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NuGet Feed Nightly Build Retention Policy

NuGet Feed Nightly Build Retention Policy

As of July 5th, 2018 we are going to change our NuGet nightly builds and package policy. Please read on to secure your previously integrated SciChart packages and set up future feeds correctly into your build system.

Why the change in Package Retention?

Over the years we have built up quite a library of tens of gigabytes of NuGet packages. Our host won’t allow us to increase the disk space any further without going onto a dedicated server plan, which would result in a NuGet feed URL change and disruption to our users. We want to keep it as less disruptive as possible, that is why we’re introducing a new package retention policy to tell you what builds will be kept and for how long.

Nightly builds:

  • Important: From the 5th July 2018 onward, all nightly builds will be published to abtsoftware-bleeding-edge. See the this article to learn how to add this feed to your visual studio;
  • Nightly builds will be kept for no longer than six months, or last 100 packages, whichever happens sooner;
  • We encourage our users to use official release builds as we will be cleaning the feed from older builds.

Official releases:

Trimming older nightly builds

To preserve disk space we may start trimming older nightly builds in the v3 and v4 range, keeping official releases on the abtsoftware feed.

If you are using a nightly build we recommend using the latest (higher) official release as soon as possible. A list of official releases version numbers can be found at in the right-hand column, please see below:

official releases downloads scichart


If you have any questions about how to ensure that your SciChart integration is  seamless, please just contact us at support [at]

We are continuing to develop & support SciChart WPF and have some exciting new releases due soon. More to be announced in the near future!

Best regards,
[SciChart Support]



By Julia Skorobogata | Aug 19, 2021
I contribute to the growth and development of SciChart, assisting my team with sales, marketing, and project management.

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