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Tag: Black screen

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When I open the activity with the chart , I see a black screen. And there is no graph displayed.
I have a trial license key which is valid.

Here is my full code:
xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""


public class ECGMonitorFragment extends AppCompatActivity {

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    try {
    } catch(Exception e){

        Log.e("SciChart", "Error while accesing the license", e);


    // Create a SciChartSurface
    final SciChartSurface surface = new SciChartSurface(this);

    // Get a layout declared in "activity_main.xml" by id
    LinearLayout chartLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;

    // Add the SciChartSurface to the layout

    // Initialize the SciChartBuilder

    // Obtain the SciChartBuilder instance
    final SciChartBuilder sciChartBuilder = SciChartBuilder.instance();

    // Create a numeric X axis
    final IAxis xAxis = sciChartBuilder.newNumericAxis()
            .withAxisTitle("X Axis Title")
            .withVisibleRange(-5, 15)

    // Added in Tutorial #8 - two Y axes
    // Create a numeric axis, right-aligned
    final IAxis yAxisRight = sciChartBuilder.newNumericAxis()
            // Assign a unique ID to the axis

    // Create another numeric axis, left-aligned
    final IAxis yAxisLeft = sciChartBuilder.newNumericAxis()
            // Assign a unique ID to the axis

    // Add both Y axes to the YAxes collection of the surface
    Collections.addAll(surface.getYAxes(), yAxisLeft, yAxisRight);

    // Added in Tutorial #3
    // Add a bunch of interaction modifiers to a ModifierGroup
    ModifierGroup chartModifiers = sciChartBuilder.newModifierGroup()
            // Setting MotionEventsGroup

    // Add the X axis to the XAxes collection of the surface
    Collections.addAll(surface.getXAxes(), xAxis);

    // Add the interactions to the ChartModifiers collection of the surface
    Collections.addAll(surface.getChartModifiers(), chartModifiers);

    // Added in Tutorial #6 - FIFO (scrolling) series
    // Create a couple of DataSeries for numeric (Int, Double) data
    // Set FIFO capacity to 500 on DataSeries
    final int fifoCapacity = 500;

    final XyDataSeries lineData = sciChartBuilder.newXyDataSeries(Integer.class, Double.class)
    final XyDataSeries scatterData = sciChartBuilder.newXyDataSeries(Integer.class, Double.class)

    // Create and configure a line series
    final IRenderableSeries lineSeries = sciChartBuilder.newLineSeries()
            // Register on a particular Y axis using its ID
            .withStrokeStyle(ColorUtil.LightBlue, 2f, true)

    // Create an Ellipse PointMarker for the Scatter Series
    EllipsePointMarker pointMarker = sciChartBuilder
            .newPointMarker(new EllipsePointMarker())
            .withStroke(ColorUtil.Green, 2f)

    // Create and configure a scatter series
    final IRenderableSeries scatterSeries = sciChartBuilder.newScatterSeries()
            // Register on a particular Y axis using its ID

    // Add a RenderableSeries onto the SciChartSurface

    // Added in Tutorial #5
    // Create a LegendModifier and configure a chart legend
    ModifierGroup legendModifier = sciChartBuilder.newModifierGroup()
            .withPosition(Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL | Gravity.BOTTOM, 10)

    // Add the LegendModifier to the SciChartSurface

    // Create and configure a CursorModifier
    ModifierGroup cursorModifier = sciChartBuilder.newModifierGroup()
            // Setting MotionEventsGroup

    // Add the CursorModifier to the SciChartSurface

    // Added in Tutorial #9 - one more SciChartSurface
    final SciChartSurface surface2 = new SciChartSurface(this);

    // Add the SciChartSurface to the layout

    // Set layout parameters for both surfaces
    LinearLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, 1.0f);

    // Create a numeric X axis
    final IAxis xAxis2 = sciChartBuilder.newNumericAxis()
            .withAxisTitle("X Axis Title")
            .withVisibleRange(-5, 15)

    // Create a numeric axis
    final IAxis yAxisRight2 = sciChartBuilder.newNumericAxis()

    // Create another numeric axis
    final IAxis yAxisLeft2 = sciChartBuilder.newNumericAxis()
            .withGrowBy(0.2, 0.2)

    // Add the Y axis to the YAxes collection of the surface
    Collections.addAll(surface2.getYAxes(), yAxisLeft2, yAxisRight2);

    // Add the X axis to the XAxes collection of the surface
    Collections.addAll(surface2.getXAxes(), xAxis2);

    // Create and configure an area series
    final IRenderableSeries areaSeries = sciChartBuilder.newMountainSeries()
            .withStrokeStyle(ColorUtil.LightBlue, 2f, true)
            .withAreaFillColor(ColorUtil.argb(ColorUtil.LightSteelBlue, 0.6f))

    // Add the area series to the RenderableSeries collection of the surface
    Collections.addAll(surface2.getRenderableSeries(), areaSeries);

    // Create the second collection of chart modifiers
    ModifierGroup chartModifiers2 = sciChartBuilder.newModifierGroup()
            // Setting MotionEventsGroup

    // Add the interactions to the ChartModifiers collection of the surface
    Collections.addAll(surface2.getChartModifiers(), chartModifiers2);

    TimerTask updateDataTask = new TimerTask() {
        private int x = 0;

        public void run() {
            UpdateSuspender.using(surface, new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    lineData.append(x, Math.sin(x * 0.1));
                    scatterData.append(x, Math.cos(x * 0.1));

                    // Added in Tutorial #7
                    // Add an annotation every 100 data points
                    if(x%100 == 0) {
                        TextAnnotation marker = sciChartBuilder.newTextAnnotation()
                                // Register on a particular Y axis using its ID
                                .withFontStyle(20, ColorUtil.White)


                        // Remove one annotation from the beginning
                        // in the FIFO way
                        if(x > fifoCapacity){

                    // Zoom series to fit the viewport

    Timer timer = new Timer();

    long delay = 0;
    long interval = 10;
    timer.schedule(updateDataTask, delay, interval);



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