achieve this?

i have included my attempt at this in the post.

0 votes


I am using your example:

new CursorModifier({
    showYLine: false,
    axisLabelFill: "#484848",
    tooltipLegendOffsetX:  10, - doesn't work
    crosshairStrokeDashArray: [5, 5],
    crosshairStrokeThickness: 1,
    crosshairStroke: _theme.crosshairStrokeSupplyDemand,
    showTooltip: true,
    tooltipSvgTemplate: getTooltipSvgTemplate

Is it possible to offset the tooltip from the X-axis? If it is on the right side of the axis, the spacing is maintained, unfortunately, if it is on the left side, it is ‘stuck’ to the line.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

0 votes

Hi, is there a modifier or possibly buttons for zoom in & zoom out that works similar to a MouseWheelZoomModifier but for users with no mouse wheel?

0 votes


I am looking for a way to unselect the annotation programatically. setting isSelected to false is not adviced and also does not really unselect the annotation (just remove the adorner 🙂 )

I want to provide an ability to hit “Esc” to unselect the annotation.

Please advice.



0 votes

I am trying to modify the tooltip with the following code:

 function tooltipTemplate(
    id: string,
    seriesInfo: SeriesInfo,
    rolloverTooltip: RolloverTooltipSvgAnnotation
  ) {
    return `<svg width="120" height="16">
    <rect x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" fill="${seriesInfo.stroke}"/>
    <svg width="100%">
        <text y="0" x="0" font-size="12" font-family="Verdana" dy="0" fill="white">
            <tspan x="4" dy="1em">${seriesInfo.seriesName}: ${seriesInfo.formattedYValue}</tspan>

It is working but now all the tooltip are on top of each other, how can I fix that?

1 vote

Hi, I’ve been looking for alternatives to ChartJS and so far really like what I’m seeing with SciChart, but was just curious if there’s any JS support for Radar Charts? I can see that it’s supported in the WPF version, but haven’t been able to find any similar documentation regarding the JS version


0 votes

We are developing an application whose main task is to display charts and allow users to add indicators to these charts. We have two requirements for drawing lines on the chart upon button click:

Option 1 (2 clicks):
– The user clicks on point A.
– The user moves the cursor over the chart and sees a line from point A to
the cursor (the line changes length with each mouse movement).
– On the second click, the line takes on the final parameters of the
second click.

Option 2 (mousedown && mouseup ):

  • I press the mouse on point A but do not release it.
  • I move the cursor over the chart (the line changes length with each mouse movement).
  • I release the mouse, and the line is drawn.

Is either of these options feasible? If not, is there any possibility of drawing lines through any user interaction?

At the moment, we have implemented line drawing by clicking on a point, and at that point, a short line is drawn that the user can adjust as they wish. However, there is a minor issue with retrieving the X and Y values:
const mouseX = clickEvent.offsetX;
const mouseY = clickEvent.offsetY;

const xValue = this.sciChartSurface.xAxes.get(0).getCurrentCoordinateCalculator().getDataValue(mouseX);
const yValue = this.sciChartSurface.yAxes.get(0).getCurrentCoordinateCalculator().getDataValue(mouseY);
These values are always shifted to the right and downward. Is there any additional trick I should use to fix it?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Link to chart:

0 votes

I am having an issue while trying to append 3d scatter points to a 3d surface.

The following error is being shown . I tired to looking into the documentation too.
Searched for a solution but didn’t find anything.

