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Tag: DateTimeAxis

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1 vote

The format of the set DateTimeAxis x-axis is (“yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss”), but when the chart is enlarged, if the range is short, it changes to (“hh:mm:ss”). I want to display year/month/day information as well, even if the range is short. Please answer with the MVVM model.

  • Lee Ji Un asked 9 months ago
  • last active 9 months ago
1 vote


In Tutorial 06b – Realtime Updates, I want change the <s:SciChartSurface.XAxis> from <s:NumericAxis/> to <s:DateTimeAxis/> . I have tried a lot, but it still doesn’t work.

Could you please help me to do this work.

Thank you very much.

  • Zhi Zhang asked 10 months ago
  • last active 10 months ago
0 votes

I am trying to add a BoxAnnotation with MVVM pattern where the X-Axis is a DateTime axis. The annotation can be dragged into the X-direction. I need to know the DateTime of each position while dragging and also the final position(DateTime) of the BoxAnnotation when the drag Ended. I am listening to the DragDelta and DragEnded events in ViewModel. But here I couldn’t able to get the DateTime from X1 and X2 of that annotation model. I am sharing some snippets of my code. Can you please let me know how I can achieve this?

In xaml:

<Style x:Key="_boxAnnotationStyle" BasedOn="{StaticResource AnnotationBaseStyle}" TargetType="scichart:BoxAnnotation">
        <Setter Property="Template">
                <ControlTemplate TargetType="scichart:BoxAnnotation">
                    <Border x:Name="PART_BoxAnnotationRoot"
              Margin="{TemplateBinding Margin}"
              Background="{TemplateBinding Background}"
              BorderBrush="{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}"
              BorderThickness="{TemplateBinding BorderThickness}"
              CornerRadius="{TemplateBinding CornerRadius}" />
<scichart:SciChartSurface x:Name="GraphSurface"
                 Annotations="{scichart:AnnotationsBinding ItsAnnotations}">

                    <scichart:DateTimeAxis x:Name="GraphXAxis"
                                           VisibleRange="{Binding ItsTimeVisibleRange, Mode=TwoWay}" />

                    <scichart:NumericAxis x:Name="GraphYAxis"
                                          VisibleRange="0, 10" />


In ViewModel.cs

    private DateRange _timeVisibleRange;
    private ObservableCollection<IAnnotationViewModel> _annotations;
    private IAnnotationViewModel _boxAnnotation;
    public ObservableCollection<IAnnotationViewModel> ItsAnnotations
            return _annotations;
    public DateRange ItsTimeVisibleRange
        get { return _timeVisibleRange; }
            if (_timeVisibleRange == value) return;
            _timeVisibleRange = value;
            RaisePropertyChanged(() => ItsTimeVisibleRange);
    _boxAnnotation = new BoxAnnotationViewModel()
            IsEditable = true,
            DragDirections = SciChart.Charting.XyDirection.XDirection,
            X1 = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(300),
            X2 = DateTime.UtcNow,
            Y1 = 0,
            Y2 = 8,
            StyleKey = "_boxAnnotationStyle"

     _annotations = new ObservableCollection<IAnnotationViewModel>() { };
     _annotations.Add(_boxAnnotation );

     _captureTimeRangeSelectorAnnotation.DragDelta += OnDrag;
     _captureTimeRangeSelectorAnnotation.DragEnded += DragEnded;
    private void DragEnded(object sender, EventArgs e)
         var boxAnnotationModel = sender as BoxAnnotationViewModel;
          // Need to know the DateTime value of X1 and X2
    private void OnDrag(object sender, AnnotationDragDeltaEventArgs e)
         var boxAnnotationModel = sender as BoxAnnotationViewModel;
         // Need to know the DateTime value of X1 and X2
1 vote

The project is developed on SciChart JS.

The x axis is date time numeric and y axis is numeric.

There is a option for the user to select the x axis interval. The interval values are 5 Min, 10 Min, 15 Min, 30 Min, 1 Hour, 6 Hour, 12 Hour, Days, Weeks, Months & Years.

When the user the selects a interval in the select option, the x axis should be updated with the selected interval.

For Example, If the user selects the 5 Min in the select option, then the x axis interval should be 5 Min.

For 5 Min X Axis Interval

16-Jan-2023 07:00
16-Jan-2023 07:05
16-Jan-2023 07:10
16-Jan-2023 07:15
16-Jan-2023 07:20
16-Jan-2023 07:25
16-Jan-2023 07:30

For 1 Hour X Axis Interval

16-Jan-2023 07:00
16-Jan-2023 08:00
16-Jan-2023 09:00
16-Jan-2023 10:00
16-Jan-2023 11:00
16-Jan-2023 12:00
16-Jan-2023 13:00
16-Jan-2023 14:00

So let me know how to change the interval in the x axis (date time numeric) based on the selection.

