We are pleased to announce the release of SciChart v5.2.1. Build 11757 . This is maintenance version which includes a number of bug fixes and improvements. It is strongly advised for users of SciChart v5.x to upgrade to this version, which is a drop-in replacement.
What’s New in SciChart WPF v5.2.1?
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- SC-4730 Fixes SciChart WPF Licensing Wizard not found in Start menu after installation
- SC-4742 AccessViolationException in WriteableBitmapExtensions.FillRectangle
- SC-4740 Heatmap crash with export and colormap defined inside of series
- SC-4738 Huge font for superscript axis labels for certain regions
- SC-4736 SciChart.ExternalDependencies resources don’t work from NuGet
- SC-4721 When AxisBinding MVVM API used, and HorizontalGroupHelper.HorizontalGroup, XAxis is blank
- SC-4687 Rarely broken bindings due to ElementName bindings
- SC-4728 ExportToStream ignores size parameter,
- SC-4724 Add handling of SetBasePoint nullreference exception
- SC-4725 Fixed Fix SetBasePoint for DrawingTools
- SC-4654 Fixed DrawingTools: PitchFork fill outside the annotation
- SC-4653 Fixed DrawingTools: PitchFork disappearing fill
- SC-4652 Fixed DrawingTools: Head & Shoulders disappearing fill
- SC-4663 Fixed DrawingTools: FreeDraw – quite hard to hit-test for dragging
- SC-4678 Fixed FreeDraw DrawingTool – cannot delete or change it when selected second ime
- SC-4661 DrawingTools: add FontSize to PaletteControl for Fibonacci annotations
- SC-4680 Contours With Heatmap – tooltip always report ZValue as NaN
- SC-4658 DrawingTools: hit-test should work when clicked on a filled area of an annotation
- SC-4668 Realtime Waterfall 3D crash
- SC-4677 Fixed CursorModifier SnappingMode stopped working
- SC-4060 Application crash after multiple load & export
- SC-4607 always pass in texture width and height of sprites, wo when sampling the offsets are taken properly
- Fixed the issue when RenderableSeries.GetXRange() would throw if the DataSeries wasn’t assigned
- SC3D-481 ColumnRenderableSeries3D won’t draw if PointMetadata is not provided and XyzDataSeries3D used
- SC3D-480 PointLineRenderableSeries3D line color does not respond to PaletteProvider
- SC3D-479 Camera3D properties have DependencyProperty Precidence issue and cannot be bound when SciChart3DSurface inside a control template
- SC3D-478 When Theme Changes series are sometimes removed in SciChart 3D
- Fixed incorrect 3D text rendering, where string contains characters from different Unicode pages
- Added ContextMenu binding from internal annotations to DrawingTools annotations
- VHN-744-33548 Fixes PointLine 3D line color
- Made the GetIndicesRange method virtual
- In WaterfallSceneEntity switched coordinates calculation from float type to double, to increase a precision
- [SVW-595-49808] Error in Gradient Fill Direction Along Y Axis
- [QTL-387-74220] 3D charts with DateTime Z axis issues
- Fixed the issue when an OHLC data series has all data points as NaNs and AutoRange would not work correctly for all other series
- Improved SciScrollBar when with DiscontinuousAxis
- Added missing XML comments on AnnotationCreationModifierForMVVM
- Fixes binding errors in DefaultAxisTitle in some systems which use SciChart with MVVM API. Improves performance of SeriesBinding MVVM API
- Added MVVM Series Performance Test to TestSuite
- [VTL-700-11872] Assertion Failed – Matrix Stack overflow
- [SKX-960-39374] Waterfall _heightsTexture wasn’t recreating on data series dimensions change
- Avoided using ElementName in data binding that causes some issues in the Simple Waterfall Example (known WPF bug)
Where to Get SciChart WPF v5.2.1?
SciChart WPF v5.2.1 is available from:
- By downloading from our scichart.com/downloads page
- By Install-Package or Update-Package from NuGet. Please note that as of July 5th, we have changed our NuGet nightly builds and package policy. We encourage you to use the official releases from our abtsoftware feed.
- By cloning or downloading the source code on Github (source code customers only).
Please ensure you uninstall the previous version(s) of SciChart before installing v5.2.1 as this can prevent some issues in the upgrade process!
Best regards,
SciChart team
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