0 votes

Hi, I javascript I have a sciChart and I am using the RolloverModifier.
With this code

            new RolloverModifier({
                showRolloverLine: true,
                tooltipDataTemplate: getTooltipDataTemplate,
                placementDivId: "tooltip-div-id",
const getTooltipDataTemplate = (seriesInfo, tooltipTitle, tooltipLabelX, tooltipLabelY) => {
            // Lines here are returned to the tooltip and displayed as text-line per tooltip
            const lines = [];
            const val = seriesInfo.yValue;
            const x = seriesInfo.formattedXValue
            lines.push(`Exposure ${Math.trunc(x)}`)
            if(seriesInfo.seriesName.includes('T8') && val != null) { lines.push(`${tooltipTitle}: ${val.toFixed(1)} °C` ); }
            if(seriesInfo.seriesName.includes('HU') && val != null) { lines.push(`${tooltipTitle}: ${val.toFixed(2)} %` ); }
            if(seriesInfo.seriesName.includes('mA') && val != null) { lines.push(`${tooltipTitle}: ${val} mA` ); }
            if(seriesInfo.seriesName.includes('Factor') && val != null) { lines.push(`${tooltipTitle}: ${val.toFixed(7)}` ); }
            return lines;

I am able to obtain The first image where the tooltip are shown outside the chart area (just below the chart) and for each series there is a colored box. This is fine, but I do not really want individual boxes.

I then tries to use the tooltipLegendTemplate instead of tooltipDataTemplate and with this code:

// Add some interaction modifiers to show zooming and panning
new RolloverModifier({
showRolloverLine: true,
showTooltip: false,
tooltipLegendTemplate: getTooltipLegendTemplate,
placementDivId: “tooltip-div-id”,

// Override the standard tooltip displayed by CursorModifier
        const getTooltipLegendTemplate = (seriesInfos, svgAnnotation) => {
            // Lines here are returned to the tooltip and displayed as text-line per tooltip
            let outputSvgString = "";
            let x;
            // Foreach series there will be a seriesInfo supplied by SciChart. This contains info about the series under the house
            seriesInfos.forEach((seriesInfo, index) => {
                let unit
                x = seriesInfo.formattedXValue
                switch(seriesInfo.seriesName) {
                    case "T8": unit = ' °C'; break;
                    case "HU": unit = ' %'; break;
                    case "Aging Factor Small": unit = ' %'; break;
                    case "Aging Factor Large": unit = ' %'; break;
                    case "Space Charge Factor Small": unit = ' %'; break;
                    case "Space Charge Factor Large": unit = ' %'; break;
                    case "mA first 40kV": unit = ' mA'; break;
                    case "mA first 50kV": unit = ' mA'; break;
                    case "mA first 60kV": unit = ' mA'; break;
                    case "mA first 95kV": unit = ' mA'; break;
                    case "mA first 125kV": unit = ' mA'; break;
                outputSvgString += `<text x="8" y="${20*(index+2)}" font-size="16" font-family="Verdana" fill="${seriesInfo.stroke}">
                                    ${seriesInfo.seriesName}: ${seriesInfo.formattedYValue} ${unit}
            // Content here is returned for the custom legend placed in top-left of the chart
            return `<svg>
                        <text x="8" y="20" font-size="15" font-family="Verdana" fill="lightblue">Exposure ${Math.trunc(x)}</text>

With this code I can obtain the second image. But I would like to place the SVG outside of the chart area (just like I pointed in the image). The placementDivId: “tooltip-div-id” does not seem to work for tooltipLegendTemplate, it only works for tooltipDataTemplate. Can we place the SVG outside of the chart area?

Thank you !

0 votes


In my project I am using Non-Uniform Heatmap chart. My problem is that when I zoom in/out the performance is very poor and the FPS drops down a lot. First I thought the problem might be the size of heatmap I was rendering 10 x 3000, but then I tried to run example code from and it has the same performance issue with zValue of size 3×3

In my project I also use Uniform Heatmaps and these don’t have any visible performance issue, even for large amount of data.