I have attached the zip file which contains the HTML file.

  • Leo Leslin asked 1 year ago
  • last active 2 months ago
1 vote
0 answers


I am new to SciCharts and I am developing line chart with multiple line series with different colors. All line series have time span on X-axis and a double value on Y-axis. I need to show time ticks after specific interval for example i need to show tick after every 30 seconds or 1 minute or 3 minute. and may else.I have also took a look at Major Delta and Minor delta but i am confused and not properly using it . And also interval can be changed with at runtime like a user can select that they want to see X-axis time tick after every 30 second or 50 second or etc. Please can you give me and example for it. I hope for Quick repsonse.

    Date majorDelta = new Date(DateIntervalUtil.fromSeconds(1));
    Date minorDelta = new Date(DateIntervalUtil.fromSeconds(30));

DateAxis xAxis = sciChartBuilder.newDateAxis()

Best Regards,

1 vote

I am facing a little hurdle in plotting the date value to the chart.

How to add the date to chart x axis and numeric value to the y axis?
Please provide a example to add the date in x axis and numeric value in the y axis.

Please provide a example with one series in the y axis.

I have a requirement to plot the patient vital signs, the date value in x axis and vital signs in y axis.
x – Date when the vital sign is captured
y1, y2, y3, y4, y5 – BP, Heart rate & other vital signs

The model data looks like below.

{“x”:”29-Nov-2022 04:37″,”y1″:”119″,”y2″:”80″,”y3″:”15″,”y4″:”23.6″,”y5″:”86″},
{“x”:”29-Nov-2022 04:38″,”y1″:”119″,”y2″:”80″,”y3″:”15″,”y4″:”23.6″,”y5″:”87″},
{“x”:”29-Nov-2022 04:39″,”y1″:”119″,”y2″:”80″,”y3″:”15″,”y4″:”23.6″,”y5″:”86″}

0 votes

Hello everybody,

I didnt find any answer to this. Is it possible to display data from year 0 to year 9999?

Until now i figuered out, that data from the year 834 to 9166 can be displayed. Beyond this range (eg to 9499) not data were displayed and the x-axis shows todays date.

Thanks for any help

0 votes


I am currently working on an DateTimeAxis where I am trying to display the labels in two hours intervals. So far it is working well but I have noticed when working with different timezones , if the timezone is odd, the labels display only odd numbers. When the timezone is even however the labels are even as well (eg. get-4 displays labels such as 2pm 4pm 6pm 8pm while gmt-7 displays 1pm 3pm 5pm 7pm)
I have played around with hours and dates to try to dynamically adjust the min and max visible ranges depending on if the current time is even or odd but that doesn’t affect at all the labels even after providing the major deltas and range.

does anyone know how to fix this issue? I want even labels regardless of the situation.

  • papa diaw asked 3 years ago
  • last active 2 years ago
0 votes


I have an x-axis of type DateTime. Now I need to change that x-axis to show data in different intervals like Daily, Weekly, Monthly, continuous axis, and discontinuous axis at runtime.

Can you help me to guide on how can we achieve this. Also, any code reference would be really helpful.


0 votes

i have been working on line charts and i need to show date as well as time on the axis( 21 june 08 05:30:PM like this).I’ve tried with date axis and numeric axis ,but it doesn’t helps.Do we have any suggestions or samples which could help me

0 votes

We’re using Xamarin.Forms. We were using iOS build 5019 and Android build 4441 and we had a custom DatelabelProvider set on our X axis in both platforms which worked fine.

However after updating to latest builds (5022 and 4459), the provider’s FormatLabel (FormatLabelFormatted on Android) isn’t being called and the default label formatting is applied.

0 votes

ZoomPanModifier date format charts zoom out continuously then showing NaN on the scale. It happened because the zoom level goes under the invalid date. Can you add the Minimum Zoom/Pan and Maximum Zoom/Pan area to be configured on options?

0 votes


I want to implement a custom deltaX cursor in my software. It consists in two vertical lines that can be moved be the user and the idea to get the delta x (DateTime) between the two lines.
I’ve started to implement it by using two custom VerticalLineAnnotation added to a VerticalSliceManager. As my chart is a real time chart, I don’t want my cursors postions changed exepct on user interaction, that’s why I set to Relative the CoordinateMode property of my two Annotations.
The display and the interaction works fine, but when I try to retrieve the actual position of one cursor to compute the delta I have some trouble to convert the relative position to a DateTime value.
I have override the OnDragDelta() method, the relative value of X1 is correct but when I try to convert it into a DateTime by using FromRelativeCoordinate, I still have Date in 1899. I also try to interpret this as OA Date but I still have wrong date.

