We are pleased to announce that the SciChart iOS and Android v3.1.1, has now been released! There is a large number of improvements and bug fixes made in SciChart iOS and Android v3.1.1. It is recommended for all users of SciChart to update to the latest version! Please see more information below.
What’s New?
A full list of what’s new can be found below.
iOS/Android LIDAR Demo Example
We ported the LiDAR / GIS Point-cloud and contour topology dataset into our iOS and Android demo app, which resulted in a visualization of a 3D point cloud with a color map.
LiDAR data can be collected from a variety of sources: UAV drones (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), self-driving cars, geological survey tools and more.
It can be used in a variety of scenarios: anything from defense/tactical operations to geological surveys such as energy/mining, geospatial analysis, civil engineering, construction, and more.
The source code for the iOS and Android demo is found at our Github repository under SciChart.iOS.Examples and SciChart.Android.Examples correspondingly.
iOS/ Android Sparklines chart example
We have added this example to respond to our customers’ questions about how to use SciChartSurface within RecyclerView.
You can find the source code to this example in our SciChart.iOS.Examples and SciChart.Android.Examples.
Bug Fixes and other improvements:
- SCIOS-1010: fixed column drawing with StrokePaletteProvider
- SCIOS-1007: fixed drawing dash lines in drawable behaviours
- SCIOS-1008: fixed usage of ISCIStrokePaint methods to draw drawable behaviours and point markers
- SC_DROID-778: fixed infinite loop in bezier curve interpolator when data is unsorted in x-direction
- SCIOS-1006: fixed AxisMarker and AxisLabel annotation has the incorrect position and dragging in VerticallyStackedYAxes example
- SC_DROID-776: fixed resizing annotations with restriction for resizing direction for iOS and Android
- SC_DROID-776: changed implementation of ResizingAction to resize annotations relative to the position of resizing grip instead of touchpoint; changed resizing indices for annotation to encode what properties were used to get positions as well as added method for getting resizing grip position based on index
- SCIOS-1002: fixed checking if coordinates are sorted
- SC_DROID-612: fixed incorrect hit test results if xAxis has flipped coordinates – added isCoordinatesSortedAscending flag for render pass data for iOS and Android
- SCIOS-1001: Memory leaks in SCIRenderableSeriesBase strokeStyleProperty and SCIProjectionCollection
- Fixed crash of spline series in iOS when they are only one point in data series; removed throwing of exception in Android in the same case
- Fixed axis labels reversed drawing on old iOS devices
- SCIOS-999: fixed wrong indexes calculation for tooltips
- Fixed exception when trying to animate series which isn’t attached to the chart
- Fixed dataPointWidth changing in ErrorBarsChart example
- SC_DROID-768: fixed crash on C++ side if disable drawing on 3D axis
- SCIOS-991: fixed not drawing SCIColumnRenderableSeries3D
- SCIOS-986: fixed the set args.isInSourceBound – so it is the same as in SciChart Android
- SC_DROID-764: refactored ISuspendable and UpdateSuspender to remove static Map with ISuspendables which could lead to memory leak chart as well as added disposing of cached xAxis and yAxis when detaching series from chart.
- SC_DROID-763: fixed incorrect calculations of zIndex in NearestUniformHeatmapPointProvider caused by using incorrect startX/startY value
- SCIOS-978: fixed Surface3d doesn’t unsuspend
- SCIOS-982: Fixed drawing custom annotations over axes.
- SC_DROID-762: fixed missing dashed lines which occurred if there were no AA lines rendered before
- SCIOS-980: fixed annotation label background missing if the placement is not axis
- SCIOS-976 and SC_DROID-757: modified culling algorithm to correctly handle default culling priority (-1) when ticks aren’t combined into groups; added protected methods to override axis rendering without creation custom renderers and fixed missing renderable series layer when rendering grid lines for iOS and Android
Where to get SciChart Mobile SDK v3.1.1
The SDK is now available at www.scichart.com/downloads. You will need to create an account at scichart.com/login in order to access this page. These SDK zips contain:
- The SciChart iOS/Android Examples App (Swift, Java, Objective-C, Xamarin versions)
- The SciChart Framework libraries
Separately you will need to download the Cross Platform Licensing Wizard, required to activate and license SciChart Mobile SDK v3
Download SciChart Mobile v3.1.1
Best regards
[SciChart Team]
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