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SciChart v3.6.0 Build 7618 Released


SciChart v3.6.0 Build 7618 Released

We are pleased to announce a Minor update to SciChart High Performance WPF Charts

This release contains several critical bug fixes and some minor features. Since v3.2, we are now following semantic versioning and this should be backward compatible to SciChart v3.2, v3.3, v3.4 and v3.5, and it is safe and recommended to upgrade subject to testing your application.

What’s New in v3.6.0.7618?


  1. Added High Quality Vector (XPS) Export functionality to SciChart WPF. This is licensed to the SciChart Source-code customers only
  2. Added a new RenderSurface plugin: XamlRenderSurface. This allows rendering all SciChart WPF to XAML / Canvas and enables high-quality scalable vector export
  3. Added ExportToXps Extension method for XamlRenderSurface
  4. Derived DataSeries types (XyyDataSeries, HlcDataSeries, OhlcDataSeries, BoxPlotDataSeries) Append, Insert, Update methods have all been made virtual
  5. Added a property called AllowsHighPrecisionColormap to FastHeatMapRenderableSeries, which fixed the issue with high-precision numbers as offsets in ColorMap. However it comes at the expense of performance
  6. Digitally signed the SciChart v3.x Installer with MS Authenticode Code Signing Certificate
  7. SC-3079 Added XIndex, YIndex to HeatmapSeriesInfo and HitTestInfo for Heatmap2DArrayDataSeries


  1. SC-3092 Fixed the 1px long lines drawing issue for HQ renderer
  2. SC-3122 Fixed small ellipses aren’t rendered when width or height < 2
  3. SC-3092 Added ability to switch Antialiasing onoff, fixed binding to StrokeThickness
  4. SC-3092 Fixed bad rendering of short lines for HS renderer, small red dots when 1 StrokeThickness & AntiAliasing turned on, blinking series when drawing short, 1px lines & StrokeThickness > 1
  5. SC-3118 CursorModifier with ShowTooltip=True causes a fast memory leak on mouse-move. Fixes a long running memory leak in CursorModifier, TooltipModifier and Rollovermodifier where SeriesInfoTemplateSelector had an event handler leak
  6. SC-3102 Heatmap2DArrayDataSeries does not implement InvalidateParentSurface
  7. SC-3103 Multiple IDataSeries APIs in Heatmap2DArrayDataSeries not implemented!
  8. SC-3085 Fixed the bug when MinZoomConstrain wouldn’t work with LogarithmicAxi
  9. SC-3087 Fixed memory leak on resize of a chart containing Direct3D10RenderSurface
  10. SC-3073 Fixed Direct3D10RenderSurface memory leak after last SciChartSurface is removed, one Direct3D10RenderSurface instance remains
  11. SC-3080 DirectX Static memory (VertexBuffers etc..) is never reclaimed when the last SciChartSurface is garbage collected
  12. SC-3078 Fixed Heatmap goes beyond the viewport when zoomed to the data extents
  13. SC-3077 Fixed SciChartOverview stopped showing the background when bound to an ItemTemplate
  14. Fixed a bug when HeatMap recreated cached resources every time MappingSettings was get

Where can I get it?

If you are licensed and your support expiry is after the 9th December 2015, you can upgrade to SciChart v3.6.0 for free. Download options are found below:

By Andrew Burnett-Thompson | Dec 09, 2015
CEO / Founder of SciChart. Masters (MEng) and PhD in Electronics & Signal Processing.Follow me on LinkedIn for more SciChart content, or twitter at @drandrewbt.

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