I have a design where I want to show something like a box at the top of the chart and when hovering on it, it should show up a tooltip with some info, the issue I’m running into is the fact that I can’t seem to find way I can add tooltip to box annotation other than adding another box annotation when hover or hit, but it seem that it is not recommended base on my previous post before.
I also looked into scatterXY series or pointMarker, the issue with Point marker or scatter series is that I can only set one x and y, but my design require the box to be from a certain x1 point to x2 point. I can probably try to calculate the width and set the width to the point marker, but I would rather not if there is a better way.
Also looked into column chart, but that also have the same issue of only one x and y point and not sure about tooltip, but definitely seem more promising than annotation.
Please let me know if there is a better way to accomplish this, thank you!
The image below is the design.
- Nung Khual asked 7 months ago
- last active 7 months ago
the Tooltip from the rolloverModifier shows for the Open-Values the Label “Open”.
I would like to be able to change that. There might be serveral reasons for that. Maybe the shown data are not “openValues” or the word “open” needs to be translated into another language.
I managed to edit the title of a FastCandlestickRenderableSeries by setting a title and get it into the variable like this:
rolloverTitle = newtitle;
renderableSeries0.rolloverModifierProps.tooltipTitle = rolloverTitle;
unfortunately i did not find a way to set the name/label for the open-,low-,close-, or high-values of this Series.
Can someone give ma a hint how to do this?
- Sebastian Affeld asked 1 year ago
- last active 1 year ago
I want to change to font name & font size for all modifier tooltips (CursrorModifier, RolloverModifier and so on )
I discovered that all tooltips use TextBlocks with style HintDataItemsStyle. This is its definition:
<!-- Label used in cursors -->
<Style x:Key="HintDataItemsStyle" TargetType="TextBlock">
<Setter Property="apc:RelativeSourceBinding.AncestorType" Value="r:TemplatableControl"/>
<Setter Property="Foreground" Value="{Binding Path=(apc:RelativeSourceBinding.Ancestor).Foreground, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}" />
<Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="{Binding Path=(apc:RelativeSourceBinding.Ancestor).FontWeight, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}" />
<Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="{Binding Path=(apc:RelativeSourceBinding.Ancestor).FontFamily, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}" />
<Setter Property="FontSize" Value="{Binding Path=(apc:RelativeSourceBinding.Ancestor).FontSize, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}" />
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="{Binding Path=(apc:RelativeSourceBinding.Ancestor).Margin, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}" />
So, I feel this would be easy to change font parameters just setting them to some parent (due to RelativeSourceBinding.Ancestor binding). But I cannot figure out which. I tried to change font size for series, for axes and even for surface – no result.
- Vlad R asked 5 years ago
- last active 5 years ago
Using custom label provider I am able to format the cursor label, but still there is the name of the axis. I only want to show the value here, like “0,91” and remove the “X:” (see attached screenshots).
Thanks in advance.
override func formatCursorLabel(_ dataValue: SCIGenericType) -> String! {
return "" // super.formatCursorLabel(dataValue)
- Christoph Rehbichler asked 7 years ago
- last active 7 years ago
My company is pondering buying the SciCharts suite and using the wpf chart for one of our flagship applications. I have a couple questions about what the control supports. Do the charts support users adding a note (tooltip) to a certain point on the line chart? How it works currently is the user right clicks on the chart, types in the note that they want to display and it creates a tooltip at the current position that they clicked on. Can this happen with SCIChart’s LineChart? We also have a need for them to be able to click on a certain point on the chart and drag the marker to another point and have it show the time between the two points. The last thing we need is to be able to click on a line and show statistics for that line (min, max, average, create data, active or not, formatting formula, etc…). I looked for examples of these and could not find them. Can you tell me if these features exist or are possible to implement dynamically? Thank you.
- Clifford Bateman asked 7 years ago
Hi all,
I would like to ask how to modify the label of the OHLC Chart in Android.
For example, in the attached screenshot, how to change the label “Highest” to “High” ? Thanks.
- Ray Hung asked 7 years ago
- last active 7 years ago
Hi there
I have strange behavior with VerticalSliceModifier and ToolTipLabel.
Here we have line with x=88 and y=76.0
Look at the data used as source for this series.
88 X value corresponds 11 index in the X values array, but there is other value under 11 index in the Y values array (77.3vs76):
With using vs2015 Live Property Explorer you can see the current DataSeriesIndex = 10.
But if I zoom this chart the Y value becomes 77.3
So what can I do with this problem?
- Yury Tolstoguzov asked 9 years ago
- last active 9 years ago
I have a vertical slice modifier. Currently whenever a series has a point near the marker, a kind of tooltip is displayed showing th value of that series at that point. I want to turn off this tooltip functionality (not sure if its called AxisLabel, SeriesValue or something else).
Ive tried setting various properties but I’m still getting the tooltip. Can someone point me in the right direction :
<s:VerticalSliceModifier s:SeriesValueModifier.IsSeriesValueModifierEnabled="False" ShowAxisLabels="False" >
X1="{Binding ...}"
- F W asked 10 years ago
- last active 8 years ago
I’m having trouble making the RolloverModifier TooltipLabels stay inside the graphs canvas.
As you can see on the left most graph the colored sqaures and some of the digits has fallen outside the graphs canvas.
Also what are the TooltipLabels rules for clustering together, and rules for which side of the RolloverMarker the labels should appear on?
Still having a problem here… After setting the ClipModifierSurface on the SciChartSurface to False the time axis no longer clips the TooltipLabels.
But the graph itself clips the TooltipLabels when the label gets to large.
How do I make the labels stay inside the graph? As there is a lot of free space to the right of the labels.
- Sander Struijk asked 10 years ago
- last active 10 years ago