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Display Rollover Modifier only on selected graph

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I am having a problem where I want to display the Rollover Modifier only when I click on the selected graph.
For example:
If I select the Second Lines Series, I want to see the rollover only for that particular graph and not the first one and the third one.

I have tried using charts id’s as a reference to show only one tooltip but it just enables it for all the graphs.

Any help would be kindly appreciated.

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To implement this you would probably need the Series Selection API in combination with a custom Rollover Modifier.

class CustomRolloverModifier extends RolloverModifier {
  getIncludedRenderableSeries() {
    return super.getIncludedRenderableSeries().filter((rs) => rs.isSelected);

const rolloverModifier = new CustomRolloverModifier({
  showRolloverLine: true,
  showTooltip: true,
  // ...

const seriesSelectionModifier = new SeriesSelectionModifier({
  enableSelection: true,
  onSelectionChanged: (args: SelectionChangedArgs) => {
    args.allSeries.forEach((rs) => {
      rolloverModifier.includeSeries(rs, false);
    rolloverModifier.includeSeries(args.selectedSeries[0], true);

sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(rolloverModifier, seriesSelectionModifier);

Here is a live CodeSandbox Example:

Also consider checking out the Cursor Modifier.

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Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for.

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