We are really excited to announce, the result of a year of hard work and effort by our mobile team, that SciChart iOS/Android v2 is around the corner!
We are choosing to release today as a ‘BETA’ and invite feedback from our user-base. A full release will be done shortly, once we have polished everything and done final testing and checks.
SciChart Mobile v2: A huge Step forward

SciChart iOS/Android v2 is a huge step forward in our iOS & Android charts. While our first version of SciChart iOS/Android benchmarked as the fastest Android and fastest iOS charts in the world, they lacked a few critical features that were important to would-be customers and creators of rich mobile charting applications.
Thanks to some brave early adopters, and great feedback from our iOS/Android customers, we have done a lot of work to improve our iOS & Android charts, and bring you Xamarin support in our latest major release, as well as a host of new features and improvements that will make your apps really stand out.

We’ve done a lot of work to optimize performance for swift users (even more!) and update to Swift 3 support on iOS, while maintaining our Objective-C heritage for our iOS Charts. We’ve created and updated 60 examples for each of SciChart iOS, SciChart Android as well as 20+ examples for SciChart Xamarin, showcasing the speed, power and flexibility of our iOS & Android charts. These examples are going to be published soon and we have a host of website updates in the works as well.
We’ve created a brand new Showcase application which has at the moment two ‘featured apps’ – a Spectrum Analyzer which analyzes audio from the microphone in realtime, and an ECG monitor which you can download and use to get started creating realtime scientific apps right away.

SciChart iOS/Android v2 is being marketed towards creators of scientific and financial apps.
Apps that require realtime, big data, fast updates, displaying of large amounts information from sensors, financial data-feeds and remote servers.
Stock charting (financial charting) is a first class citizen in SciChart iOS & Android, allowing you to create rich, realistic trading apps using our libraries. You can create audio analyzers, monitor sensor data, hook up our charts to medical test equipment and more. SciChart makes your impossible projects possible with our speed and power which is second to none!
Features in SciChart iOS/Android v2
- Unification of the Android and iOS APIs.
- This has resulted in some API changes (list to be published) but also brings uniform API to our WPF (Windows), iOS, Android and Xamarin charts.
- Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android support, enabling use of our iOS/Android charts in Xamarin applications.
- New Themes and Theme manager support, custom themes.
- Logarithmic Axis on both iOS+Android Platforms
- Stacked Columns and Stacked Mountain Charts on both iOS+Android Platforms
- 100% Stacked Columns and 100% Stacked Mountain charts on both iOS+Android Platforms
- Gradient Lines on both iOS+Android Platforms
- Error Bars on both iOS+Android platforms
- Bubble Charts on both iOS+Android platforms
- CustomAnnotation on both iOS+Android platforms
- Dashed Lines on both iOS+Android platforms
- Vertical/HorizontalLineAnnotation on both iOS+Android Platforms
- Inertial Scroll on both platforms.
- Up to 60 examples for each iOS/Android platform, as well as 20 for Xamarin platform.
- Maven package manager support for Android, Cocoapods for iOS, NuGet for Xamarin.
- Swift 3 support for iOS, and performance enhancements for Swift users.
- A set of tutorials to get started on both platforms!
How to Access the BETA
Our BETAs are published to the following channels for the moment.
- SciChart iOS Examples on Github
- SciChart Android Examples on Github
- SciChart Xamarin Examples on Github
Each Github repositories contain the full source code for SciChart iOS/Android/Xamarin v2 Examples. The binaries are pulled from Maven (Android), Cocoapods (iOS) and NuGet (Xamarin). Instructions on how to setup your local machine to get the binaries are included in the above repos, in the readme.md.
Getting Started: Tutorials
We’ve published tutorials to get started with SciChart iOS/Android/Xamarin v2. These can be found below.
- SciChart iOS Tutorials (Swift 3)
- SciChart Android Tutorials (Java)
- SciChart Xamarin.iOS Tutorials – coming soon (C#)
- SciChart Xamarin.Android Tutorials (C#)
Pricing and Upgrades
SciChart iOS/Android/Xamarin v2 pricing can be seen at our Store page. Existing customers of SciChart iOS/Android can continue to use iOS/Android v2 versions released before support expiry for free. New customers who purchase today can use both v1 and v2 (all versions released before support expiry).
Special Discounts for SciChart WPF Customers
Are you a customer of SciChart WPF and interested in iOS, Android or Xamarin? If so, we are offering a 30%, limited time discount to existing customers of SciChart WPF to purchase SciChart iOS/Android.
This offer is valid to existing customers of SciChart WPF within support-expiry, until 5th September 2017.
Pricing becomes:
- SciChart iOS (no source code): Was $789, Now $552.30 USD!
- SciChart iOS (with source code): Was $1499, Now $1049.30 USD
- SciChart iOS & Android (no source code): Was $1249, Now $874.30 USD
- SciChart iOS & Android (with source code): Was $1749, Now $1224.30 USD
- SciChart Android (no source code): Was $789, Now $552.30 USD
- SciChart Android (with source code): Was $1499, Now $1049.30 USD
If the above offers are of interest to you, contact sales to get a quote asking for the ‘existing customer Xamarin upgrade’
We work hard to keep our customers happy, but we don’t know everything! So, if you find a problem or a bug, contact us to let us know. We will do our best to fix it.
Also, if you have any feedback for us, good or bad, we would love to hear it!
Best regards,
[The SciChart Team]
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