I would be very grateful for your help in this matter

0 votes


body { margin: 0; }

scichart-root { width: 100%; height: 100vh; }


// Create a SciChartSurface in the div ‘scichart-root’

async function builderExample(divElementId) {

var data1 = [[1698350200000, 659.4081], [1698350200000, 709.4191], [1698347047000, 542.9722], [1698342726000, 652.2053], [1698338406000, 566.1798], [1698334075000, 616.6355], [1698329754000, 686.94464], [1698325434000, 581.1947], [1698321108000, 616.5695], [1698316788000, 687.024], [1698312467000, 514.56464], [1698308146000, 657.59796]];

var xArray = [];
data1.forEach(function (value,index) {
// xArray[index] = value[0]
xArray.push(new Date(value[0]));
var yArray = [];
data1.forEach(function (value,index) {

// Demonstrates how to create a line chart with SciChart.js using the Builder API
const {
ECoordinateMode ,
EHorizontalAnchorPoint ,
EVerticalAnchorPoint ,
} = SciChart;

// or, for npm, import { chartBuilder, … } from “scichart”

// #region ExampleB
// If you want to show an XAxis with dates between 1st March 2023 and 10th March 2023
const minDate = new Date(xArray[xArray.length – 1]);
const maxDate = new Date(xArray[0]);
console.log(xArray[0] + “minDate “+ minDate);

console.log(xArray[0] + “maxDate “+ maxDate);
// Create data for the chart with X-data as dates using unix Timestamp / 1000

const { wasmContext, sciChartSurface } = await chartBuilder.build2DChart(divElementId, {
surface: { theme: { type: EThemeProviderType.Dark } },
xAxes: {
type: EAxisType.DateTimeNumericAxis,
options: {
axisTitle: “X Axis / DateTime”,
// We need to specify some visibleRange to see these two dates
// SciChart.js expects linux timestamp / 1000

visibleRange: new NumberRange(minDate.getTime()/1000, maxDate.getTime()/1000 )
yAxes: {
type: EAxisType.NumericAxis,
options: {
axisTitle: “Y Axis, Left, default formatting”,
axisAlignment: EAxisAlignment.Left,

visibleRange: new NumberRange(500, 800),
series: [
type: ESeriesType.MountainSeries,
options: {
strokeThickness: 3,
stroke: “#50C7E0”
xyData: { xArray, yArray }
// #endregion
sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new ZoomPanModifier(), new MouseWheelZoomModifier());

// Add annotations to tell the user what to do
sciChartSurface.annotations.add(new TextAnnotation({
text: “DateTimeNumericAxis Demo”,
x1: 0.1, y1: 0.1,
yCoordShift: 0,
xCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.Relative, yCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.Relative,
horizontalAnchorPoint: EHorizontalAnchorPoint.Center, verticalAnchorPoint: EVerticalAnchorPoint.Center,
opacity: 0.33,
fontSize: 36,
fontWeight: “Bold”
sciChartSurface.annotations.add(new TextAnnotation({
text: “Try mouse-wheel, left/right mouse drag and notice the dynamic X-Axis Labels”,
x1: 0.5, y1: 0.5,
yCoordShift: 50,
xCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.Relative, yCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.Relative,
horizontalAnchorPoint: EHorizontalAnchorPoint.Center, verticalAnchorPoint: EVerticalAnchorPoint.Center,
opacity: 0.45,
fontSize: 17,

const lineSeries = new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext);
lineSeries.strokeThickness = 3;
lineSeries.stroke = “rgba(255,0,0,1)”;
lineSeries.dataSeries = xyDataSeries;

// Uncomment this to use the builder example

0 votes


I have some strange beaviour when using horisontaly stacked charts and cursors. When adding showYLine for the cursor it shows and both charts Y axis. How can I limit/add workaround so it only shows on the correct axis? See the screenshot.

Thank you.

0 votes


I created multiple charts by using subchart api. I would like to know how to listen click() event for each subchart. In other words, how do I know which subchart is clicked by the user?


