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Android Chart Library

SciChart for Android is a Feature Rich and powerful OpenGLES 2D & 3D Chart component for Scientific, Medical, Financial, and Enterprise apps.

Create stunning 2D & 3D charting applications in Java or Kotlin with our award-winning, feature-rich Android Chart Library.

Ready to start creating the best charting apps for Android? Fast, responsive and able to process millions of data points in real-time – even the most complex Android data visualization projects are scalable with SciChart.

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two iphone mockups showing SciCharts charting software being used for cryptocurrency market updates

Android Chart Features

With SciChart’s feature-rich Android Chart Library, you can build even the most complex Android charts and graphs, whilst making them accessible for the user. Real time performance, unlimited axes and endless customizations – these are just some of the capabilities you’ll have with our software.

Extreme Realtime Performance

For the first time you can create Android Apps which plot many millions of data-points, and still zoom, pan and update interactively!

Benefit from the ultimate efficiency of native code and GPU-acceleration with our High Performance Android Charting Library. Chart start-up time is instant and our low memory and CPU footprint will improve your overall device battery life and performance.

Make impossible projects possible with our high-performance, real-time Android charts.

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Unlimited Multiple X, Y Axis

Our Android Chart Library features unlimited, multiple X and Y axis.

You can place X-axis at the Top or bottom and Y-axis on the Left or Right. Several axes on one side is also possible.

You can rotate Android charts by displaying X-axis on the Left/Right and Y-axis on the Top/Bottom. You can mix types of the axis on the same chart and have unlimited customization as to how your data is scaled.

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Chart Animations

Add beautiful animations to your Android Data Visualization.

SciChart’s Android chart library features a flexible Chart Animations API. There are four basic Android chart animation types provided out of the box: Sweep Animation, Wave Animation, Scale Animation, and Fade Animation. Our demo application has all the animation types incorporated into the charts. You can download our example suit and run it yourself or get it from the Google Store.

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Cursors & Tooltips

Our Android Charts feature rich cursors & tooltips out of the box, which is built on our powerful Chart Modifier API.

Choose from built-in Cursors, Crosshairs, Tooltips on Tap or Rollover (showing vertical lines) as well as Legends. Decide what information is presented in a tooltip. Style a tooltip to fit your application.

See Examples Documentation

Add Tooltips, Selection to 3D Charts

SciChart Android supports tooltips, data-point selection, series selection, Hit-test APIs and more so that you can get responsive feedback on tap and use our powerful APIs to see which series were interacted by the user.

Using SciChart Android 3D Charts you can create next-generation apps on the Android platform visualizing your data in 3-dimensions plus providing intuitive interaction via pinch, tap, drag, and pan.

See Example See Documentation

Rich Touch Interaction

SciChart’s Android chart library is built for Touch! Rich touch interaction allows you to drag to pan the chart, drag an axis to scale the chart, tap to view tooltips, pinch to zoom in/out, and double-tap to reset zoom.

Custom actions are possible using our rich Chart Modifier API, where you can override gestures and create custom zooming, panning, or feedback behaviours.

See Example Documentation

Annotations & Markers

Our Android charting library features a powerful Annotations API that allows you to overlay Line, Text, Boxes or watermarks over the chart, at specific data-point locations.

Custom annotations are possible to display custom markers or points of interest. SciChart supports draggable vertical/horizontal line annotations to mark thresholds or time stamps. All our annotations are optionally editable by the user.

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Plot 3D Scientific Data

The 3D surface mesh chart type lets you plot data in 3-dimensions, enabling for the first time 3D scientific data to be plotted in Android or Xamarin applications.

Utilising our cross-platform Visual Xccelerator 3D engine you can plot scientific surface mesh charts in real-time with tens of thousands of cells on Android devices and embedded systems, including smartphones and tablets.

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Styling and Theming

SciChart’s Android Charting Library ships with 8 stunning themes in a Theme Manager, which you can apply to your charts with a single line of code. Themes affect default cursor, zoom, axis, grid, and series colors.

You may customize even further and create you own custom theme.

See Examples Download From Store

Per-Point Coloring

Our Android Graph Library features per-point coloring using the PaletteProvider API. By hooking into the PaletteProvider API you can return a data-point style or color based on the X,Y data-values.

Use this to color bars, columns, candlesticks, scatter-points or line segments that meet certain criteria, such as exceeding a threshold, or being a point of interest.

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Many Axis Types

Our Android Chart Software features many axis types out of the box, including the Numeric Axis, Logarithmic Numeric Axis, and Date Axis (all of which are value axis).

In addition, SciChart features Category Date Axis which allows displaying of stock chart or trading data while collapsing weekends or overnight gaps.

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Link Multiple Charts

SciChart allows you to link multiple Android charts together so that they zoom, pan or display tooltips in unison.

This is useful to create complex dashboards where the output from several sensors, data-feeds or database tables can be displayed one above another with a common time-axis.

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Financial/Stock Chart Features

SciChart’s Android chart library is built for Scientific, Medical, and Financial (Trading) apps, with first-class support for stock charts, including the Android Candlestick Chart type, the Android Ohlc chart type, Column, Mountain, Area, and Line chart type.

The Category Date axis allows collapsing weekend and overnight gaps in trading data.

Our Android Charts support multiple panes and multiple series per chart, allowing you to create complex, multi pane stock chart applications with indicator panels, and even overlay buy/sell markers using our Annotations API.

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Excellent Tech Support

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One of SciChart’s Android chart library selling point is our tech support. We operate a support-desk for paid customers of SciChart who purchase priority support. We aim to answer requests within one business day. You will be able to speak to the developers who made SciChart and get back to work quickly with our outstanding technical support.

Read Testimonials
Chris Kirkman
This is an incredible product. First it's the best chart I've had customers compliment how great the charting parts of our application look/behave. I couldn't recommend this product anymore than I already do. SciChart really hit the mark. I wish all software products could be this easy to use and be so productive (not to mention blazing fast).
Cheng T.

Great graphics and performance. Examples are easy to follow and good response from the support too.

Great performance, easy to use, nice graphics, lots of features, I would highly recommend SciChart products to everyone who deal with state of the art charting.
Naveen K
I use SciChart for our WPF application and I feel SciChart is the number ONE chart library in terms of performance, features, usability and support.
Morten S
First of all, SciChart is incredibly fast. We have used it for presenting time series at 100 Hz over two weeks, and it is displayed and zoomed/panned well inside acceptable time. Also, the support from SciChart is among the best we have experienced.

We have been using SciChart for 3 years and the product quality and support is exceptional. Our users always comment on how good the charts in our application look compared to anything else they have used. The latest addition of mobile versions of SciChart is very exciting and we plan to fully utilise this to provide mobile charting throughout the organisation.

All this starting from
$999 / Developer License
($499 second year)

SciChart’s charting library and Android Charts are licensed on a perpetual, per-developer licensing model, with royalty free redistribution. You get access to the world’s fastest 2D & 3D Android Charts, starting from just $999 per developer (first year) for a perpetual license with 1-years tech support and updates.

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