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Tag: Licensing

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0 votes
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(Copied from GitHub issue)
In an attempt to wrap the SciChart Server Licensing shared object using java (JNA), I ended up with strange behavior when calling any function which returns char *. In Java, the returned pointer memory does not start at the correct offset which holds the string value and therefore invalid characters are returned.

My guess, after evaluation, is that either the function is returning some std::string object, or that it is actually returning say str.c_str() where str is an std::string. The issue is that returning str.c_str() causes the reference to be dropped once it is out of scope, this means that a dangling pointer is returned. I ended up needing to wrap the function calls in another extern C layer to get the desired functionality in Java, see link below for snippets and attached zip files for source.

Server Licensing GitHub Issue

1 vote

I am considering applying server-side licensing for my javerScript application.

In the document below, there is a phrase “Our server-side licensing component is written in C++.”

However, there is only sample code on the provided github.

I wonder if there is a sample code implemented in C++ for server-side licensing.

Can you provide c++ sample code?
Also, are there any examples to run on Ubuntu?

1 vote

I am considering applying server-side licensing for my javerScript application.

In the document below, there is a phrase “Our server-side licensing component is written in C++.”

However, there is only sample code on the provided github.

I wonder if there is a sample code implemented in C++ for server-side licensing.

Can you provide c++ sample code?
Also, are there any examples to run on Ubuntu?

0 votes


I am trying to implement an improvement for my app where the chart is hidden if the licence key is invalid. But I can’t find how to do that. If I enter an invalid key like shown in examples, the code never ends up in the catch clause. Is there any other way? Or is this a bug?

try {
} catch (Exception e) {
    Elog.e("SciChart Error when setting the license", e);
  • Evado Dev asked 1 year ago
  • last active 1 year ago
1 vote


I am running Ubuntu 22.04.
I have done the following:
1. Downloaded licensing tool AppImage
2. chmod +x SciChart-Licensing-Wizard.AppImage
3. ./SciChart-Licensing-Wizard.AppImage


./SciChart-Licensing-Wizard.AppImage: 9: Syntax error: newline unexpected

Please advise.


1 vote

Hello dear SciChart team,

Our customer has a new security program that starts on Dlls that are copied into a directory during runtime. At the moment has the customer the problem that this security program starts on an AbtLicensingNative.dll. This DLL is in the following directory:
% USERPROFILE% \ AppData \ Local \ SciChart \ Dependencies \ v. \ x64.

For this reason the following questions:
Is this DLL safe?
Why is the dll only copied at runtime? Is there another solution for this?

best regards

0 votes

Can I use the 30 day trial version to run a newly built exe file from the “exported” Visual Studio solution files which then runs into the “Sorry! You need to have a license to use SciChart.” run-time error? How can I find and activate the 30 day license to avoid this run-time error?

0 votes


I’m now using SCIChart WPF v5.4.0.12119 at Windows10.
I have paid SC-WPF-2D-PRO licence that is already activated, and using it.

Now I want to updated SCIChart version to v6.1.0.13075.
I downloaded v6.1 installer and installed it.

When I checked the SciChart Licensing Wizard it requires log in.
(I’m using PC at network with proxy server, old Licensing Wizard has proxy setting view, but new one don’t have it…so, I’m going to use offline style)

Do you need re-activateing licence from this wizard?
And for it, do you need deactivating current licence from web page?

0 votes

Just purchased and am trying to setup in application and i still get you have zero days left of trial. Attaching pictures. followed instructions here

Update used the licensing wizard to activate as first time i activated online. After using licensing wizard it works. but what happens when i deploy application since i had added to my code the set license key?

  • John asked 5 years ago
  • last active 5 years ago
0 votes

Trying out the latest SciChart beta and my XML style license no longer works, and redirects me to get a JSON one, which I don’t seem to have

0 votes

One of our SciChart licenses in the past was used by an employee who is no longer with the company, so we are not able to have that employee deactivate his license using the Licensing Wizard on his old machine anymore. Is there a way to free this license up so it can be transferred to another employee when work resumes on the project?


0 votes

I see that this can be done on WPF (using ShowLicensingWarnings), but couldn’t find the property on Android. How can the licensing warning be hidden on Android?

  • Mike Liu asked 6 years ago
  • last active 6 years ago
0 votes


we are currently using SciChart 2D in our Application. I got the request to provide a 3D representation of one of our charts, so I started to download the newest Version of SciChart to get a trial on the 3D charts. I included the dll’s to our application and reworked the code to show a 3D chart instead. I think the code will work, but in our application I can’t see a chart. I just see a black rectangle (See attachement) with a text that 3D charts are only available in the 3D or SDK editions.

Can you help me?


0 votes

I have a dev box. This box had a full trial, which was later upgraded to a full (SC-WPF-2D-PRO) license. I can develop our software in debug mode fine. When I install our software from the build server I see “The Direct 3D Renderer TRIAL has EXPIRED”. This is software built in release mode on our build server which is fully licensed. If I run on a non Dev box it is fine.

This seems odd to me. I’d like to test our installed software on my PC, but can’t. Would this happen if I installed a 3rd party product that uses SciChart on a machine with a developer license.

Why is this happening?

  • Max Palmer asked 7 years ago
  • last active 2 years ago
0 votes

Hello. Deactivating a license via scichart licensing wizard disable sichart only on current machine. I need to deactivate a license on machine to which i don’t have access!
How i can do this? Can you remotely deactivate all my machines with license?

0 votes

I wanna deactivate the scichart on machine that doesn’t work because a reach activation limit.
How can i do this?

0 votes

I decided to try some new features in 3.2 version and entered in Licensing Wizard my expired License Code (we bought basic version about 1 year ago) – yes, that was my mistake. So how can I now deactivate expired license and return trial to have a possibility to investigate new features?

  • yuta11 asked 10 years ago
  • last active 10 years ago
1 vote

I download the scichart version and install it on my machine when i try to run the exe it shows that “Sorry your trial of scichart has expired”.what is the solution for that. What changes i need to do on my existing application which uses sci chart.

  • Raghupathy asked 10 years ago
  • last active 8 months ago
Showing 18 results