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RolloverModifier Tooltip: How to customise cursor label (axes)

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Using custom label provider I am able to format the cursor label, but still there is the name of the axis. I only want to show the value here, like “0,91” and remove the “X:” (see attached screenshots).

Thanks in advance.

override func formatCursorLabel(_ dataValue: SCIGenericType) -> String! {
    return "" // super.formatCursorLabel(dataValue)
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Hi Christoph,

We are in the process of upgrading our iOS Chart documentation to show you how to do things like this. When completed, this will be found here.

Until then, we have a source-code example on customizing the iOS Chart Rollover.

Please head to the SciChart.iOS.Examples Github repository.

Under v2.x -> Sandbox -> SciChart_BoilerPlate_Swift_customTooltipDataView there is a sample how to change the tooltip view.

1.) You need to inherit SCIFastLineRenderableSeries

class CustomLineSeries : SCIFastLineRenderableSeries {
    override func toSeriesInfo(withHitTest info: SCIHitTestInfo) -> SCISeriesInfo! {
        return CustomSeriesInfo(series: self, hitTest: info)

2.) As you can see the line series is returning a CustomSeriesInfo when the function toSeriesInfo is called. This is called when the tooltip is shown

class CustomSeriesInfo : SCIXySeriesInfo {
    override func createDataSeriesView() -> SCITooltipDataView! {
        let view : CustomSeriesDataView = CustomSeriesDataView.createInstance() as! CustomSeriesDataView
        return view;

3.) This Series Info returns our custom view which is defined in a XIB file. You can set anything on this view.

class CustomSeriesDataView : SCIXySeriesDataView {

    static override func createInstance() -> SCITooltipDataView! {
        let view : CustomSeriesDataView = (Bundle.main.loadNibNamed("CustomSeriesDataView", owner: nil, options: nil)![0] as? CustomSeriesDataView)!
        view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        return view

    override func setData(_ data: SCISeriesInfo!) {
        let series : SCIRenderableSeriesProtocol = data.renderableSeries()

        let xAxis = series.xAxis
        let yAxis = series.yAxis

        self.nameLabel.text = data.seriesName()

        var xFormattedValue : String? = data.fortmatterdValue(fromSeriesInfo: data.xValue(), for: series.dataSeries.xType())
        if (xFormattedValue == nil) {
            xFormattedValue = xAxis?.formatCursorText(data.xValue())

        var yFormattedValue : String? = data.fortmatterdValue(fromSeriesInfo: data.yValue(), for: series.dataSeries.yType())
        if (yFormattedValue == nil) {
            yFormattedValue = yAxis?.formatCursorText(data.yValue())

        self.dataLabel.text = String(format: "Custom-X: %@ Custom-Y %@", xFormattedValue!, yFormattedValue!)


Please let me know if this example helps. If you have any questions just ask!

Best regards,

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Thank you for this example, Andrew! I was able to customise it as desired.

Looking forward to your updated documentation!

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