Do you have an idea ?

 public override void OnDragDelta()
        if (_sciChartSurface.XAxis != null)
            double dataValue = (double)this.FromRelativeCoordinate((double)this.X1, _sciChartSurface.XAxis);
            DateTime classic = new DateTime((long)dataValue);
            DateTime fromOa = DateTime.FromOADate(dataValue);
            Debug.WriteLine("CLASSIC "+ classic);
            Debug.WriteLine("OA "+ fromOa);
0 votes

Hello SciChart Team,

I was facing a problem lately and would like to know if you can reproduce it or maybe if you have fixed it in the latest version already.

I have created a chart with a X axis using DateTime as format. When I use the RolloverModifier in combination with Interpolation I get an ArgumentOutOfRangeException when moving the cursor to the Y Axis (see attached image).

I have attached the full excetption details as well.

I am looking forward to your feedback.

Thanks and best regards

SciChart Version:
SciChart Runtime Version: v4.0.30319

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException was unhandled Message: An unhandled
exception of type 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' occurred in
WindowsBase.dll Additional information: Ticks must be between
DateTime.MinValue.Ticks and DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks.

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Ticks must be between DateTime.MinValue.Ticks and DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks.
Parameter name: ticks
   at System.DateTime..ctor(Int64 ticks)
   at A.ARB.Subtract(DateTime a, DateTime b)
   at SciChart.Charting.Model.DataSeries.DataSeries2.FindClosestLine(IComparable x, IComparable y, Double xyScaleRatio, Double xRadius, LineDrawMode drawNanAs)
   at SciChart.Charting.Visuals.RenderableSeries.BaseRenderableSeries.NearestHitResult(Point mouseRawPoint, Double hitTestRadiusInPixels, SearchMode searchMode, Boolean considerYCoordinateForDistanceCalculation)
   at SciChart.Charting.Visuals.RenderableSeries.BaseRenderableSeries.HitTestInternal(Point rawPoint, Double hitTestRadius, Boolean interpolate)
   at SciChart.Charting.Visuals.RenderableSeries.BaseRenderableSeries.HitTest(Point rawPoint, Double hitTestRadius, Boolean interpolate)
   at SciChart.Charting.Visuals.RenderableSeries.BaseRenderableSeries.VerticalSliceHitTest(Point rawPoint, Boolean interpolate)
   at SciChart.Charting.ChartModifiers.RolloverModifier.GWB(Point D)
   at SciChart.Charting.ChartModifiers.RolloverModifier.BY.MoveNext()
   at SciChart.Charting.Common.Extensions.EnumerableExtensions.RU.MoveNext()
   at SciChart.Core.Extensions.EnumerableExtensions.ForEachDo[T](IEnumerable1 enumerable, Action1 operation)
   at SciChart.Charting.ChartModifiers.RolloverModifier.FillWithIncludedSeries(IEnumerable1 infos, ObservableCollection1 seriesInfos)
   at SciChart.Charting.ChartModifiers.RolloverModifier.HandleMasterMouseEvent(Point mousePoint)
   at SciChart.Charting.ChartModifiers.InspectSeriesModifierBase.TUB(Point D)
   at SciChart.Charting.ChartModifiers.InspectSeriesModifierBase.HandleMouseEvent(ModifierMouseArgs e)
   at SciChart.Charting.ChartModifiers.InspectSeriesModifierBase.OnModifierMouseMove(ModifierMouseArgs e)
   at SciChart.Charting.ChartModifiers.ModifierGroup.<>c.OB(IChartModifier D, ModifierEventArgsBase I)
   at SciChart.Charting.ChartModifiers.ModifierGroup.FTB(Action2 D, ModifierEventArgsBase I)
   at SciChart.Charting.ChartModifiers.ModifierGroup.OnModifierMouseMove(ModifierMouseArgs e)
   at SciChart.Core.Utility.Mouse.MouseManager.UB(ModifierMouseArgs D, IReceiveMouseEvents I, Boolean J)
   at SciChart.Core.Utility.Mouse.MouseManager.ZDB.M(IReceiveMouseEvents D)
   at SciChart.Core.Extensions.EnumerableExtensions.ForEachDo[T](IEnumerable1 enumerable, Action1 operation)
   at SciChart.Core.Utility.Mouse.MouseManager.JB(IReceiveMouseEvents D, ModifierMouseArgs I, Action3 J)
   at SciChart.Core.Utility.Mouse.MouseManager.GB(IPublishMouseEvents D, IReceiveMouseEvents I, MouseEventArgs J, MouseButtons M, Action3 O)
   at SciChart.Core.Utility.Mouse.MouseManager.AEB.T(Object D, MouseEventArgs I)
   at A.LEB.S(MouseEventArgs D)
   at A.LEB.M(Object D, MouseEventArgs I)
   at System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs.InvokeEventHandler(Delegate genericHandler, Object genericTarget)
   at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target)
   at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)
   at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)
   at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
   at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseTrustedEvent(RoutedEventArgs args)
   at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean trusted)
   at System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessStagingArea()
   at System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessInput(InputEventArgs input)
   at System.Windows.Input.InputProviderSite.ReportInput(InputReport inputReport)
   at System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.ReportInput(IntPtr hwnd, InputMode mode, Int32 timestamp, RawMouseActions actions, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 wheel)
   at System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.FilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, WindowMessage msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
   at System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource.InputFilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
   at MS.Win32.HwndWrapper.WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
   at MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.DispatcherCallbackOperation(Object o)
   at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
   at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
   at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.LegacyInvokeImpl(DispatcherPriority priority, TimeSpan timeout, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
   at MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.SubclassWndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
   at MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMessage(MSG& msg)
   at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.PushFrameImpl(DispatcherFrame frame)
   at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.PushFrame(DispatcherFrame frame)
   at System.Windows.Application.RunDispatcher(Object ignore)
   at System.Windows.Application.RunInternal(Window window)
   at System.Windows.Application.Run(Window window)
   at System.Windows.Application.Run()
   at XXX.App.Main()
   at System.AppDomain._nExecuteAssembly(RuntimeAssembly assembly, String[] args)
   at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(String assemblyFile, Evidence assemblySecurity, String[] args)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.HostingProcess.HostProc.RunUsersAssembly()
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
  • Stefan Ott asked 4 years ago
  • last active 4 years ago
0 votes

