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All Answers » Re: Annotation spawn location bug » Comments for "Re: Annotation spawn location bug"
  • Eivind Yu Nilsen
    It would be pretty hard to sent you more of my code, because its so large, and most of the codes aren’t mine. But we create a scichartview that has bindings and etc, maybe that is the one causing the problem? I tried setting the YaxisID for both the text annotation and the vertical line annotation, but the fix only worked for the vertical line annotation, not the text annotation. Do you think you know problem with the text annotation?
  • Eivind Yu Nilsen
    I fixed it by slightly adjusting the visible range (by 1/10000000th of a second) so that the view updates(?). I think only setting the visible range min and maxes isn’t enough, you need to set the doublerange one.
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Unless we can see a bug we can’t really comment. Does the problem occur in any of our examples? If YES then we have a clear reproduction. If no, can the example be modified in some way to cause the problem?
  • Eivind Yu Nilsen
    I’ve added an extra comment as an answer, since the formatting of the comments are different than answers.
  • Eivind Yu Nilsen
    I’m sorry. It would be really hard to recreate the bug in a clear reproduction. Since we are using a lot of classes that affects the scichartview, and as I wasn’t the one(s) that made those files I don’t know which is the one that may be causing the bug. I don’t believe the bug would happen in any of scichart’s examples.
  • Eivind Yu Nilsen
    It may just be an unlucky interaction with our classes and scichart, so maybe its not even a bug. But we atleast able to fix it. Maybe the fix we did can help determinate what this error was.