We spent a little bit of time at the weekend open-sourcing one of the libraries that we use in the SciChart WPF Examples Suite and Licensing Wizard which handles cool animation effects!
You’ve seen the cool animation effects in the WPF Chart Examples Suite right? Well we’ve achieved this using the now open-sourced Transitionz WPF library!
This cool little library allows you to animate Opacity, Translate Transform, or Blur.

You can do really complex things and trigger animations on loaded, on Visibility Changed or on Property Changed via bindings. We use it in the SciChart WPF Examples Suite as well as the Licensing Wizard to achieve these cool effects.

If you want to include Transitionz in your app and have cool animation effects, you can get it for free from NuGet as the SciChart.Wpf.UI.Transitionz package (licensed under Apache 2.0 – free for commercial use). Alternatively, we have also published the full source to Github.
For usage instructions please see the Transitionz-Library wiki page.
[SciChart Team]
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