I was not able to find any sample code for macOS swift on gitHub to I tried to convert the iOS one for Mac and I grabbed the key from Scichart Licensing Wizard then initialised it in app delegates didFinishLaunchingWithOptions but I am facing this issue of invalid License token.
grab the code from here:
- rishabh trivedi asked 3 years ago
Good morning Rishabh is this a trial or paid license token? The licensing wizard has specific row for macOS trials & licenses. Did you take it from there?
Also the scichart demo for macOS is here: https://github.com/ABTSoftware/SciChart.iOS.Examples/tree/SciChart_v4_Release/Examples/SciChartDemo.Mac
yes I have took it from there only “SciChart Licensing Wizard” but its still giving the same error and the demo link that you have provided is in Objective C my project is in swift in which I have to implement SciChart and also I am not familiar with Objective C. if you can help me with my code in the drive link I will be really thankful as I need to run this trail to purchase a license further.
I also tried running this Mac demo but facing few issues the code is not compiling on my machine
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