We’ve moved over to a new format for communicating our releases and updates of our popular WPF Charts library, by publishing a rolling changelog of every fix or enhancement in SciChart.
You can find the changelogs in the top menu at Developers -> Changelogs -> SciChart WPF ChangeLog
What’s New in v8.3 of SciChart’s WPF Charts?
This release is a cumulative update with fixes and minor enhancements which is backward compatible to version 8.0 of SciChart WPF. It’s recommended for all users on v8.x to upgrade.
Changes since v8.2 include:
- SC-7444 Improved the RenderContext2D.DrawText API by adding support for multi-line text
- SC-7445 Added support for templating the content of FastStripeRenderableSeries via the StripeContentTemplate property
- SC-7049 Implemented several diagonal-picking algorithms for the SurfaceMesh3D series, selectable via the GridPartitionMethod property. This enhancement allows for optimized SurfaceMesh3D rendering for specific datasets
- SC-7920 Fixed a rendering issue where using auto-ranging would result in incorrect initial rendering of FastStripeRenderableSeries
- SC-7918 Corrected a rendering failure in the hardware-accelerated renderer for thin lines of FastStripeRenderableSeries when zoomed in significantly
- SC-7916 Fixed a native exception that occurred when attempting to render any XYY data on a non-licensed PC
- SC-7897 Resolved an exception issue related to the MVVM Axis API in certain scenarios
- SC-7896 Addressed a rendering issue where software renderers would display thin stripes of FastStripeRenderableSeries with a stroke color, even when StrokeThickness was set to 0
- SC-7444 Fixed an issue where escape characters in a string would cause an exception in the RenderContext2D.DrawText API
- SC-7919 Corrected width synchronization issues between two charts in the “Spectrogram Chart Demo”
- SC-7905 Resolved an issue with opening hyperlinks in the WPF Examples Demo for .NET and .NET Core
- SC-7798 Fixed a missing file issue in the exported solution for the “1 Billion FIFO” example
- Addressed an issue where axes would remain visible on the surface after being removed through the Axes MVVM API
- Updated “Gantt Chart” Example: Implemented a simplified approach for a more user-friendly experience
- SC-7868 Resolved an issue where OneWay binding to the VisualXcceleratorEngine.IsEnabled property was unintentionally removed when setting the property internally
- SC-7845 Resolved a specific issue resulting in the duplication of Y-Axes when utilizing the MVVM Axis API under certain conditions
- SC-7856 Fixed an intermittent exception that occurred during the Y-Axis range calculation process
- SC-7850 Fixed a regression in the Y-Axis range calculation for StackedSeries, particularly when Double.NaN values were present in Y-Values
- SC-7866 Fixed an issue causing inaccurate Fill color in FastStripeRenderableSeries for 1px-wide Rectangles when using software renderers
- SC-7833 Fixed resampling artifacts in FastStripeRenderableSeries that were previously observed
More details can be found at the SciChart WPF Changelog
Where to get it
SciChart WPF v8.3 is available by:
- Downloading the installer from our scichart.com/downloads page
- Using Install-Package or Update-Package from NuGet
- By cloning and compiling the examples source code on GitHub
- By cloning or downloading the SciChart source code on GitHub (source code customers only)
Please ensure you uninstall the previous version(s) of SciChart before installing the latest version as this can prevent some issues in the upgrade process!
Leaving Feedback
We welcome your feedback! Please let us know what you think about our new features, examples and improvements. You can contact our friendly, helpful team at any time!
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