I just switched from using the CategoryDatetimeAxis to the DatetimeAxis. I need to use the DatetimeAxis because i first fetch datetime data that has an interval on a minute basis. After that the data will be in a one second interval. The CategoryDatetimeAxis results in a equidistant behaviour which does not reflect the usecase in this scenario. The distance of the values must be relative to their difference in time. That is why the DatetimeAxis fits my need.

However, the DatetimeAxis interpolates between two dates when there is no data available. Is there a way to disable this behaviour, such that no line is drawn between two dates, but just a gap. I have tried to use the DrawNaNAs = LineDrawMode.Gaps, but this only works on nan data. Which is not precisely the case.

I have attached a picture which reflects my point. The red circled area is what i don’t want to show. Ideally the two dates would just squash next to each other.

0 votes


I would like to modify the DateTimeAxis to have the date shown static below the time.
Currently I can’t figure out how to code something like that.

The basic idea is to have the date label

a) on the left and right of the date axis and moving with midnight
b) as bar below the time stamp

Is it possible to modify the DateTimeAxis to achieve both use cases?

To visualize, what I’m trying to achieve find some mocks below (neglect the time, midnight just moved to 18:19:30 :-))

0 votes

Hi there,

I have a DateTimeAxis, when I add an Annotation, OnAnnotationCreated is called, and the NewAnnotationViewModel within the AnnotationCreationMVVMArgs contains an X1 value that is an int instead of the DateTime it’s supposed to be.

As you can see in all of the attached images, X1 should logically be a DateTime, but it’s not.

The XAxisID on the NewAnnotationViewModel is correct.

0 votes

I am trying to use date and time for X axis however

it doesn’t not work for me and I am not understanding what I did wrong

attaching the xaml and cs code:


public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()


    private void sciChartSurface_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        //var scatterData = new XyDataSeries<double, double>();
        var lineData = new XyDataSeries<DateTime, double>();
        //var lineData = new XyDataSeries<double, double>();

        DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            lineData.Append(dt, i);


        // Assign dataseries to RenderSeries
        LineSeries.DataSeries = lineData;
        lineData.SeriesName = "Barak";
         ScatterSeries.DataSeries = scatterData;
         scatterData.SeriesName = "Barak2";

        //ScatterSeries.DataSeries = scatterData;


            <s:FastMountainRenderableSeries x:Name="LineSeries" Stroke="#FF4083B7"/>
            <s:XyScatterRenderableSeries x:Name="ScatterSeries" >
                    <s:EllipsePointMarker Width="7" Height="7" Fill="#FFF" Stroke="SteelBlue"/>

