- Hi Marcelo, is this your own project you’ve created or one of our test projects like our Vue boilerplate (see https://github.com/ABTSoftware/SciChart.JS.Examples/tree/master/Sandbox/demo-vue-scichart ). Can you share your project with with us?
- https://github.com/marcelodelta/AdonisJs-Inertia-VueJs This is my project. I tried using this vue demo you shared, it still didn’t work. Would you help me?
- Was anyone able to help? I can’t move forward.
- Hi Marcelo. Thanks! We’re in UTC timezone, just started work ;) We will look at it today
- Hi Marcelo, some progress, adonis-js is not serving the wasm correctly, it thinks it’s JS. We’re working on a solution for you.
- Thank you =)
- Hi Marcelo, did you solve this with Jim’s answer?