This is a minor release of SciChart Android v4.1, has now been released! There is a number of improvements and bug fixes made. It is recommended for all users of SciChart to update to the latest version! Please see more information below.
What’s new in SciChart Android 4.1?
Bug fixes and improvements:
- SC_DROID-788: added text alignment property into AxisTickLabelStyle to allow overriding of text alignment within axis tick label;
- SC_DROID-785: removed code for handling axis drag with AutoRange.Always via applying GrowBy on axis;
- SC_DROID-784: added methods to block the setting of background for chart parts which always should be transparent; for others set transparent background;
- SC_DROID-783: fixed incorrect width calculations for StaticLayout;
- SC_DROID-782: fixed rollover tooltips placement, mirror tooltips both horizontally and vertically;
- SCIOS 1014: fixed the legend checkboxes did not work on iOS and Adorners appear above Legend both on iOS and Android
Where to get SciChart Android 4.1?
You can get SciChart Android from Downloads pages.
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[SciChart Team]
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