            <s:NumericAxis AxisTitle="Number of sampeles"></s:NumericAxis>

            <s:NumericAxis AxisTitle="Values"></s:NumericAxis>

            <s:TextAnnotation Text="Hello world!" X1="5.0" Y1="5.0"/>

                <!-- Allow drag to zoom on Left mouse -->
                <s:RubberBandXyZoomModifier ExecuteOn="MouseLeftButton"
                                             RubberBandFill="#33FFFFFF" RubberBandStroke="#AAFFFFFF"
                                             RubberBandStrokeDashArray="2 2"/>
                <!-- Allow pan on Right mouse drag -->
                <s:ZoomPanModifier ExecuteOn="MouseRightButton" ClipModeX="None" />
                <!-- Allow Dragging YAxis to Scale -->
                <s:YAxisDragModifier DragMode="Scale"/>
                <!-- Allow Dragging XAxis to Pan -->
                <s:XAxisDragModifier DragMode="Pan"/>
                <!-- Allow Mousewheel Zoom -->
                <!-- Allow Zoom to Extents on double click -->
                <s:ZoomExtentsModifier ExecuteOn="MouseDoubleClick" />
                <s:LegendModifier ShowLegend="True" Orientation="Horizontal"
                                   LegendPlacement="Inside" />
                <!-- Add a RolloverModifier to the chart (shows vertical line tooltips -->
                <s:RolloverModifier ExecuteOn="MouseMove" ShowTooltipOn="MouseHover"/>





1 vote

I have high sampling data.

Data’s diff is 1 ~ 5 tick.

If data append on chart, do not display at each tick.

I want to append 1 tick diff data, and right display.

How to do set chart property or what should I do?

0 votes

Hi all,

Upfront apologies – I suspect this is a bit of a complicated set of information I’m looking for, as the UI specs are rather strict on what we’re looking for.

I’m getting to the last few functionalities I need to test, and I believe I’ve proof of concepted nearly everything I need. and I suspect I know what needs to be customized for my requirements. I wasn’t exactly sure how to implement some parts though, and the documentation for the android tick provider suggested that I look for assistance.

My remaining goals are to have an X-axis that is…

  1. X-axis is above and below the top and bottom charts. I figure I can handle this dynamically by setting the axis visibility to true depending on which charts are visible – should be easy.

  2. X-axis needs to be on 1 hour ticks (on the hour). The zoom range will go from 3 hours to 72 hours, and I will limit the pan to the nearest hour prior and after the current data. I assume I need to override tick provider. The x axis should look like 12:00 AM, 1:00 AM, 2:00 AM, 3:00 AM, and so forth. If the zoom is at 72 hours, it’ll show something like 12:00AM, 3:00AM, etc. I don’t think this part needs to be customized, and will automatically be handled by the default delta provider (Unless I’m mistaken, I can just specify max number of ticks on screen somewhere, and it’ll handle accordingly). – This one seems rather complicated.

  3. I’d like to display the date on the 12:00AM entries of the x axis. As such, each “12:00 AM” tick will have “Jan 1” below it or the like. -Not sure how feasible this one is, and may push back on this requirement and skip it if it’s not doable.

Do you have an example of how to implement a custom tick provider/have any suggestions (also – please let me know if I’m barking up the wrong tree and I should be taking an entirely different approach).


0 votes

I have a chart that has a DateTime XAxis and a NumericYAxis. I want to do something such as FastLineRenderableSeries.GetYValueAt(datetime) yet i can’t find a suitable extension method for such thing. Seems like a fairly simple thing but the documentation does not cover it.

0 votes

We have Scichart 2.32 version software. In this version, we are using DateTimeAxis format on XAxis. We are showing XAxis Labels in this Text Formatting as “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”.
But now, we need to changing the TextFormatting of XLabels.
We need to show time representation of XLabels in Minutes format. We need to show only minute representation during the Time span in the live chart.

How can we achieve this TextFormatting in 2.32 version software? If not, can we achieve this Formatting in the newer versions?

  • gamze asked 6 years ago
  • last active 6 years ago
0 votes
0 answers

Hello, SciChart team!
i’m having some troubles with dated 3D charts.
so what do i need is to display samples which have 65k double points and a DateTime
Firstly i thought waterfall series would fill my needs, but i encountered these problems:
1. Charts wouln’t render Large series like 10 slices with 65k points per slice, 15k is ok (the charts just hang and don’t display anything for tens of minutes)
2. so the series would appear 10×15000, but i had issues with autorange and zooming when interval between slices is as small as 2 seconds (AutoRange is set to always)
my guess is that i need to set properties StepZ and StartZ correctly, but I couldn’t figure it out. i thought “StepZ” should be TimeSpan or smth like that, but it is DateTime too, so i tried some variations and didn’t succeed. could you please explain these properties’ use?
3. maybe this is feature but why do series go below 0 in the Y direction?

