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SciChart WPF: New set of tutorials now online

SciChart WPF: New set of tutorials now online

If you are new to SciChart WPF, or have recently started using it, it’s well worth taking a look at our new set of tutorials for SciChart WPF!

These include the following topics:

Tutorials include:

By the end of the tutorials you should end up with a multi-chart, multi-axis chart, with realtime updates and annotations, scrollbars, zooming and panning behaviour, tooltips and legends, which looks a little like this:


If you are experienced with SciChart WPF, it’s worth having a look to give us your feedback.

Also, if you have any feedback for us about topics to include for future tutorials that would also be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
[SciChart Team]


By Andrew Burnett-Thompson | Nov 10, 2016
CEO / Founder of SciChart. Masters (MEng) and PhD in Electronics & Signal Processing.Follow me on LinkedIn for more SciChart content, or twitter at @drandrewbt.

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