Hi, guys
Is it possible to set min and max zoom constraints for renderable serie with one element ?
Default value (default_zoom.PNG) is too big.
Can you look at this?
Best regards,
Sushynski Andrei
- Andrei Sushynski asked 7 years ago
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Good day
Candle or column width is calculated depending on count of data points in viewport.
You can change data point width by creating subclass os SCIFastCandlestickRenderableSeries or SCIFastCollumnRenderableSeries and overriding the following method:
- (float) getDatapointWidthFrom:(id<SCIPointSeries>)pointSeries Amount:(int)barsAmount Calculator:(id<SCICoordinateCalculator>)xCalc WidthFraction:(double)widthFraction
Return value is data point width in pixels.
Best regards
SciChart iOS Developer
- Andrii Poliuk answered 7 years ago
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