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All Answers » Re: Offline deployment of SciChart 3D » Comments for "Re: Offline deployment of SciChart 3D"
  • Tandy Carmichael
    Andrew, Thank you for your reply. That satisfies me with the offline access. However, our current security policy prevents users from loading DLLs outside of certain folders. (Which explains the real problem we were seeing.) See for an approximation of the rules. Is it possible to package the SciChart3DNative.dll beside our application so that the user can install it to a trusted directory? Thank you, Tandy
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Short answer: no, long answer, we did have another customer with a similar problem so I will talk to the team and see if we can provide an alternative solution
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Hi Tandy, we have added the task to overhaul the deployment of C++ modules for the next major version of SciChart. We do not have a release date at this time, however I would very roughly estimate approx 3 months. Best regards, Andrew
  • Nathan Landrum
    Hello Andrew, is there an available resolution for this issue? We are running into this on our development computers.
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Hi Nathan, no resolution yet, but it has been reported by a small number of users recently hence we have raise the issue in priority. If we solve this, we will do so with SciChart WPF v6 (not 5). Is that a problem?
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Hi Nathan, update, We have now implemented the above task and created a test app to demonstrates async loading of libraries before startup in a SciChart friendly way. It requires v6.1 from our nightly build feed. Can you try it out?
  • Nathan Landrum
    Andrew, sorry for the late response, the notification that you responded must have been filtered through our mail’s spam. We decided to wait to transition to v6 after our next release. I just took a look at your example and updated or dev branch to use the latest release along with our new v6 license that we just purchased. It looks like as long as I point the temp folder to somewhere that our antivirus trusts, it appears to be working as you said.