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Beta Preview of SciChart v1.3.0


Beta Preview of SciChart v1.3.0

Update on SciChart v1.3 Delivery and Beta Invitation

It feels like a lot of time has passed since the v1.2.1 release, yet it’s been just over five weeks! In that time we’ve been extremely busy and have completed many of the major features for delivery in SciChart v1.3.0. We are releasing a Beta version to a few interested customers. If you want to be part of the Beta or are interested to see a demo, please contact us!

Extensive Axis Measurement Re-write

Logarithmic XY Axes
Unlimited Y-Axis Support

First of all we have completed an extensive re-write of SciChart’s data, layout and rendering pipelines. This was necessary to deliver multiple Y-Axes and Logarithmic axes support. As a result SciChart now supports unlimited Y-Axis with labels as well as Linear or Logarithmic X&Yaxes.

X-Axis Variable X-Interval

Supports GrowBy on X-Axis

As a by-product of the above we have refactored the axis measurement code into a shared area and SciChart now supports true XY (value) axis measurement on DateTimeAxis and NumericAxis, allowing data with variable X-intervals to be rendered accurately. SciChart v1.3 will now support GrowBy on the X-Axis as well as series of differing lengths.

CategoryDateTimeAxis for Financial Charts

Supports OHLC charts with irregularly spaced ticks

To cope with the scenario of trading charts, which have created a new axis type, CategoryDateTimeAxis, which treats each X data-point as linearly increasing in the X-direction. The result is gaps (weekends, overnight) are collapsed and SciChart is now able to support irregularly spaced OHLC bars, such as Tick and Range bars. This work has also fixed the bug where axis ticks did not match the data-points when zoomed in on SciTrader.

New Chart Types

Two new chart types have been added to SciChart. These include OHLC charts and step-line. To achieve a Step-line set the IsDigitalLine property on FastLineRenderableSeries.

Theming Support & Greatly Simplified Xaml

Six built-in themes for a stunning look & feel

We have added Theme support to allow you to create high fidelity charts right out of the box. In SciChart v1.2.1 it was necessary to create xaml styles for the Background, X/Y Axis and GridLinesPanel, however now a high-quality predefined style can be achieved with a single line of code. In the case where you want to create your own styling we have provided an example of how to change the chart colors.

More Examples, Inline Code-Snippets

Built in Code Examples

The Examples suite has undergone an overhaul and includes code examples directly in the app. Click in the top-right of each example to view the source code for that example.

Examples source has been simplified (removing Styling Xaml, using code-behind where possible) as many users have requested simpler examples.

Performance of Large Dataset Rendering

Performance of large dataset rendering has been improved – now SciChart can render 40,000,000 points at interactive framerates. We are still tuning the build to achieve high performance in multi-Axis and multi-Series scenarios so hope to make more gains in these areas.

Miscellaneous Fixes and Improvements

SciChart v1.3 will include many fixes and improvements. As already mentioned we can now support value-axis measurement and series’ of varying lengths. This opens up a whole new set of scenarios we can support and we intend to improve this. If you have been frustrated at some of the limitations of SciChart v1.2.1 or have a scenario we cannot support, please contact us as we may be a lot closer to being able to meet your requirement.

What’s Coming Next for v1.3 and Beyond

Finally, what’s coming next?

  • Improved Log axis tick generation, support for real-time logarithmic charts
  • Legends and series selection
  • Development of the Annotations API
  • An overview scroll control to horizontally scroll financial charts
  • Improved financial charting support including OHLC tooltips and development of the SciTrader demo to allow dynamic addition/removal of indicator series and panes, ticking and updating.
  • Miscellaneous fixes
By SciChart | May 15, 2012

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