We’ve updated the ABT Software NuGet feed to deliver SciChart3D as well as SciChart DLLs. If you are trying out our DirectX10 RenderSurface its strongly advised to get the latest, as we have pushed a fix for a critical memory leak in the D3D Renderer in v3.1.0.4572.
To get the latest package, follow the steps at the KB Article Getting Nightly Builds with NuGet to setup the ABT Software Feed. Then use the following command via the package manager console (requires v2.8 of NuGet to be installed)
>> Install-Package SciChart3D -version
That’s it!
It will pull down the latest version of SciChart.Wpf and the SharpDX versions that it depends on too. Get in contact if you have any trouble setting this up as we want to ensure it works smoothly for our users.
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