  • Atanai W. asked 2 months ago
  • last active 2 months ago
0 votes

Currently I’m using line series to render data of two different types. But when using legend, a separate entry is made for each line. I want a single legend for each data type.

const {sciChartSurface, wasmContext} = await SciChart.SciChartSurface.create("scichart-root");

        sciChartSurface.xAxes.add(new SciChart.NumericAxis(wasmContext));
        sciChartSurface.yAxes.add(new SciChart.NumericAxis(wasmContext));

        for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            const xValues = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
            const yValues = => x * (i + 1));
            const dataSeries = new SciChart.XyDataSeries(wasmContext, { xValues, yValues, dataSeriesName: "file 1" });

            const lineSeries = new SciChart.FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
                stroke: "red",
                strokeThickness: 2,

        for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            const xValues = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
            const yValues = => x * (i + 10));
            const dataSeries = new SciChart.XyDataSeries(wasmContext, { xValues, yValues, dataSeriesName: "file 2" });

            const lineSeries = new SciChart.FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
                stroke: "blue",
                strokeThickness: 2,

        const legendModifier = new SciChart.LegendModifier({
            placement: SciChart.ELegendPlacement.TopRight,
            orientation: SciChart.ELegendOrientation.Vertical,
            showLegend: true,
            showCheckboxes: true,
            showSeriesMarkers: true,

        legendModifier.getLegendData = () => {
            return [{
                seriesName: "Grouped Lines",
                stroke: "#000000",
                seriesType: "LineSeries"

0 votes


Is there an equivalent JavaScript way to check if the hardware acceleration is enabled?

This snippet is from the WPF documentation.

Hardware-accelerated rendering check

if (sciChartSurface.RenderSurface.GetType() == typeof (VisualXcceleratorRenderSurface))
   // Hardware-accelerated rendering is enabled!

If there is no hardware acceleration in the browser available we do not want to render the SciChart surface.


0 votes


I am trying to make my xAxes values to be in datetime, specifically i want to try and get the seconds since my graph will be 20 seconds worth of data.

I checked the Javascript examples however all of them resulted in a wrong date

            // ? Getting start Date
            const startDate = new Date(timestamp).getTime()
            // ? yValues Array size
            const totalPoints = yValues.length
            // ? Getting end Date
            const endDate = startDate + (totalPoints - 1) * 64
            // ? xValues Array. startDate + i * 64 ms
            const xValues = Array.from({ length: totalPoints }, (_, i) => startDate + i * 64)

            // ? xAxes
            const xAxes = new CategoryAxis(wasmContext, {
                defaultXStart: startDate,
                defaultXStep: 64,
                defaultXEnd: endDate,
                labelProvider: new SmartDateLabelProvider(),
                axisAlignment: EAxisAlignment.Bottom,
                autoRange: EAutoRange.Always,
                drawMajorGridLines: false,
                drawMinorGridLines: false,
            xyDataSeries = new XyDataSeries(wasmContext, { xValues, yValues })

– xValues array consists of 320 values from start date to end date going up by 64ms
– Yes all the values of xValues are correct, console logged and checked them manually
– I tried DateTimeNumericAxis but it resulted in the same thing as the below screenshot

0 votes


I have implemented a scalable annotation which will pann and zoom with a heatmap,
see code below,

class ScalableAnnotation extends CustomAnnotation {
    constructor(...args) {
    update(xCalc, yCalc, xCoordSvgTrans, yCoordSvgTrans) {
        super.update(xCalc, yCalc, xCoordSvgTrans, yCoordSvgTrans);
        if (!this.initialDiff) {
            this.initialDiff = xCalc.visibleMax - xCalc.visibleMin;
            this.initialCircleRadius = Number.parseFloat('circle').attr('r'))
            this.initialCircleStrokeWidth = Number.parseFloat('circle').style('stroke-width'))
            this.initialLineStrokeWidth = Number.parseFloat('polygon').style('stroke-width'))
            this.initialWidth = Number.parseFloat(this.svg.getAttribute("width"));
            this.initialHeight = Number.parseFloat(this.svg.getAttribute("height"));
            this.zoomFactor = 1
        } else {
            this.diff = xCalc.visibleMax - xCalc.visibleMin;
            if (this.diff !== this.initialDiff) {
                this.zoomFactor = this.initialDiff / this.diff
                const width = this.initialWidth * this.zoomFactor;
                const height = this.initialHeight * this.zoomFactor;
      'circle').attr('r', (this.initialCircleRadius / this.zoomFactor) + 0.01)
      'circle').style('stroke-width', (this.initialCircleStrokeWidth / this.zoomFactor) + 0.003)
      'polygon').style('stroke-width', (this.initialLineStrokeWidth / this.zoomFactor) + 0.01)
                this.setSvgAttribute("width", width);
                this.setSvgAttribute("height", height);
                let borderX1 = this.getX1Coordinate(xCalc, yCalc) + this.xCoordShift;
                let borderY1 = this.getY1Coordinate(xCalc, yCalc) + this.yCoordShift;
                    borderX1 + width,
                    borderY1 + height

