Grand prize winner for the Microsoft annual Global Hackathon 2019
Platform: Mobile
Industry: Digital Health
MirrorHR is a mobile application, which visualizes the biometric data from a wearable device on a child or a patient who suffers from seizures. The main goal of the application is to provide realtime remote monitoring of the vital signs and trigger an alert when an anomalous activity happens. The application allows users to have a history view of a weeks’ data. The history view is used to learn from data patterns and do research on the seizure’s triggers. The proof of concept of the application was created at Microsoft Hackathon 2019 and is in further development with support from FightTheStroke organization.
Challenge: to visualize the real-time data acquired from sensors with frequency starting at 1 data point every 4 seconds up to 20 data points per second for a minimum time frame of 10 hours. This is a total of 720,000 data points to be displayed. To allow displaying the history view of data, which can later be used together with AI to learn from data patterns and empower further research about the seizure triggers.
Solution: SciChart iOS library was successfully used to handle the required data rate. SciChart permitted the viewing of the biometric data coming from the wearable device on a mobile application, enabling reliable real-time remote monitoring. SciChart was also the only software in the world to handle the capacity of the history view, which was more than 1 million data points. SciChart features were utilized to add smooth interactions with the charts, including panning, zooming, drill down to a place of interest and more.