so then i reallized that i don’t always need to fill series with color and Waterfall series don’t quite fit ( even with transparent fill they have border lines on series start and end, and i thought i would add several PointLine RenderableSeries, one for each sample with fixed Z Datetime, but when i added such Renderable Series i get “SciChart3DSurface didn’t render, because an exception was thrown: Exception thrown: ‘System.IndexOutOfRangeException’ in SciChart.Charting3D.dll”
i played with example from latest SciChart version and attached altered solution to this post
so hit sidebar’s “Test” button and try both methods AddPointLineRenderSeries and AddWaterfallRenderSeries

Thanks in advance!
Best regards,

0 votes

I cannot get panning to work on the x axis which is a DateTimeAxis. I am databinding the visible range to a property on my view model and the zooming works ok. Also panning on the Y-axis works.

Here is my XAML:

<s:SciChartSurface x:Name="_sciChartSurface" Grid.Row="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" RenderableSeries="{s:SeriesBinding PlotViewModels}">
                <s:DateTimeAxis AxisTitle="{Binding HorizontalTitle}" VisibleRange="{Binding HorizontalRange, Mode=TwoWay}" AutoRange="Never"
                            IsStaticAxis="True" DrawMajorBands="False" TextFormatting="dd-MMM-yyyy" SubDayTextFormatting="H:mm:ss:tt"
                <s:NumericAxis AxisTitle="{Binding VerticalTitle}" AxisAlignment="Left"  VisibleRange="{Binding VerticalRange}"
                           AutoRange="{Binding AutoRange}" DrawMajorBands="False"/>

                    <s:RubberBandXyZoomModifier IsXAxisOnly="False" 
                                            RubberBandFill="#55FFFFFF" RubberBandStroke="#FFFFFFFF" RubberBandStrokeDashArray="2 2">

                    <s:ZoomPanModifier ExecuteOn="MouseRightButton" ClipModeX="None" XyDirection="XYDirection" IsEnabled="True" />
                    <!-- Allow Dragging YAxis to Scale -->
                    <s:YAxisDragModifier DragMode="Scale"/>
                    <!-- Allow Dragging XAxis to Pan -->
                    <s:XAxisDragModifier DragMode="Scale" IsEnabled="True"/>

                    <s:MouseWheelZoomModifier ActionType="Zoom" XyDirection="XYDirection"/>

                    <s:ZoomExtentsModifier IsAnimated="True" ExecuteOn="MouseDoubleClick"/>
0 votes

DateTimes are represented with ticks equal to 100 nanoseconds– But using a DateTimeAxis I cannot plot points down to this level.

It appears that the axis is converting to doubles behind the scenes and thus loses the precision that a DateTime has. When zoomed in the chart pan and zoom has erratic behavior (freezing and not responding in what appears to be a non-systematic way).

I’ve attached a simple solution that reproduces the unexpected behavior.

0 votes

I’m using a DateTimeAxis and by default major tick lines (and labels) are shown every 1/2 second – this is too busy/crowded for me. How do I change this to show a label every second? I set AutoTicks to false, but am not sure what to do about MajorDelta/MinorDelta when my X value is a DateTime object.

   <s:FastLineRenderableSeries x:Name="PositionSeries" StrokeThickness="2"/>

   <s:DateTimeAxis x:Name="PositionXAxis" TextFormatting="mm:ss"/>
XyDataSeries<DateTime, double> _positionSeries;
PositionSeries.DataSeries = _positionSeries;
  • Dan Pilat asked 7 years ago
  • last active 7 years ago
0 votes

I would like to implement a custom DateTime axis LabelProvider with the following behavior:

  • Show full date and time at the start of the visible region
  • Show only time on all other ticks unless the date changes from the previous tick.

So, an axis might look like:

10/01/2016 23:00 23:30 10/02 00:00 00:30 01:00

It seems this is doable as long as 00:00:00 appears as one of the label values, but I’m not sure l can be guaranteed. It is likely that none of the entries in the series would contain that exact value. One entry might be 23:59:17 and the next 00:01:13.

Is there any way for a LabelProvider to determine what the preceding label value was?


0 votes

I am using trial version of SciChart and doing some tests.

I need to bring scroll bar on top of X axis.

After some research and parsing visual tree, I am planning to change style of SciChartSurface and replace axis and scroll bar, which are placed inside stack panel.

Is this right solution? If AxisAlignment is Top, visual tree may differ. If this is right way to go, where can I find style of surface? Bland does not recognize chart and I can’t use it.


