As of August 3rd, 2020 we are going to change the retention policy of Cocoapods nightly build. Please read on to secure your previously integrated SciChart packages and set up future feeds correctly into your build system.
SciChart iOS is available via CocoaPods. We provide public Podspecs so that you can integrate SciChart with minimum effort, either pinning to a specific version or always getting the latest stable release.
Learn how to integrate SciChart Libraries: SciChart iOS documentation.
If you’re new to CocoaPods, please see CocoaPods Getting Started guide.
Why the change in Package Retention?
Over the years we have built up quite a library of nightly builds and official releases for versions 2 and 3 of SciChart iOS. Instead of keeping these all together in one feed, we are working to put it all in order. We are organizing our feeds so that there is a feed for official releases and another one for the nightly builds. This is to help our customers to use the version they want and keep it well organized.
Nightly builds:
- Important: From the August 3rd, 2020 onward, all the nightly builds for version 2 will be removed. Please secure your builds if needed before the change.
- Nightly builds for version 3 and onwards will be kept at https://github.com/ABTSoftware/PodSpecs-Nightly.
- We encourage our users to use official release builds.
Official releases:
- Official releases will be stored at https://github.com/ABTSoftware/PodSpecs,
- Official releases, including official releases of versions prior to version 3 will be kept indefinitely.
If you are using a nightly build we recommend using the latest (higher) official release as soon as possible. A list of official releases version numbers can be found at www.scichart.com/downloads in the right-hand column, please see below:
If you have any questions about how to ensure that your SciChart integration is seamless, please just contact us at support [at] scichart.com.
We are continuing to develop & support SciChart iOS and have some exciting new releases due soon. More to be announced in the near future!
Best regards,
[SciChart Support]
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