I am new to SciCharts and I am developing line chart with multiple line series with different colors. All line series have time span on X-axis and a double value on Y-axis. I need to show time ticks after specific interval for example i need to show tick after every 30 seconds or 1 minute or 3 minute. and may else.I have also took a look at Major Delta and Minor delta but i am confused and not properly using it . And also interval can be changed with at runtime like a user can select that they want to see X-axis time tick after every 30 second or 50 second or etc. Please can you give me and example for it. I hope for Quick repsonse.
Date majorDelta = new Date(DateIntervalUtil.fromSeconds(1));
Date minorDelta = new Date(DateIntervalUtil.fromSeconds(30));
DateAxis xAxis = sciChartBuilder.newDateAxis()
Best Regards,
- Zahid Mahmood asked 2 years ago
- last edited 2 years ago
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