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Got error when resize the BoxAnnotation by dragging the left or right border (SciChart v3 only)

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I have a chart with a box annotation. When I try to resize the box annotation by dragging the left or right border, I got the “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘x’)”. It’s not always reproducible and cannot be reproduced by dragging the whole box. Also, it only occurs with SciChart version 3 but not SciChart version 2. Please check the screenshots for more details.

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The error when you click outside the viewport when a box annotation has been selected has been fixed in version 3.0.317 just released.


  • Quyen Sy
    Thanks David! It works well now.
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I am failed to reproduce it with CodePen:

But in my dev environment, it only happens with SciChart v3. Is it possible related to the data? Do you have any idea?

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Please find my codes to add box annotation below:

const addPowerAnnotation = useCallback((x1, x2) => {
    x1 = parseFloat(x1);
    x2 = parseFloat(x2);        
    if (x1 != null && x2 != null) {
        if (!powerAnnotation.current) {
            powerAnnotation.current = new BoxAnnotation({
                id: "powerBox",
                fill: "#0d6efd30",
                stroke: "#0d6efd",
                strokeThickness: 1,
                xCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.DataValue,
                x1: x1,
                x2: x2,
                yCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.Relative,
                y1: 0.0,
                y2: 1.0,
                isEditable: true,
                resizeDirections: EXyDirection.XDirection,  

            // I tried to comment out the dragDelta and dragEnded event handlers. The problem still happens.
            powerAnnotation.current.dragDelta.handlers.push(() => {
                powerAnnotation.current.y1 = 0.0;
                powerAnnotation.current.y2 = 1.0;

                const minX = specSettingsRef.current.start/freqUnits.KHZ;
                const maxX = specSettingsRef.current.stop/freqUnits.KHZ;

                if (minX != null && maxX != null) {
                    if (powerAnnotation.current.x1 < minX) {
                        powerAnnotation.current.x1 = minX;
                    } else if (powerAnnotation.current.x1 > maxX) {
                        powerAnnotation.current.x1 = maxX;
                    } else if (powerAnnotation.current.x2 > maxX) {
                        powerAnnotation.current.x2 = maxX;
                    } else if (powerAnnotation.current.x2 < minX) {
                        powerAnnotation.current.x2 = minX;

            powerAnnotation.current.dragEnded.handlers.push(() => {
                const maxX = specSettingsRef.current.stop/freqUnits.KHZ;
                const x1 = powerAnnotation.current.x1;
                const x2 = powerAnnotation.current.x2;

                if (x1 != null && x2 != null && maxX != null) {
                    if (x1 > x2) {
                        powerAnnotation.current.x1 = x2;
                        powerAnnotation.current.x2 = x1;
                    } else if (x2 < x1) {
                        powerAnnotation.current.x1 = x2;
                        powerAnnotation.current.x2 = x1;
                    } else if (x1 === x2) {
                        if (x2 + xInterval.current <= maxX) {
                            powerAnnotation.current.x2 = x2 + xInterval.current;
                        } else {
                            powerAnnotation.current.x1  = x1 - xInterval.current;

                    const origStartFreq = parseFloat(channelPowerRef.current.startFreq);
                    const origStopFreq = parseFloat(channelPowerRef.current.stopFreq);
                    const newStartFreq = parseFloat((powerAnnotation.current.x1 * freqUnits.KHZ).toFixed(numDP.FREQ));
                    const newStopFreq = parseFloat((powerAnnotation.current.x2 * freqUnits.KHZ).toFixed(numDP.FREQ));

                    if (origStartFreq !== newStartFreq || origStopFreq !== newStopFreq) {
                        setChannelPower(origObj => ({...origObj, ...{
                            startFreq: newStartFreq,
                            stopFreq: newStopFreq,
                        updateChannelPower(newStartFreq, newStopFreq);
        } else {
            updatePowerAnnotation(x1, x2);
}, [setChannelPower, updateChannelPower, freqUnits.KHZ, numDP.FREQ, updatePowerAnnotation, removeBandwidthAnnotation]);
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Hi Quyen,

We’ve reproduced the issue you reported, and logged bug SCJS-1456

I noticed there’s two problems here.

1/ is that you can drag the annotation vertically outside the viewport
2/ is that when you click on the drag adorner outside the viewport, you get a crash + error message “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘x’)”

For (1) please add this code. It will restrict annotation dragging so that it cannot be dragged vertically.

powerAnnotation = new BoxAnnotation({
    // ... 
    onDrag: (args) => {
        powerAnnotation.y1 = 0.0;
        powerAnnotation.y2 = 1.0;

For (2) we are investigating and will update you when we have a resolution.

Best regards,

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this official demo has the same BUG as this problem.

  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Have you tried the latest version? We just deployed an update. You will need 3.0.317 or later
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