1 vote


I ran into a problem with EllipsePointMarkers when I have a big amount of PointMarkers inside the Rendersurface. Here is a brief description of what I am trying to do:

  1. I created a custom BasePointMarker-derived class which draws Ellipses with a varying Color – depending on some threshold defined in the IPointMetaData implementation

  2. Everything works fine as long as the points are not tightly spaced between each other. That said, when I rescale my Rendersurface, the points get shifted so that the red points (who are below the threshold) will move up and suddenly green points are at minimum YValue positions.

I attached two pictures which hopefully illustrate my problem better than my words can do. Maybe somebody knows a workaround / fix for this problem. Any help is appreciated! ( I assume it has sth to do with the RescaleMode which prevents some points from being drawn to the surface and shifts others so that the Chart isn’t too dense)


Since Andrew suggested that the behavior comes from my custom code (which is hopefully true), here are the relevant parts:


<s:SciChartSurface Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0"
                       Background="White" RenderableSeries="{s:SeriesBinding DiarySeriesViewModels}">
            <s:NumericAxis AxisAlignment="Left" DrawMajorBands="False" VisibleRange="0,900"/>
            <s:DateTimeAxis DrawMajorBands="True" VisibleRangeLimit="{Binding VisibleRangeLimit}"
                            CursorTextFormatting="dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm"/>



    public List<IRenderableSeriesViewModel> DiarySeriesViewModels { get; private set; }

inside the Constructor:

this.DiarySeriesViewModels.Add(new LineRenderableSeriesViewModel()
            AntiAliasing = true,
            PointMarker = new DiaryPointMarker()
                AntiAliasing = true,
                LowRatingColor = Brushes.Red,
                MidRatingColor = Brushes.Orange,
                HighRatingColor = Brushes.Green,
                Width = 10,
                Height = 10,
                StrokeThickness = 2
            DataSeries = GetSampleSeries()


private XyDataSeries<DateTime, double> GetSampleSeries()
        var series = new XyDataSeries<DateTime, double>();

        var startDate = this.VisibleRangeLimit.Min.AddDays(5);
        var currentDate = startDate;
        int i = 0;
        while (currentDate < DateTime.Now)
            var yval = 60*(Math.Log(i))*Math.Abs(Math.Sin(Math.PI*(i++/100.0)));
            currentDate = currentDate.AddHours(5.3);
            string comment = i%20 == 0 ? String.Format("Sample comment #{0}", i) : string.Empty;
            double rating = 100*yval/60;
            series.Append(currentDate,yval,new DiaryPointMetaData(rating,comment));

        return series;

DiaryPointMarker.cs: (based on an example which I found here at SciChart)

public class DiaryPointMarker : BasePointMarker
    private IList<IPointMetadata> _dataPointMetadata;
    IList<int> _dataPointIndexes = new List<int>();

    private IPen2D _lowStrokePen;
    private IPen2D _midStrokePen;
    private IPen2D _highStrokePen;

    private IBrush2D _lowRatingColor;
    private IBrush2D _midRatingColor;
    private IBrush2D _highRatingColor;
    private IBrush2D _noCommentColor;

    public Brush LowRatingColor { get; set; }
    public Brush MidRatingColor { get; set; }
    public Brush HighRatingColor { get; set; }

    public override void BeginBatch(IRenderContext2D context, Color? strokeColor, Color? fillColor)
        _dataPointMetadata = _dataPointMetadata ?? RenderableSeries.DataSeries.Metadata;

        _dataPointIndexes = new List<int>();

        base.BeginBatch(context, strokeColor, fillColor);

    public override void MoveTo(IRenderContext2D context, double x, double y, int index)
        if (IsInBounds(x, y))

        base.MoveTo(context, x, y, index);

    public override void Draw(IRenderContext2D context, IEnumerable<Point> centers)

        var markerLocations = centers.ToArray();

        for (int i = 0; i < markerLocations.Length; ++i)
            var diaryMetaInfo = _dataPointMetadata[_dataPointIndexes[i]] as DiaryPointMetaData;

            var center = markerLocations[i];

                diaryMetaInfo.Rating < 60 ? _lowStrokePen : diaryMetaInfo.Rating < 80 ? _midStrokePen : _highStrokePen,
                String.IsNullOrEmpty(diaryMetaInfo.Comment) ? _noCommentColor : diaryMetaInfo.Rating < 60 ? _lowRatingColor : diaryMetaInfo.Rating < 80 ?_midRatingColor : _highRatingColor,

    private void TryCasheResources(IRenderContext2D context)
        _lowStrokePen = _lowStrokePen ?? context.CreatePen(LowRatingColor.ExtractColor(), AntiAliasing, (float)StrokeThickness, Opacity);
        _midStrokePen = _midStrokePen ?? context.CreatePen(MidRatingColor.ExtractColor(), AntiAliasing, (float)StrokeThickness, Opacity);
        _highStrokePen = _highStrokePen ?? context.CreatePen(HighRatingColor.ExtractColor(), AntiAliasing, (float)StrokeThickness, Opacity);