This works fantastic when zooming in and zooming out or panning see video below,

Bur when we resize the heatmap, the annotations do not scan with the heatmap. see video below,

Any suggestion on how to deal with this scenario?



0 votes

Hi thank you for resounding to other questions,

I have having a strange issue. When I add the ScatterRenderableSeries3D to a surface3D, the tooltip3D works. when I add more ScatterRenderableSeries3D it still works. but if I only update the xyzdataseries then the tooltip stops working.

Please see the code below,

   => {
            if (!sciChart3DSurfaceRef.current.renderableSeries.getById(annotationData?.id)) {
                if (annotationData.x.length > 0) {
                    //console.log("creating data", annotationData)
                    sciChart3DSurfaceRef.current.renderableSeries.add(new ScatterRenderableSeries3D(wasmContextRef.current, {
                        dataSeries: new XyzDataSeries3D(wasmContextRef.current, {
                            xValues: annotationData.x,
                            yValues: annotationData.y,
                            zValues: annotationData.z,
                            metadata: annotationData.metadata // Optional metadata here. Property vertexColor is read to color the point,

                        // When metadata colours are provided, the pointMarker.fill is ignored
                        pointMarker: new SpherePointMarker3D(wasmContextRef.current, {
                            size: 2.0,
                        opacity: 0.7
            else {
                console.log("setting data", annotationData)
                const dataSeries = new XyzDataSeries3D(wasmContextRef.current, {
                    xValues: annotationData.x,
                    yValues: annotationData.y,
                    zValues: annotationData.z,
                    metadata: annotationData.metaata // Optional metadata here. Property vertexColor is read to color the point,
                sciChart3DSurfaceRef.current.renderableSeries.getById( = dataSeries

When a new renderableSeries is added, the tooltip3d on that data works great! but if I add new dataseries like in else statement the tooltip3d disappears.

Any help is appreciated.


0 votes

Hi there,

I have a license in the past that expired March 13, 2024 for SC-BUNDLE-SDK-ENTERPRISE product.

I want to use SciChart JavaScript now, but if I use a pre-expired version of the package, can I use it without purchasing a license again?

When I tested it by applying the 3.3.567 version(published on February 28, 2024) according to the guidlines, it seems that the watermark does not disappear.

Thank you.

  • nada nada asked 3 months ago
  • last active 1 month ago
0 votes

I am not able to find a chart modifier to allow panning in 3D charts. Can you please point me to the correct modifier?

Thank you,


0 votes


What is the best way to update the XyzDataSeries3D data?


does not seem to have way to update xValues, yValues and zValues? these seem to be classes but i could not find the class method.

Thank you,


0 votes


I am trying to get an event when a customAnnotation is selected and unselected. I can of course is click to coincide with selection, but how do I listen on the unselected event?



0 votes

I’m creating a web application in which I have a little bit over a million data points. When toggling annotations (about 4000) on one of my charts I noticed the memory usage of Chrome was doubled. I did some tinkering and found out this behaviour only occurred when I had “strokeDashArray” set in my VerticalLineAnnotations.

  for (let i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
    const line = new VerticalLineAnnotation({
      x1: i,
      strokeDashArray: [5, 5] //If this is removed then the memory usage drops


Is there a known memory problem with dashed lines or anything I might do wrong?

