We are really excited to announce, that SciChart iOS/ Android / Xamarin v2.2.1 is released!
What’s New in SciChart iOS /Android /Xamarin v 2.2.1?
There is a large number of improvements and bug fixes made in SciChart iOS/ Android / Xamarin v2.2.1. We have made many improvements and bug fixes, major memory leaks have been fixed. It is recommended for all users of SciChart v2.1 to update to the latest version! Please see more information below:
- Made SCIChartSurfaceProtocol conform to SCIChartControllerProtocol
- Logarithmic axis zoom extents is fixed by SCILogarithmicVisibleRangeAnimator
Bug Fixes:
- SCIOS-626: Fixed HorizintalLineAnnotation and VerticallLineAnnotation are not clipped by axes and are drawn over them
- SCIOS-642: Fixed issue with on resize of the SCIChartSurface, lay out the axis labels
- SCIOS-637: refactored internal scroll and removed velocityValue from improper places, fixed crash caused by SCILogarithmicDoubleCoordinateCalculator not having implemented getVelocityValueFrom
- SCIOS-672: Fixed chart sync crash (EOG) – caused by TooltipShowOnTouch
- SCIOS-596: Fixed Error during rendering of the first point when ifDigitalLine = true
- Fixed major memory leaks in SciRenderable series
- SC_DROID-558: added check to prevent exception during generation of minor ticks if there are no major ticks
- SCIOS-682: Fixed iOS annotations seem to update independently from the data series
- SC_DROID-562: Fixed memory leak in SpritePointMarker when textures were constantly recreated and never properly disposed because of wrong texture hash
- SC_DROID-564: Fixed incorrect drawing of axis tick label – because StaticLayout had not enough space to fit label in one string so some labels were drawn as two lines of text;
- SC_DROID-566: Fixed some logcat errors when OpenGL code was called without OpenGL context
- Fixed SCIOS-687 – surface.Annotations.Clear() doesn’t clear all annotation from surface.
- SC_DROID-568: Fixed exception because of how onSurfaceCreated() is implemented in GlSurfaceView ; refactored OpenGL renderer to avoid exception because of missing native memory chunk and made it resizable; also moved OpenGL programs creation so they are created only once
- Fixed SCICustomAnnotation position in chart wrong
- Fixed SCIXAxisDragModifier stopped working
- Fixed SCILegendModifier: SCIDefaultLegendItem cell ambiguous width
- Fixed text annotation formatting
- Fixed exception if enable debug prints for CubicSpline
- SC_DROID-566: improving OpenGL start up time – changed GLProgram implementation and made it lazy so we don’t initialize all shaders at once when render surface created
- SC_DROID-565: added additional render pass data locks to ensure that it won’t be changed from another thread when applying transformation
- Added default style values for PieSegment; added some common methods for PieSegmentBuilder
- SC_DROID-563: rewritten GLTextureView rendering from scratch – now it uses Handler + Choreographer to schedule redrawing of render surface when VSync occurs in Android
- Made custom annotations to support AnchorPoint alignment
- SC_DROID-578: added propagating of listeners to child series for StackedSeriesCollectionBase
- SC_DROID-561: added synchronized wrapper for SimpleDateFormat to prevent exception when same instance is accessed from different threads, applied the same approach to prevent possible exceptions when using DecimalFormat
Where to get iOS / Android / Xamarin v2.2.1?
You can get the SciChart iOS/Android/ Xamarin SDK v2.2.1 from the Downloads page. Source code customers can also get the latest from our Github repository as well as from Cocoapods for iOS, and Maven for Android. We also keep on delivering continuously for bug fixes, features and minor updates to the following package sources.
In addition, our example code is published to Github and is available to clone or download.
Download SciChart iOS/Android / Xamarin v 2.2.1
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