        _lowRatingColor = _lowRatingColor ?? context.CreateBrush(LowRatingColor);
        _midRatingColor = _midRatingColor ?? context.CreateBrush(MidRatingColor);
        _highRatingColor = _highRatingColor ?? context.CreateBrush(HighRatingColor);
        _noCommentColor = _noCommentColor ?? context.CreateBrush(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0));
0 votes

I have built a file availability chart displaying point markers for dates. The marker is being displayed on the left-most edge for each category. The effect is that when the user hovers directly over a marker it will often shown the wrong date in the mouse over label. Is there a way to center the point marker alignment with the category axis?

I’m using WPF version 3.4

  • wawr asked 8 years ago
  • last active 8 years ago
0 votes


I have the following code for a vertical slice modifier

    <s:VerticalSliceModifier Name="sliceModifier"
                            <s:VerticalLineAnnotation Style="{StaticResource sliceStyle}"
                                                      X1="{Binding ParentViewModel.SliceModifierPosition, Mode=TwoWay}" />


This results in a nullreference exception. When I remove the VerticalLines, there is no nullreference exception, also no vertical lines.
As far as I can see ParentViewModel.SliceModifierPosition, does not have a value at the time.

I tried setting the visibility of the slicemodifier to collapsed, but it did not help the exception. Is there any to remove the slicemodifier for the time when X1 is not valid (using MVVM and not binding the slicemodifier itself)?

nullreference exception location
: Abt.Controls.SciChart.ChartModifiers.VerticalSliceModifier.OnAttached()
: Abt.Controls.SciChart.ChartModifiers.ModifierGroup.TB(IChartModifier C)
: Abt.Controls.SciChart.Common.Extensions.EnumerableExtensions. <a href="IEnumerable1 , Action1″>
: Abt.Controls.SciChart.ChartModifiers.ModifierGroup.TB(IEnumerable`1 C)
0 votes

I’m creating stock OHLC Bar Charts. My users have asked me if I can create a chart such that when the trading is open and there are no trades, the X Axis behaves like a DateTimeAxis and empty space appears on the chart in the X direction between trades. However, they would like the times that trading to does not take place to not appear on the X Axis so that there is no space between the last minute of open trading for one trading session and the next minute of trading for the next session. Is such a chart possible with Sci Charts?

  • deepakb1 asked 9 years ago
  • last active 9 years ago
1 vote


I would like to ask if there is any easy way to select distict time intervals.
I have thought of creating vertical slices on mouse down and up events,
and highlighting the surface between the slices. Is there an easier way
to do this?


0 votes

Hello, SciChart team, i’m trying to implement vertical slices on my chart surface, but X axis is a DateTimeAxis, but i’m getting nullReferenceException when trying to move (just click on it).

“System.NullReferenceException occurred
_message=Ссылка на объект не указывает на экземпляр объекта.
Message=Ссылка на объект не указывает на экземпляр объекта.
в Abt.Controls.SciChart.Visuals.Annotations.AnnotationBase.GetBasePoints()
InnerException: “

trying to solve this problem i downloaded scischart 3.42 but this didn’t help, it even made things worse underlining my scichartsurface declaration in .xaml file saying “2 is not a valid value for property orintation”
which is not used, and this chart worked before upgrade.
please help me out,
Volkov Alexander

Update: full rebuilding solved the latter problem. i’m adding zip containing txt with scichartsurface definition and methods from .cs which add and remove slices

1 vote

Is there any possibility to draw Bands only for special days, like Saturday, Sunday, BankHolidays… ?

  • Jan Kaiser asked 10 years ago
  • last active 9 years ago
1 vote


I want to override the default AxisLabelTemplate for a DateTimeAxis beyond the normal circumstances.
Setting the AxisLabelTemplate to a StaticResource is easy enough, but all I have inside the Template is the CursorFormattedDataValue and I want to be able to send in something more then a simple string.

<ControlTemplate x:Key="RolloverModifierAxisLabelTemplateDefault">
    <Border Background="LightGray" 
            Visibility="{Binding IsXAxis, Converter={StaticResource BoolToVisibilityConverter}}">
        <TextBlock Text="{Binding CursorFormattedDataValue}" />

Extending the LabelProviderBase gives me the opportunity to override the FormatCursorLabel method, but it only returns a string and not an object and therefore I can not pass my own data structure to be used inside the AxisLabelTemplate.

How can we solve this issue? Is there a workaround, or is this something you need to implement?

Showing 36 results