0 votes

I am trying to add sci chart in nextjs app and its failing with a message “Aborted(both async and sync fetching of the wasm failed)”.
I have updated next config – webpack with :
const destWasmFolder = “static/chunks/pages”;
config.plugins.push(new CopyPlugin({
patterns: [
{ from: “node_modules/scichart/_wasm/scichart2d.wasm”, to: destWasmFolder },
And installed the package copy-files-from-to and created a file “copy-files-from-to.json in the root directory with content:
“copyFilesSettings”: {
“whenFileExists”: “overwrite”
“copyFiles”: [
“from”: “./node_modules/scichart/_wasm/”,
“to”: “./public/”

And updated package.json script with “”dev”: “cross-env NODE_OPTIONS=\”-r next-logger\” copy-files-from-to && next dev”

0 votes


I am trying to add multiple Y axis to this example:

What I want to achieve is to add an additional Y axis which would display the index of the loop. I have tried to make the first yAxis isVisible to false and add the additional one but it seems that it creates a blank chart (extra blue lines in the image attachment) with the index label + the number range. At the end vertically stacked axes are doubled instead of showing just the index.
I am attaching the images and the running example. Maybe there is an easier way to show the index of the loop of the particular graph while not displaying the number range?

Any help would be kindly appreciated.

  • Zino As asked 3 months ago
  • last active 3 months ago
0 votes

I am trying to add a custom modifier (derived from ChartModifierBase2D) to allow our users to navigate through datapoints using keyboard — left and right arrows.
But, the ZoomPanModifier prevents the keyboard events to reach this custom modifier.

Steps to reproduce the issue:
1. For example, use the following modifier that just listens to keyboard event and logs the event to console.
2. Add ZoomPanModifier along with the custom modifier.
3. Click on the chart to focus it and then press arrow keys. Nothing will be logged in the console.
4. Disable the ZoomPanModifier (either by setting its this.isEnabled = false or removing it entirely).
5. Click on the chart to focus it and then press arrow keys. You will see the keys logged in the console.

export class DataPointNavigatorModifier extends ChartModifierBase2D {
  public readonly type: string;

  constructor(options?: IChartModifierBaseOptions) {
    this.handleKeyDown = this.handleKeyDown.bind(this);
    this.type = 'DataPointNavigatorModifier';

  private handleKeyDown(ev: KeyboardEvent) {
    console.log('DataPointNavigatorModifier::handleKeyDown', ev);

  override onAttach() {
    this.parentSurface.domChartRoot.tabIndex = this.parentSurface.domChartRoot.tabIndex || 0;
    this.parentSurface.domChartRoot.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleKeyDown);

  override onDetach() {
    this.parentSurface.domChartRoot.removeEventListener('keydown', this.handleKeyDown);

I am open to other solutions that would allow users to navigate through datapoints using keyboard.

Best Regards,
Sachin Patel.

0 votes

I have a license for 2D plots and now I am trying to evaluate the 3D plots. I used the most basic example provided to plot 3 axis.

import { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import React from 'react'
import {
} from "scichart"

const createChart = async (divElementId) => {
    const { wasmContext, sciChart3DSurface } = await SciChart3DSurface.createSingle(divElementId, {
        //theme: new SciChartJsNavyTheme(),
        worldDimensions: new Vector3(300, 200, 300),
        cameraOptions: {
            position: new Vector3(300, 300, 300),
            target: new Vector3(0, 50, 0),
    sciChart3DSurface.xAxis = new NumericAxis3D(wasmContext, {
        drawMajorGridLines: true,
        drawMinorGridLines: true,
        drawLabels: true,
        axisTitle: "X Axis, 4-decimal places",
        visibleRange: new NumberRange(0, 1000),
        labelFormat: ENumericFormat.Scientific,
        cursorLabelFormat: ENumericFormat.Decimal,
        labelPrecision: 4,
        maxAutoTicks: 5,
        titleOffset: 50,
        tickLabelsOffset: 10,
    sciChart3DSurface.yAxis = new NumericAxis3D(wasmContext, {
        axisTitle: "Y Axis, 2 dp, prefix & postfix",
        labelPrecision: 2,
        labelPrefix: "$",
        labelPostfix: " USD",
        visibleRange: new NumberRange(10, 1000),
        maxAutoTicks: 5,
        titleOffset: 50,
        tickLabelsOffset: 10,
    sciChart3DSurface.zAxis = new NumericAxis3D(wasmContext, {
        axisTitle: "Z Axis, 0 dp",
        visibleRange: new NumberRange(0, 1000),
        labelPrecision: 0,
        labelPostfix: " kWh",
        maxAutoTicks: 5,
        titleOffset: 50,
        tickLabelsOffset: 10,
    //sciChart3DSurface.zAxis = new NumericAxis3D(wasmContext, { axisTitle: "Z Axis" });
        new MouseWheelZoomModifier3D(), // provides camera zoom on mouse wheel
        new OrbitModifier3D(), // provides 3d rotation on left mouse drag
        new ResetCamera3DModifier()); // resets camera position on double-click
    return sciChart3DSurface

const ThreeDPlotTemplate = (props) => {
    const sciChart3DSurfaceRef = useRef()
    useEffect(() => {
        sciChart3DSurfaceRef.current = createChart(`scichart-root-${}`); // Note, does not delete on unmount (todo later)
        console.log(sciChart3DSurfaceRef.current.then(value => console.log(value)))
    }, []);

    return (
                width: "100%",
                height: "100%",
                position: "relative",
                    width: "100%",
                    height: "100%",
                    position: "relative",
                    position: "absolute",
                    width: "100%",
                    top: "35%",
                    textAlign: "center",
                    pointerEvents: "none",
                    color: "#ffffff77"
                <p className="title">SciChart.js 3D Chart Example</p>
                <p className="subTitle">Drag the mouse to rotate, use MouseWheel to zoom</p>
                <p className="subTitle">Double-click to reset zoom</p>
        </div >

export default ThreeDPlotTemplate

But i am getting just a blank screen Please see attached image. Is this an issue we licensing? or am i missing something?



0 votes
0 answers

Hi everyone,
Wanted to check if there is an existing implementation of NonUniformGridDataSeries3D in js. Had a use case that requires plotting of a 3d mesh with non-uniform grid. I could only find UniformGridDataSeries3D. Can someone please help?

0 votes
0 answers

Hello, we have been working on our charts for more than a year now. The performance is really bad recently, it uses 100% of CPU when hovering on the chart, it seems to be an issue with the RolloverModifier, if we remove it; everything feels smother and the CPU usage is on normal levels. We tried rolling back to an old version of SciChart, but the problem persist. Any idea of what can be the issue?

0 votes

When displaying a value in a stacked column chart, if the value is negative, the negative value should be drawn from the 0 position of the y-axis or from below the other negative value if it exists. Similarly, the positive value after the negative should be drawn from the 0 position of the y-axis or from above the other positive value if it exists. But instead, in both cases, they are being drawn from the end of the previous value, resulting in overlapping.

1 vote

Is there a way to get discreet colormap for the heatmap? currently no matter how many or how few colors are defined in the colormap table it always adds a gradient. how can we get a discreet ranges for colormap?


0 votes

We have a scalablecustomannotation and i have embedded a png in side the snnotation svg. currently when I zoom in on the svg it does interpolation/smoothening of the pixels by default. what would like to set is pixellated mode where there is no automatic smoothening.

Any ideas how to achieve that?

E.g. please see the video below, what you see on the right in the video is what I get from scichart. what I am trying to achieve is the effect in the left window


0 votes


I am having a problem where I want to display the Rollover Modifier only when I click on the selected graph.
For example:
If I select the Second Lines Series, I want to see the rollover only for that particular graph and not the first one and the third one.

I have tried using charts id’s as a reference to show only one tooltip but it just enables it for all the graphs.

Any help would be kindly appreciated.

  • Zino As asked 4 months ago
  • last active 4 months ago
0 votes

Our application requires registration between visible image and heatmap data. I am able to do this with ScalableAnnotations which registers the image beautifully and is able to scale with the heatmap as shown in the video below.

unfortunately this is exactly opposite of what we need. The issue we are facing is we need the visible image to be under the heatmap and not over the heatmap. In our use case the relevant data in the heatmap is visible and rest of the data is transparent and needs to be over the visible image to colocate where the cancer is.

How do we achieve this?

0 votes
0 answers

(Copied from GitHub issue)
In an attempt to wrap the SciChart Server Licensing shared object using java (JNA), I ended up with strange behavior when calling any function which returns char *. In Java, the returned pointer memory does not start at the correct offset which holds the string value and therefore invalid characters are returned.

My guess, after evaluation, is that either the function is returning some std::string object, or that it is actually returning say str.c_str() where str is an std::string. The issue is that returning str.c_str() causes the reference to be dropped once it is out of scope, this means that a dangling pointer is returned. I ended up needing to wrap the function calls in another extern C layer to get the desired functionality in Java, see link below for snippets and attached zip files for source.

Server Licensing GitHub Issue

0 votes

I’ve got some questions to expand on this topic:

1) Can you export areas of a chart that are not visible on the screen? I have a large line chart, like a seismograph, that is never fully displayed on the screen because it is too long.

2) Can you export from a chart that is not visible on the screen?

Thank you

  • max keirn asked 4 months ago
  • last active 3 months ago
0 votes

I wanted to customized my box annotation further, for example, I wanted to give my box annotation some border radius, it seem like there is no way to do so currently.

I know that there is custom annotation like svg annotation, but those are svg, the reason Custom annotation doesn’t work for me is because they are not responsive to zooming since they are image/svg, unlike normal box annotation.

For example, for normal box annotation, I can give it x1 to x2 so that when I zoom in the chart, the box annotation expanded. But for Custom annotation, they only take one x point for placement, so I can not cover x1 to x2, it only going to stay on x1.

So, I wonder if there is currently a way I can add border radius to a box annotation, or is there a plan to do so in the future?

Let me know, thank you!

  • Nung Khual asked 4 months ago
  • last active 4 months ago
1 vote

We managed to create a functioning chart, but sometimes when we first ran the chart it produced this error, followed by the chart being completely unable to display.

We attached the error message produced in DevTools, the expected outcome and the actual outcome when the error occurred.

1 vote

When using AutoRange.Once on an axis, I expect the auto ranging to be done exactly once.
If at some point, I change the visible range to match the default one (0 to 10 for numeric axis), the auto range is triggered again.

Happens more if I provide inputs so the user can define a range, and depending on the use case, 0 to 10 is not that uncommon.
Kind of an edge case, but still something that can happen, and is definitely unexpected.

This can be seen happening here

1 vote

I am trying to subscribe to Visible Range changes on a DateTimeNumericAxis, it is not working, am I doing something wrong?

1 vote
0 answers

Hi, im facing a problem related to VisibleRange Auto,
when a value is much higher than the values
already plotted and I try to scroll along the X axis,
the value on the Y axis does not fully show the candle.

Please see the attached images.

As you can see, the biggest value of my last candle is 41.75, however,
the numberRange that is being used in VisibleRange Auto is 41.63.

Is there any way around this?

1 vote
0 answers

I have a design where I want to show something like a box at the top of the chart and when hovering on it, it should show up a tooltip with some info, the issue I’m running into is the fact that I can’t seem to find way I can add tooltip to box annotation other than adding another box annotation when hover or hit, but it seem that it is not recommended base on my previous post before.

I also looked into scatterXY series or pointMarker, the issue with Point marker or scatter series is that I can only set one x and y, but my design require the box to be from a certain x1 point to x2 point. I can probably try to calculate the width and set the width to the point marker, but I would rather not if there is a better way.

Also looked into column chart, but that also have the same issue of only one x and y point and not sure about tooltip, but definitely seem more promising than annotation.

Please let me know if there is a better way to accomplish this, thank you!

The image below is the design.

  • Nung Khual asked 6 months ago
  • last active 6 months ago
Showing 1 - 50 of 413 results